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Everything posted by WisconsinBillzFan

  1. I think Schefter just needed an excuse to tweet what he was really thinking and be able to play it off like someone else said it.
  2. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20012557-504083.html "I Killed the Five Racists That Were Bothering Me"
  3. I just saw in on TV, it was an interview with his girlfriends mother. I cant find a link yet. I cant believe the mainstream media is giving a forum for this crap.
  4. As information is coming to light his family is playing the race card.There's a special place in hell for dirtbags like this
  5. *QB battle *CJ Spiller (eventually) *who's the #2 WR *what will the 3-4 defense look like *what will the offense look like, how will they use Spiller *lots of young/unproven players who Im excited to see what they've got (Marcus Easley, Aaron Maybin, Steve Johnson, James Hardy, Shawn Nelson, Terrell Troup, Arthur Moats)
  6. The bailout has been so good for Detroit that they're robbing little girls lemonade stands now. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/sound...e-20100729-wpms
  7. It's runs for public office in Detroit-and wins handily.
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews_excl/ynews_excl_sc3270 But I thought this was the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world? Think Obama is going to give back that 20 billion? Nah.
  9. What makes anyone think Obama actually wants to reduce unemployment? His base certainly didnt put him office for jobs. They just want the unemployment checks flowing, the food stamps flowing, and the free healthcare flowing. If Obama actually started creating jobs he'd probably get primaried!
  10. And when they do get a job in a position of authority guess what-it's payback time for all that "oppression", Shirley Sherrod style.
  11. I knew you were going to say this. I'm just surprised it only took you one minute to do it.
  12. FYI-Using "oriental" to describe an Asian person is considered a slur.
  13. I know, I know. I knew this was the reaction this would get but this story is just too wild to resist. It's just funny how the mainstream media brand the Tea Party as racist with absolutely ZERO proof while stuff like this gets ignored. I guess when Obama said "change" he wasn't talking about changing the culture of grievances and victimhood.
  14. http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/07...hitemans-B word/ A Wisconsin state candidate wants to have the phrase "NOT the white man's B word" printed under her name on the ballot. Where's the outrage? If a Tea Partier requested "NOT the black man's B word" printed under his name the mainstream media, the leftwing blogosphere, and the NAACP would be flipping out.
  15. I said "black African babies" because I knew if I just said African babies you's say something like "I'm sure they'd be Afrikaner babies" or "10 Boer babies I bet". Your quips are just that predictable.
  16. I could adopt 10 black African babies and DC Tom would still say I'm a racist. It's a no win situation.
  17. I have started a bunch like my Rachel Maddow thread. The problem is everyone else wants to impute race into the discussion(s).
  18. According to who? DC Tom? I didn't realize he spoke for the entire forum. People aren't taking notice to this? You certainly noticed it less than 10 minutes after I posted it.
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100...ace-controversy
  20. Black Panthers declare they are arming themselves to fight against the Tea Party You know what I say-Make my day!
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