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Everything posted by WisconsinBillzFan

  1. Then Utah will enact a measure like Arizona's. The best part of this legislation is that its forcing the hand of ALL states.
  2. It's a longshot but it wouldn't surprise me at all.
  3. The law is already working. I saw that they interviewed some illegals who said they cant find work now in AZ and are moving to Utah.
  4. If you guys were gamblers what would you saw the odds that this is some environmental wackos monkeywrenching to sway public opinion against offshore drilling? I wouldn't be surprised.
  5. He still hasn't said anything about the Mississippi tornado neither.
  6. In addition to. They can't clean up it all. They can clean up a lot of it but not all of it. What they can't will break up or sink.
  7. That was 20 years ago. BP is using new chemicals/techniques that weren't around then. This isn't a good thing but not nearly as bad as liberals are trying ro make it out to be.
  8. http://www.livescience.com/environment/gul...-up-100429.html What doesn't get clean up breaks up or sinks on its own.
  9. http://www.livescience.com/environment/gul...-up-100429.html
  10. And BP is going to pay WITH THEIR OWN MONEY to clean it up. No bailouts. What's the big deal? Alot of it breaks ups and sinks to the bottom on its own anyways. Its not like toxic waste or anything oil is a natural substance.
  11. Goodbye southwest America. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mexican_Cession.png
  12. Ryan is a capital c conservative in a world dominated by lower case c conservatives.
  13. "But having a gun makes you more likely to be a victim" BS-Tell that to Lance Thomas.
  14. There's a shortage of people like that nowadays. I like Paul Ryan from Wisconsin.
  15. I've been up front that I resent double standards period. So things like hate crimes and liberals trashing Bush over Katrina while giving Obama a free pass over this Mississippi tornado bother me alot. You and DC Tom refuse to accept this and insist on projecting ulterior motives onto me.
  16. I'm trying but it's difficult when posters like DC Tom constantly bombard me with insults and it sidetracks the discussion.
  17. I hope you're being sarcastic. The Dems made alot of political hay with it in 2005-2006.
  18. How so? I'm willing to engage in dialogue but 90% of people won't out of fear of offending someone. In this sense Eric Holder was right-we are a "nation of cowards".
  19. I wonder when Barney Frank and Chris Dodd will be grilled like this? Thats right-never.
  20. This is what I'm comparing it too. This was Kanye West after Hurricane Katrina.
  21. Remember when Hurricane Katrina hit and GWB was "having fun" according to the liberals and Kanye West said that GWB doesnt care about black people?
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