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NAACP accuses Tea Party of being racist

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


In an effort to mock to the NAACP's recent criticism of the Tea Party movement, Mark Williams, a conservative radio talk show host and spokesman for the Tea Party Express, published a post on his blog that is a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to former President Lincoln.


"Dear Mr. Lincoln," the blog post reads, "We [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People and we demand that it stop!"


The mock letter continues by taking on several core beliefs and positions of the Tea Party movement including the conservative movement's desire to end bailouts of big business, to reduce the size and scope of government, to reduce government spending and to cut taxes.


"The racist tea parties also demand that the government 'stop the out of control spending,' " the mock letter says. "Again, they directly target [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People. That means we [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.


"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes' That is outrageous! Totally racist! The tea party expects [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People to be productive members of society, especially when our mission is to convince them that progress is impossible for them based on the color of their skin?"


The mock letter ends by telling Lincoln he was "the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. … Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we say that belong."




Why stop there, put on black face and sing Mammy. His audience would love it.


So much for the Tea Party tolerating this.

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


In an effort to mock to the NAACP's recent criticism of the Tea Party movement, Mark Williams, a conservative radio talk show host and spokesman for the Tea Party Express, published a post on his blog that is a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to former President Lincoln.


"Dear Mr. Lincoln," the blog post reads, "We [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People and we demand that it stop!"


The mock letter continues by taking on several core beliefs and positions of the Tea Party movement including the conservative movement's desire to end bailouts of big business, to reduce the size and scope of government, to reduce government spending and to cut taxes.


"The racist tea parties also demand that the government 'stop the out of control spending,' " the mock letter says. "Again, they directly target [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People. That means we [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.


"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes' That is outrageous! Totally racist! The tea party expects [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People to be productive members of society, especially when our mission is to convince them that progress is impossible for them based on the color of their skin?"


The mock letter ends by telling Lincoln he was "the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. … Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we say that belong."




Why stop there, put on black face and sing Mammy. His audience would love it.


Let me see if I can get your line of thought correct.


Group unhappy with government in their lives + current black president + few blacks are part of said group = group is racist?


Did I get that right?

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There is racism is the tea party. There is also racism among the democratic and republican parties. People hate things that are different from themselves- they feel invalidated by that which is different. Everybody has a degree of racism in them

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There is racism is the tea party.

There's racism in the NAACP, as well as terrible deception (Who has a photo of the "Lynch Obama" and "Lynch Holder" signs? And even if they did exist, why are they different than the libs who used to carry likenesses of Bush hanging from a rope? Oh, because half of Obama is black. Gee, I guess that makes it worse.), but here we are using that label on the Tea Party folks.


This weekend George Will explained why better than anyone: "There's nothing like name-calling and a kind of left-wing McCarthyism to enable the NAACP to make a desperate lunge for its vanished relevance."


Nailed it.

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A conservative dismisses right-wing Black Panther 'fantasies'


A scholar whom President George W. Bush appointed as vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Abigail Thernstrom has a reputation as a tough conservative critic of affirmative action and politically correct positions on race.


But when it comes to the investigation that the Republican-dominated commission is now conducting into the Justice Department’s handling of an alleged incident of voter intimidation involving the New Black Panther Party — a controversy that has consumed conservative media in recent months — Thernstrom has made a dramatic break from her usual allies.


“This doesn’t have to do with the Black Panthers; this has to do with their fantasies about how they could use this issue to topple the [Obama] administration,” said Thernstrom, who said members of the commission voiced their political aims “in the initial discussions” of the Panther case last year.


“My fellow conservatives on the commission had this wild notion they could bring Eric Holder down and really damage the president,” Thernstrom said in an interview with POLITICO.


Thernstrom, who had openly mocked the commission’s hearing on the case, put her dissent in writing last week in National Review, where she said the incident was “racial theater of very minor importance” and “small potatoes.”


And other conservatives have weighed in on her side.


Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0710/...l#ixzz0uBKavII5

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A conservative dismisses right-wing Black Panther 'fantasies'

You found a conservative who agrees with you, so that means everyone should dismiss this?


I supposed we should just dismiss the Shirley Sherrod issue as well, right?


Great. Welcome to being part of the problem.

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A conservative dismisses right-wing Black Panther 'fantasies'


I think this chick is going to long regret the day she stepped atop this soapbox and unleashed her feeble lack of intellect for the world to see. She sounds rather McCainesque there.


Perhaps a handful of people thought this would "bring down" Eric Holder, but that's not the point by a long shot. It's far more subtle and far reaching. This is a clear picture of the anti-white, pro black militant attitude of this whole administration and obnoxious sarcasm and looks into the camera by Jon Stewart and the like can't do a thing to change it., much less empty condescension from some would be pseudo-conservative trying to capitalize on a Kathleen Parker/Scott McClellan type opportunity to win favor with the mainstream media.


When you move away from the fringes there were a lot of moderate white people seduced by the post-racial, above the fray rhetoric and persona the Obama campaign took on. These people aren't up in arms taking to the street, but make no mistake this has made an imprint that will last.

