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where was the tazer?

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I wonder what the reaction would have been if he used the tazer instead of his fist.


Good point. I'm sure there would have been much more outrage. Then again, maybe the girl would have backed down when a tazer was pointed directly at her.

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I wonder what the reaction would have been if he used the tazer instead of his fist.


i dont think there would be near the level of backlash. i think everyone can admit that these females pushed the situation over the edge, but there is something about a man cocking back and punching a woman that sends people off the edge. no matter the situation. which, while i dont condone beating up women in any way, is a horrible double-standard that leads to a lot of trouble. had he used force like pepper-spray or a tazer, i think people would have seen that as more typical protocol. a punch to the face just looks like an emotional reaction and a bully. even though i dont disagree with the punch at all.


the comedian Bill Burr has a great bit about how that knowing he could be punched in the face keeps him in check from being an even bigger a-hole and how women dont have that. its pretty hilarious. im trying to find a video or clip of the bit, if not ill up it myself...


EDIT: found the bit, here you go. Language is NSFW, couple of eff-bombs but nothing crazy.


really funny 6 minutes of comedy, check it out, love the line "do you know how big of a dick i would be if it was socially unacceptable to kick the **** out of me?"

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But if a police officer cannot easily restrain a teenage girl, he needs to be put on paid leave until he can get into better shape. I'm not kidding. What good is he if he is truly that weak?

It depends on the training he received. I read one book written by an officer and in one section he's talking about riding with one of his trainees. He always teaches them to use more force than the arrestee to help get the situation under control quickly. In this write up, his trainee did not use more force, she was using equal force, causing the situation to carry on until he had to step in and help bring it under control.

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Exactly. But don't tell that to any of those pulling the race card out. A white guy was getting into it with black girls, so therefore it's racist. As sad as it is, that is what our society has become.


Since it's my theme o' the day, I'll play the Sharpton Advocate and play the card for him:


"Dats Rayciss!!!" :thumbsup:

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i dont think there would be near the level of backlash. i think everyone can admit that these females pushed the situation over the edge, but there is something about a man cocking back and punching a woman that sends people off the edge. no matter the situation. which, while i dont condone beating up women in any way, is a horrible double-standard that leads to a lot of trouble. had he used force like pepper-spray or a tazer, i think people would have seen that as more typical protocol. a punch to the face just looks like an emotional reaction and a bully. even though i dont disagree with the punch at all.


the comedian Bill Burr has a great bit about how that knowing he could be punched in the face keeps him in check from being an even bigger a-hole and how women dont have that. its pretty hilarious. im trying to find a video or clip of the bit, if not ill up it myself...


EDIT: found the bit, here you go. Language is NSFW, couple of eff-bombs but nothing crazy.


really funny 6 minutes of comedy, check it out, love the line "do you know how big of a dick i would be if it was socially unacceptable to kick the **** out of me?"


The reaction to tazer videos is always so split. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that not all that many people really have any clue what being tazed feels like. Most should have a very good idea how a punch feels. I'm with you that a tazer wouldn't have gotten half the outrage, but I think the reasoning behind those two observations is completely backwards. The punch was a far less impactful move, but thanks to everything you said (and a touch of racism), this is a story.


And no, I don't fault this cop at all. If anything, the only "punishment" he should face is maybe some sort of counceling or training session, only if they feel they need to please the masses a bit.

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The reaction to tazer videos is always so split. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that not all that many people really have any clue what being tazed feels like. Most should have a very good idea how a punch feels. I'm with you that a tazer wouldn't have gotten half the outrage, but I think the reasoning behind those two observations is completely backwards. The punch was a far less impactful move, but thanks to everything you said (and a touch of racism), this is a story.


And no, I don't fault this cop at all. If anything, the only "punishment" he should face is maybe some sort of counceling or training session, only if they feel they need to please the masses a bit.



To please the masses? How about to make him better at his job or to learn from his mistakes?

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To please the masses? How about to make him better at his job or to learn from his mistakes?


What mistakes?????


Do you know anything about police training?


FYI... they're trained to jab a person resisting arrest and using physical contact towards the officer to "stun" them. He was using his training.


The hand to hand combat was already initiated and he was out-numbered.


Some people type just to here the "clackity-clack" of their keyboard, I swear... :devil:


Research a topic next time, I'd start with GOOGLE. :unsure:

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I'm sorry. I thought you we're headed in the complete opposite direction when you wrote: "For the record, there is WAY more to this video" and then put "jaywalking" in quotes. I thought you were headed down the trumped-up charges road.


I apologize.


No problem.


