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I don't think I've ever seen a "superstar" fall flat on his face like James did vs the celts. He's one of the best #2's in NBA history. You'd never hear him mutter those words. but he joined the Heat so D Wade could get him his ring and get the monkey off his back. The question is, if the Wade-James tandem wins a title or 2 or 5, will James have to hear "But he's gotta win 1 without Wade", like Kobe heard it about Shaq.



By all means, he should.

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I posted this in the off topic Lebron thread


My take on the Mr.James situation


A wise man once said to be the man you gotta beat the man. Well in Lebron's case beating the man was kinda hard so he decided to just buddie up with two of his friends to make things easier. Jordan didn't go to Utah so Stockton could dish him the ball and Malone could clear the paint for him. NO Jordan made his team successful he embraced the challenge and came through it with 6 titles.


Yeah every Jordan needs a Pippen BUT isn't there a competitive fire that burns with anyone anymore in the NBA? 1 title in Cleveland means more then 4 in Miami. Lebron is a wimp with no fire to make his hometown proud. Yeah if he had signed a 3 year deal saying if they can't get a good team around me I will consider leaving I would have respected that. But up and leaving your hometown because winning is hard?


I read the Cavs owners letter (Which was an honest and open display of emotion) and he had a line in there about Lebron wanting to go to heaven without dying and that's not how things work. Well that's true he took the cowards way out. Loyalty, Ego, and Character all meant nothing to him. Winning even if it meant taking less money, taking less credit, not having to put in the work to obtain it, and leaving behind a fanbase (To which he was a hometown hero of) that loved and embraced him was all that mattered I hope its worth it Mr.James because you tarnished your legacy.

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Ok since this thread is on TSW and OTW, ima try and bring this train back on track. What we need is 500 people on here to contribute $50,000,000. Then we buy the following:


1. The Buffalo Bills.

2. The Buffalo Sabres

3. The LA Clippers who shall then be renamed the Buffalo Braves

4. The Buffalo Bisons who will then be anointed a MLB team.

5. We buy up the entire water front in downtown Buffalo. That snow storm museum sounds pretty gay anyway. On said real estate we build stadiums for the above mentioned teams. We build business parks and integrate the whole area along with UB 2020 with cutting edge tech.




1. 500 people get to own stake in the above teams.

2. They get primo seats to games.

3. They get their own subforum on TBD.





**I am not done wiht the numbers yet. There may or may not be a 100% inflation on initial quote.**

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Am I consumed by this because there's really no sports going on right now?


I know some other people on this board are in the same seat right?


Who Gives A Rats Ass, this is a football board what the hell, NBA died when Braves Left screw them all

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This LeBron thing really bothers me.


A) He took the "cowards way" out by going to an all star team rather than stick with his team.


B) His team was his hometown team. He is just like us folks, with some fame due to his talent. Imagine any one of us in that situation. Would we leave Buffalo for a ring? The only guy I can think of that has any connection to us is Dominik Hasek, and we all still are baffled by him. Yes, LeBron left money on the table for a chance to win rings, but he did some major financial damage to his friggin home for some personal success.


C) The real man thing to do would be to have stayed in Cleveland, for that reduced salary, with the intention of using the extra cap space to bring in some complimentary players. Or, since this is 2010, take the max salary for less years so that some role players can be signed for longer deals. I'm not sure how the NBA salary cap works, but this seems logical.


D) May I reiterate that this guy buried his hometown on national TV, a hometown that is a carbon copy of Buffalo. We all can relate and commiserate with the Cleveland folks.


E) Hour long, nationally broadcasted shows to support your "image" and to announce something that should have come from a press release from the front office is messing with karma in a bad way. I'm sure there are such things as basketball gods, like there are hockey and football gods. You don't mess with sports gods in this manor. I would not be surprised to see Kobe Bryant and the Lakers destroy the Heat in next year's Finals, watch the Cavs pull an upset in the conference playoffs over the Heat, or watch one or more of these three "chosen ones" absolutely suck it up or get injured in a bad way in the near future. You just don't mess with the gods like LeBron did. He mentioned that he had guidance from the Big Man Above last night, but buddy, as a Brown's fan, you know it best... Don't mess with the sports gods. I don't ever want to bet against the Bills or Sabres, but I'd lay a bet down that he'll pull an Ernest Byner or have a Madden Curse type injury well before one of our Buffalo teams wins a championship.


F) Miami? Seriously? Maybe Dan can give him some gloves to wear if it gets down to a chilly 70 next november.

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Now that the ubiquitous LeBron sweepstakes have ended, here’s my whimsical take on the end result:


Yo ring-less king! It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing of a championship ring.


While your rings you may get, there’s one thing I tell you..I hate to say it, but this I will bet. "The pantheon of great is not in your fate as off to South Beach you shamelessly skate."


Would Jordan do that? Would Russell or Kareem?? I’ll answer that question.They were "Da MAN" on their team!!


Your king brand may fade on the coattails of Wade as the City of Cleveland oh yes you did jade. You broke their poor hearts and continued the jinx. Gotta tell you my homey that really blankin stinks!!!

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Now that the ubiquitous LeBron sweepstakes have ended, here’s my whimsical take on the end result:


Yo ring-less king! It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing of a championship ring.