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So all of sudden, "context matters"


Conner, Don Imus would like to meet you out back, so he can beat the **** out of you. Then the ghosts of Howard Cosell and Jimmy Snyder would like to finish you off.

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I think this chick is going to long regret the day she stepped atop this soapbox and unleashed her feeble lack of intellect for the world to see. She sounds rather McCainesque there.


Perhaps a handful of people thought this would "bring down" Eric Holder, but that's not the point by a long shot. It's far more subtle and far reaching. This is a clear picture of the anti-white, pro black militant attitude of this whole administration and obnoxious sarcasm and looks into the camera by Jon Stewart and the like can't do a thing to change it., much less empty condescension from some would be pseudo-conservative trying to capitalize on a Kathleen Parker/Scott McClellan type opportunity to win favor with the mainstream media.


When you move away from the fringes there were a lot of moderate white people seduced by the post-racial, above the fray rhetoric and persona the Obama campaign took on. These people aren't up in arms taking to the street, but make no mistake this has made an imprint that will last.

Just because he wasn't a good presidential candidate doesn't mean that Senator McCain has a "feeble lack of intellect" as you put it.

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Just because he wasn't a good presidential candidate doesn't mean that Senator McCain has a "feeble lack of intellect" as you put it.



He was a sacrificial lamb from the get-go, and he knew it. That was the most half-hearted campaign I've seen in a LONG time.

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Just because he wasn't a good presidential candidate doesn't mean that Senator McCain has a "feeble lack of intellect" as you put it.


It was a separate statement. McCain's most famous for reaching across the aisle to jerk the other side off in order to win favor with the media, who fawned over him until he ran against a real Democrat. That's the aspect I was referring to as McCainesque.

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After what's come out the last day or so on this story, I have ZERO respect for anyone who can stand up in any way for what Breitbart did here. He basically edited a film to distort and in some ways completely reverse the speaker's message in order to score political points. In doing so it was clearly foreseeable that it was going to have horrible consequences for his innocent victim who he didn't even know, but he didn't give a rat's ass who he hurt and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. This guy is a complete jerk and what he did here should completely delegitimate any message he was trying to send.


I'm normally a fairly non-violent guy, but there's a part of me that thinks justice will only be done here should Ms. Sherrod have a 6 foot 5 250 pound son who played some D-I linebacker happen to have an "encounter" with good ole Mr. B.....


Here's the transcript of her ENTIRE speech, BTW--makes me incredibly angry to read it, but the primary sources are always your best bet for unspinned information:



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Here's the transcript of her ENTIRE speech, BTW--makes me incredibly angry to read it

Not to defend Breitbart, but if it weren't for him, you'd have never read the transcript that made you incredibly angry to read. The woman had some pretty ugly things to say. Can you imagine if a white government official, in any context, was recorded saying he turned a black person away to get help from "his own kind."


Please. That person would be making the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson apology tour while having a beer at the White House while being chastised for being a teabagger conservative racist whose only problem is that the president is half colored.


Not to mention, love or hate what Breitbart did, he did it fully understanding that this pathetically thin-skinned excuse for a White House would turn into the Keystone Cops on this. It's stunning to me, absolutely stunning, how fully and embarrassingly incompetent this WH is. The rest of the world is watching these dolts and laughing their asses off at us.


Anyone who thought the world's bad guys might suddenly like us because of this president absolutely MUST be choking on a unicorn turd right now. When I think of the bad guys in this world, I think of the infamous El Guapo watching The Three Amigos ride in circles, laughing at their antics and saying with a big smile to one of his men, "I like deez guys. They make me laugh. Just kill one of them."

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The tape is an NAACP tape. they had the entire thing all the time. All they had to do was look at the original and tell the WH what she said.

Breitbart just posted what someone sent him.


I am convinced there is absolutely NOTHING that this administration can't F up.


I was watching Beck today. He and Breitbart their heads and they know it.

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After what's come out the last day or so on this story, I have ZERO respect for anyone who can stand up in any way for what Breitbart did here. He basically edited a film to distort and in some ways completely reverse the speaker's message in order to score political points. In doing so it was clearly foreseeable that it was going to have horrible consequences for his innocent victim who he didn't even know, but he didn't give a rat's ass who he hurt and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. This guy is a complete jerk and what he did here should completely delegitimate any message he was trying to send.


I'm normally a fairly non-violent guy, but there's a part of me that thinks justice will only be done here should Ms. Sherrod have a 6 foot 5 250 pound son who played some D-I linebacker happen to have an "encounter" with good ole Mr. B.....


Here's the transcript of her ENTIRE speech, BTW--makes me incredibly angry to read it, but the primary sources are always your best bet for unspinned information:



This makes you "angry"? Where's the outrage when there are literally hundreds of articles and opinion pieces written about the Tea Party and racism? If it wasn't for your ilk, and their typical race baiting tendencies, this would of never of occured. "angry" , now that's what I call phony outrage. hypocrite :rolleyes:

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