You were right, I shouldn't have just said that stuff without some links. I know better... :unsure:


This boils down to people not understanding an LEO's job description and responsibilities.


Most people don't realize that he not only has to look out for his own well being, but for those innocent bystanders as well. There's no telling what weapons either of them may have had, not to mention how "close" some of the girl's friends got to him while he was trying to restrain them.


I thought he did a good job of not allowing a damn near riot by speaking to some of them while they were filming him, keeping their interest on him and what he was doing instead of jumping him, taking his gun, and going bananas...

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What mistakes?????


Do you know anything about police training?


FYI... they're trained to jab a person resisting arrest and using physical contact towards the officer to "stun" them. He was using his training.


The hand to hand combat was already initiated and he was out-numbered.


Some people type just to here the "clackity-clack" of their keyboard, I swear... :devil:


Research a topic next time, I'd start with GOOGLE. :unsure:



Yes I'm sure the are making copies of that video right now, to use in every training program. I have no problem with the shot to the face, I have a problem with how long he let things go on and how long it took him to arrest a 17 year old girl.


Oh yeah, I watched this video with 2 cop friends last night. They had a good laugh. They all said, the second that girl made physical contact means so is going down and fast. Get her in cuffs and then deal with the other.


So please, oh master, tell me that the officer made no mistakes. I don't need Google for that.

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Can they arrest the guy with the camera too for being an idiot? All that video does is prove that those girls are scum. His highly detailed commentary doesn't suddenly make their actions justified.


And Sharpton can show up on tv all he wants, but the only racism present in that video isn't anti-black.

I would like to show the awipe with the camera what a closed fist punch really is. Or about 10 of them.

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Yes I'm sure the are making copies of that video right now, to use in every training program. I have no problem with the shot to the face, I have a problem with how long he let things go on and how long it took him to arrest a 17 year old girl.


Oh yeah, I watched this video with 2 cop friends last night. They had a good laugh. They all said, the second that girl made physical contact means so is going down and fast. Get her in cuffs and then deal with the other.


So please, oh master, tell me that the officer made no mistakes. I don't need Google for that.



This is/was really my point. Some here think the situation has to be black and white (not racial). That is, either the cop was wrong or he did a great job. I think neither is probably the real answer here.

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she was the cause for the escalation, sure. but it's the cop's responsibility to squash that escalation. i know they walk a fine line of damned if they do, damned if they dont. but if he was really serious about arresting the girl, he needed to get her wrists tied up and in cuffs quicker than playing around, slap fighting with these women.


it didnt look like he wanted to commit to the arrest, and that the females caught him off guard with the level of their resisting.


not saying he needs to be fired. but some more training, or re-training is definitely in order.


I think you hit the nail on the head there, DrD. This officer knew he was being videotaped. He knew it was a black female vs a white male officer. Somewhere in his subconscious he wanted to go easy on her, I'm sure. He needed to put her on the ground and cuff her, but he also didn't want it to *look* bad. In the end, he failed to control the situation effectively and caused a VERY dangerous situation for himself and everyone else had any one of those bystanders produced a weapon or started rioting. This is exactly what happens when people in the media and public cry about tasers and other means of effective force. It forces the cop on the street to second guess himself and not act as he was trained. Darned if you do, darned if you don't...

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ok, I'm not singling you out here, cause others have echoed this statement, but for those who are criticizing this guy for not restraining this girl, I would love to see you try to handcuff a pissed of black chick against her will, you may find it is not as easy as you would expect, or anybody for that matter.


IMO he should've peppersprayed the girl in pink as soon as she touched him.


Are pissed off black chicks harder to handcuff that pissed off white chicks?

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Yes I'm sure the are making copies of that video right now, to use in every training program. I have no problem with the shot to the face, I have a problem with how long he let things go on and how long it took him to arrest a 17 year old girl.


Oh yeah, I watched this video with 2 cop friends last night. They had a good laugh. They all said, the second that girl made physical contact means so is going down and fast. Get her in cuffs and then deal with the other.


So please, oh master, tell me that the officer made no mistakes. I don't need Google for that.


The problem with that idea is that he knows he's being filmed at that point. Stuff that would help in shutting those girls down quickly could very easily end up looking like a lesser version of Rodney King. It sucks that a cop has to have something like that in the back of his head, but that's the way the world is today. But anyway, at the end of the day, the right people wound up in the back of cop cars and no one was hurt. Maybe it took too long, but he got his job done.

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ok, I'm not singling you out here, cause others have echoed this statement, but for those who are criticizing this guy for not restraining this girl, I would love to see you try to handcuff a pissed of black chick against her will, you may find it is not as easy as you would expect, or anybody for that matter.