While your rings you may get, there’s one thing I tell you..I hate to say it, but this I will bet. "The pantheon of great is not in your fate as off to South Beach you shamelessly skate."


Would Jordan do that? Would Russell or Kareem?? I’ll answer that question.They were "Da MAN" on their team!!


Your king brand may fade on the coattails of Wade as the City of Cleveland oh yes you did jade. You broke their poor hearts and continued the jinx. Gotta tell you my homey that really blankin stinks!!!


Jordan left the Bulls twice & reentered the league after the 2nd time with the Washington Wizards.

Russell was the only one who played with the same team. Russell was treated poorly by a lot of racist fans in his days with Boston, including a break in at his home with someone defecating on his bed. If Russell could have left Boston in the 1960s he would have left.

Kareem? Are you kidding? He forced a trade from his original team, the Milwaukee Bucs, to play with the Lakers.


I find it amazing all the "heat" 25 year old LeBron James is getting. How many people here have moved away from their home areas to either enhance their careers, get warmer or just wanted something different? I've had 3 different home areas. When I was 25 I didn't want to be living anywhere near where I grew up. Maybe LeBron just doesn't want to spend that much time in Ohio.


Finally, the owner's letter sounds like it's from a guy who is out of his mind. He bought the team after LeBron got there & suddenly he wakes up owning something worth a lot less. I'm sure he wasn't thinking of loyalty each time he cut a player or fired a coach. He's in a business, he knows the risks. He's dealing with it like a 5 year old kid, and that might be insulting all 5 year olds.

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You guys should go to Cleveland.com right now and read some of the articles. I mean WOW, just wow. The negative reactions from Cleveland fans, media, teammates and owner is second to none. It's something i would imagine if Ralph ever moved the Bills while he is still alive. I think it would take that for Buffalo fans to muster up this much hate for one individual.

I don't see James being able to spend much time in NE Ohio for a long time without risking harm to himself.

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Jordan left the Bulls twice & reentered the league after the 2nd time with the Washington Wizards.

Russell was the only one who played with the same team. Russell was treated poorly by a lot of racist fans in his days with Boston, including a break in at his home with someone defecating on his bed. If Russell could have left Boston in the 1960s he would have left.

Kareem? Are you kidding? He forced a trade from his original team, the Milwaukee Bucs, to play with the Lakers.


I find it amazing all the "heat" 25 year old LeBron James is getting. How many people here have moved away from their home areas to either enhance their careers, get warmer or just wanted something different? I've had 3 different home areas. When I was 25 I didn't want to be living anywhere near where I grew up. Maybe LeBron just doesn't want to spend that much time in Ohio.


Finally, the owner's letter sounds like it's from a guy who is out of his mind. He bought the team after LeBron got there & suddenly he wakes up owning something worth a lot less. I'm sure he wasn't thinking of loyalty each time he cut a player or fired a coach. He's in a business, he knows the risks. He's dealing with it like a 5 year old kid, and that might be insulting all 5 year olds.



When you have the unbridled nerve to call yourself "King James"...you should lead your own team to the promised land.


When Russell, Jordan, and Kareem and many other great players were in their respective primes, they were the unquestioned leaders and driving force behind championship efforts.


Russell maybe wanting to leave (He couldn't of course), Kareem leaving Milwaukee and Jordan "leaving" Chicago had nothing to do with actual basketball on the court and the quest to be the best.


Jordan got his ass kicked for years by Boston and Detroit before finally reaching the top through will, drive and a never ending all out determination to reach the pinnacle.


LeBron on the other hand quit on "his" team to take the easier path to a title. No problem here, just admit that you're Robin and not Batman. There's no shame in being a Scottie Pippen to Jordan.


No disrespect to you, but to compare your career path to that of a superstar athlete who's the supposed best in the game is simply ridiculous....not even close to the same scenario.


At any rate...It's almost football season!!! :thumbsup:

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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! LeBron Sucks!


Gilbert Rocks! I'm thinking of becoming a Cavs fan!!!


The fallout from this should be highly entertaining and is a reason to become an NBA fan again -- something I stopped being when POS PS sold the Braves!

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I am wondering if Gilbert's reaction is wrong. After LeBron's announcement, I started wondering whether he was going to start flip flopping and change his mind back to Cleveland....now the bridge has been burned.



LeBon burned that bridge, Gilbert just started Cleveland's new bridge!

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He made an economic decision. I read somewhere that it was projected that he will save something like $12 million in taxes by going to FLA instead of staying in OH.


I'd leave OH in a heartbeat, too.



Come on man. This had nothing to do with $.


But honestly, I lost a lot of respect for LeBron. Maybe it's the fans' fault for thinking he was different. Going on national TV to leave Cleveland is a straight up FU to fans who supported him for 7 years. If you're going to leave, jsut announce it quietly. Why torture people?


Additionally, let's completely bury the LeBron MJ comparison once and for all. Truly players don't piggyback their way to championships. Especially for one of the biggest joke fanbases in sports. It's weird but I respect a player who remained loyal to the team that drafted him and didn't win a ring more so than a player who leaves to chase on.


I'm just really disappointed in LeBron and how he handled the whole situation. It also bothers me that he basically announced he is afraid that he isn't good enough to win on his own. My only hope is that the Heat fails miserably this season and LeBron has to answer questions.

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