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Congratulations Dallas/Ft. Worth Burger Lovers

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Eating peanuts while you're waiting for burgers and fries.



Isn't it because they use Peanut oil to cook their fries?


yeah, thats my understanding. to represent the freshness of ingredients down to the frying oil.


the reason i eat them is the same reason man climbed Mt Everest and crossed the Ocean, because they're there...

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yeah, thats my understanding. to represent the freshness of ingredients down to the frying oil.


the reason i eat them is the same reason man climbed Mt Everest and crossed the Ocean, because they're there...


So you kill you taste buds with the saltiest snack on the planet before you eat. Got it. So how does serving peanuts represent the freshness of the oil. Are they asking the customers to **** out the oil once they've snacked on peanuts? Maybe they should have you milk a cow before you eat the burger.

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So you kill you taste buds with the saltiest snack on the planet before you eat. Got it. So how does serving peanuts represent the freshness of the oil. Are they asking the customers to **** out the oil once they've snacked on peanuts? Maybe they should have you milk a cow before you eat the burger.


yeah man, that small handful of peanuts i ate really dampened the subtleties and nuances of that cheeseburger... 0:)

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Not really, Houston and Dallas already rank among the "fattest cities."


Yeah, it's a mess down there alright.


As much as we all love bickering over politics, the biggest problem currently facing the nation is the fact that we're eating ourselves to death. America's obesity "epidemic" is pathetic and sad. We're becoming a nation of 300 pound waddling penguins, and despite vast improvement in life-saving medicine, this generation of children is the first in America to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Joints like In N Out Burger and Five Guys only compound the problem (not that it's their fault that we can't use moderation, but it still compounds the problem).

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I've had both, but i have to rank 5 guys over In-and-Out. We finally got a 5 guys here in tallahassee not too long ago, and its hands down the best place to get a burger. Free toppings, fries to kill for, and the fact that you get a hunk of ground meat and not a pre-made patty make it the best place around.

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Yeah, it's a mess down there alright.


As much as we all love bickering over politics, the biggest problem currently facing the nation is the fact that we're eating ourselves to death. America's obesity "epidemic" is pathetic and sad. We're becoming a nation of 300 pound waddling penguins, and despite vast improvement in life-saving medicine, this generation of children is the first in America to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Joints like In N Out Burger and Five Guys only compound the problem (not that it's their fault that we can't use moderation, but it still compounds the problem).


That's actually not a bad thing. The health care costs may be higher during their lifetimes but people living to 100-120 will not be good either.

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That's actually not a bad thing. The health care costs may be higher during their lifetimes but people living to 100-120 will not be good either.


From this perspective, maybe...but consider how unproductive a morbidly obese person is to society. Old people are a burden...obese people, especially the ones who are lucky enough to be labeled "disabled" are a bigger burden.

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Yeah, it's a mess down there alright.


As much as we all love bickering over politics, the biggest problem currently facing the nation is the fact that we're eating ourselves to death. America's obesity "epidemic" is pathetic and sad. We're becoming a nation of 300 pound waddling penguins, and despite vast improvement in life-saving medicine, this generation of children is the first in America to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Joints like In N Out Burger and Five Guys only compound the problem (not that it's their fault that we can't use moderation, but it still compounds the problem).



Mmm, penguin.

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There was an article a couple months ago in our local paper how the ambulance company had to buy bigger gurneys, back board, even a bigger ambulance just for the larger patients they get calls for.

My sister is a paramedic and she told me they just recently did this at their company as well.

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Well, it's getting closer.... 0:)




Thanks for the tip Doc, I'll have to try that out here in Manhattan. Good Burger just opened a location near me and it's pretty good, but not In 'N Out quality.

5 Guys is also in the DFW area. Had one last week, pretty good.


For In N Out...get to know their secret menu.

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I really don't consider 5 Guys a "fast food" joint, as there is no drive-thru and you have to actually go in and wait for your burger to be cooked fresh. Of course, that makes the burger very good, but it's a different experience than In-N-Out, IMO.


Both have good burgers and great fries, of course.


While I don't eat much "fast food", I would probably get more use out of an In-N-Out than I do 5 Guys, if I had one close. I don't know if they still do it, but In-N-Out used to put your take out food in a nice box/tray. That made eating it in the car much easier. 5 Guys just puts everything in a bag and I get grease all over everything.


If I'm going to park, go in and sit at a table while I wait for my food. I prefer to go to a place where I can get an adult beverage. I hear there are some 5 Guys that serve alcohol, but not the one down here. I know of some places with good burgers and fresh fries AND I can get a drink or a beer. That's my preference.

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In-n-Out is on its way.


This is one kickass burger (preferably the double-double with cheese and grilled onions). If you live in Texas and love a great fast-food burger, you're gonna dig this place.


Thanks for the congrats. I heard this on one of the local sports talk stations yesterday. I just wish

in-n-out was closer to Arlington. Garland is on the east side of Dallas.

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To each his own. I'm one of the few that don't rave about In and Out. Don't get me wrong I think it's a decent burger but not great. I don't like their fries either. BUT the price is right for them. Cheaper than most fast food burgers. Around our house there are a couple nice burgers to be had in restaurants when I feel like one. I put together a very nice burger as well if I don't say so myself. :angry:


Thanks for the burger review and the warning about the fries. I'm picky too!!

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