IMO he should've peppersprayed the girl in pink as soon as she touched him.


It is hard to handcuff someone WITHOUT hurting them if they are resisting. Apparently, this cop has a pretty good punch. He was obviously trying to use minimal force againt the girl in the black shirt and with good reason. There was an angry crowd around him.


I am surprised that nobody mentioned the "crackdown" on Jaywalking. I would like to know who ordered this, and why. Was it a measure to raise money via the fines? Or, were there complaints about it from rich, angry (probably white and "liberal") yuppies? I say this because people in ghettos such as Bed-Stuy, Camden, NJ or Detroit really don't care who jaywalks. You guys will please trust me on this, ok? Btw, jaywalking remains pretty low on my priority list as well.


Confronting the community about nonsense such as this is often not a good idea, let alone on hot June days. Not if a police department cares at all about making friends I should say. The young officer was placed alone, and ordered to do something unsafe and idiotic. It wasn't his fault, and someone should take responsibility for this bad policy.

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I am surprised that nobody mentioned the "crackdown" on Jaywalking. I would like to know who ordered this, and why.

Quoted from the original link:


Between 2002 and 2006 more jaywalkers were hit by vehicles on Rainier Avenue South than in any other corridor in the city.


During that period, 61 pedestrians were struck while jaywalking on Rainier Avenue South -- nearly double the number of accidents on Aurora Avenue North, which had the second highest number of jaywalkers hit with 35, according to Seattle Transportation Department records.


Also during that period, 23 other jaywalkers were hit in the South End, on Martin Luther King Jr. Way South and on Beacon Avenue South. Those roads also accounted for 126 pedestrian accidents at intersections.


There were six jaywalking accidents on Aurora Avenue North in the several blocks south of North 125th Street between 2002 and 2006, tying that short stretch of roadway with Rainier Avenue South between South Hudson Street and 39th Avenue South for the highest number of jaywalking collisions in the city.

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Quoted from the original link:


Between 2002 and 2006 more jaywalkers were hit by vehicles on Rainier Avenue South than in any other corridor in the city.


During that period, 61 pedestrians were struck while jaywalking on Rainier Avenue South -- nearly double the number of accidents on Aurora Avenue North, which had the second highest number of jaywalkers hit with 35, according to Seattle Transportation Department records.


Also during that period, 23 other jaywalkers were hit in the South End, on Martin Luther King Jr. Way South and on Beacon Avenue South. Those roads also accounted for 126 pedestrian accidents at intersections.


There were six jaywalking accidents on Aurora Avenue North in the several blocks south of North 125th Street between 2002 and 2006, tying that short stretch of roadway with Rainier Avenue South between South Hudson Street and 39th Avenue South for the highest number of jaywalking collisions in the city.


Yeah, definitely a racist decision to start cutting back on jaywalking.

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Police have no legal standing to arrest you for speeding or jaywalking. Firstly, the supreme court found a legal right to travel in the constitution. Secondly, since no person can claim you damaged then in any way, a jury cannot convict you. The police officer supports the legal fiction of the government, not a person.


Police pull you over for revenue. Government doesnt give a crap if you jaywalk or not. They just want a reason to have a law and enforce it. Thats how they get paid. Thats how the huge legal and prison system exists. Not for you, for itself.


Stupid pigs, stupid laws, and stupid government makes people want to flaunt the rules and act out in any way they can. This black girl thought she was being brave by taking on the annoying and oppressive system we live in, first by sauntering across the road in the way that people always do in the ghetto, and secondly by disrespecting the cop. I disrespect cops every chance I get.


You cant make people better by hurting them.

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Police have no legal standing to arrest you for speeding or jaywalking. Firstly, the supreme court found a legal right to travel in the constitution. Secondly, since no person can claim you damaged then in any way, a jury cannot convict you. The police officer supports the legal fiction of the government, not a person.


Police pull you over for revenue. Government doesnt give a crap if you jaywalk or not. They just want a reason to have a law and enforce it. Thats how they get paid. Thats how the huge legal and prison system exists. Not for you, for itself.


Stupid pigs, stupid laws, and stupid government makes people want to flaunt the rules and act out in any way they can. This black girl thought she was being brave by taking on the annoying and oppressive system we live in, first by sauntering across the road in the way that people always do in the ghetto, and secondly by disrespecting the cop. I disrespect cops every chance I get.


You cant make people better by hurting them.



You jaywalk, you get a ticket. You resist or push a cop, you go to jail. This started out as a jaywalking issue, that's not why the were arrested.

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