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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Too bad nobody is trying to "abridge" anything, Tom. Thats weak, especially from you.


Move the damned building TWO !@#$ing blocks, out of the "9/11 footprint", if you will.


Then NOBODY has a right to B word.


Is that so hard?


Evidently....to this Imam, yes it is. So is ANY attempt on his part to build trust with this the members of the community that have reservations about what putting this building at this location really means in the eyes of the Muslim world.


And *I*, along with many others, want to know why.



It already is out of the "9/11 footprint," meaning the WTC site. It is a couple of blocks away.

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It is neither a cemetary nor hhallowed ground. They could build on the wtc site for all I care


Everything even tenuously connected to 9/11 is a shrine. Welcome to the American Cult of Victimhood.


Why, I threw out my TV I had in 2001...just so no camel jockeys would defile it by watching it.

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Hey Tommy...look at what this no good "camel jockey" has to say on the issue:




Pathetic that you think people who only ask for the thing to be moved a bit further away are the "intolerant bigots", yet I, an "infidel" cant even STEP FOOT IN THE TWO MAJOR CITIES THAT DEFINE ISLAM, MECCA AND MEDINA.


But yeah...I want Rauf to explain himself, so Im "the intolerant one."

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Hey Tommy...look at what this no good "camel jockey" has to say on the issue:




Pathetic that you think people who only ask for the thing to be moved a bit further away are the "intolerant bigots", yet I, an "infidel" cant even STEP FOOT IN THE TWO MAJOR CITIES THAT DEFINE ISLAM, MECCA AND MEDINA.

But yeah...I want Rauf to explain himself, so Im "the intolerant one."


Nice Straw man. How are the laws/practices of any Islamic nations relevant here? We happen to hold ourselves to higher standards (thank you, Constitution) than Saudi Arabia.

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Hey Tommy...look at what this no good "camel jockey" has to say on the issue:




Except he's dead wrong. This is entirely about religious freedom. That's one of the founding principles of this country.


Pathetic that you think people who only ask for the thing to be moved a bit further away are the "intolerant bigots", yet I, an "infidel" cant even STEP FOOT IN THE TWO MAJOR CITIES THAT DEFINE ISLAM, MECCA AND MEDINA.


But yeah...I want Rauf to explain himself, so Im "the intolerant one."


Their intolerance doesn't negate yours. In fact, it rather confirms it, since you're basically demanding the same practice (no defiling lower Manhattan by those dirty sand !@#$s) here. Biggest difference is: they have a legal right to their practice of intolerance, you not so much.

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Pathetic that you think people who only ask for the thing to be moved a bit further away are the "intolerant bigots",


Once again, can you please clarify exactly how far away it needs to move? Chambers Street? Warren Street?

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That's it dude. You convinced me. Let's stomp all over the constitution and destroy everything our founding fathers' have built and what many have died for because of the feelings of some.


Heck, I even starved myself all day today because it's the month of Ramadan and it's mandatory for me to fast to see and feel what it's like not to have anything and appreciate what I do have a lot more. What an evil concept!!!!! This stuff must not be preached any longer!!! Especially in Manhattan!!!! Us sand !@#$s already have 100 mosques in NYC, we shouldn't have one more evil-spewing, hate mongering building on mother Earth. Some may get offended.


[sarcasm Off]


Seriously, this stuff needs to end. Let's keep America what it is. Let's not destroy the fabric of this nation because of the actions of few. We live in the greatest country in the world because of our rights. God built this world for EVERYONE!!! Get over yourself and do something with your life that really matters and help end bigotry, hate, and any other tool of the Devil.


People are NOT perfect. Every muslim in this world shouldn't have to apologize for the acts of those we don't even recognize as true muslims. Every muslim shouldn't have to be punished for the actions of few. That's called collective punishment and that isn't right. If we as muslims did apologize for every maniacal thing a group of evil-doers did than we, ourselves, is blaming Islam for those putrid actions.


I really do feel for everyone involved in the tragedy known as 9/11. That was a horrific day that shouldn't be forgotten, but hasn't enough blood already been shed as a result of 9/11? How many innocent people have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't see you shedding tears over them, because to you we are all animals that only want to see America in flames. I bet you can't even answer that question, because the media doesn't make us privy to that kind of info. When is enough-enough? When will vengeance be had?


If the mosque isn't built, will you be happy? Would your attitude towards Islam change? I think not, because you don't know anything about Islam. All you see is what you hear in the news. I don't blame you for that. That's what's making the front page every day. As far as you're concerned, we deserve what we get and your thoughts will never change.


If you ask me, all this starts in the family. I'm willing to bet you heard the term towel-head, sand !@#$, camel jockey more than once in your life. As for me, my dad taught me to love everyone and never once uttered a racist term in his life and if every parent in the world did the same, here and abroad, there will be a lot less hate in the world.

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Amazing. In the time it took me to catch up on this thread, the interest on our debt increased another trillion dollars.


Jesus, people, this is a useless argument that will work itself out regardless of how many people chime in. And to think this is a great reason to be critical of Obama is to think a change in hair style is a great reason to prove that Paris Hilton isn't hot.


Way to take your eyes off the ball, America.

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Wrong again conner.




24a. Do you support or oppose this proposal?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Support 26% 28% 46% 28% 14% 33% 29%

Oppose 57 57 36 52 73 50 54

DK/NA 17 15 18 20 13 17 17



25. Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Foster understanding 39% 39% 54% 39% 22% 43% 41%

Insult to families 45 46 27 40 68 41 42

BOTH(VOL) 1 4 2 2 1 2 3

NEITHER(VOL) 4 4 8 5 5 7 5

DK/NA 11 6 8 14 4 8 10


I do not get your fetish with me. I tore you a new one, and you liked it that much that you want more?

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What i don't understand is why are so many people hammering away on the freedom of religion aspect to this?


"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


I'm missing how this mosque complex has anything to do with the 1st ammendment?


NO ONE is saying you cant be a practicing Muslim, no one it trying to prohibit Islam in the U.S.


My questions/concerns/reservations are specifically on THIS proposed project and I want to know more about it, where the $100 million dollars funding is coming from, more about this Imam, why this location, etc...

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What i don't understand is why are so many people hammering away on the freedom of religion aspect to this?


"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


I'm missing how this mosque complex has anything to do with the 1st ammendment?


NO ONE is saying you cant be a practicing Muslim, no one it trying to prohibit Islam in the U.S.


My questions/concerns/reservations are specifically on THIS proposed project and I want to know more about it, where the $100 million dollars funding is coming from, more about this Imam, why this location, etc...

The 1st amendment applies because telling an owner of private property that they can't build a religious structure on that property is prohibiting the free exercise of that religion.


The government doesn't have to ban a religion to get to the level of the free exercise clause. If you aren't allowed to build a house of worship on land you legally own, then your exercising of your religion is being infringed.

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That's it dude. You convinced me. Let's stomp all over the constitution and destroy everything our founding fathers' have built and what many have died for because of the feelings of some.


Heck, I even starved myself all day today because it's the month of Ramadan and it's mandatory for me to fast to see and feel what it's like not to have anything and appreciate what I do have a lot more. What an evil concept!!!!! This stuff must not be preached any longer!!! Especially in Manhattan!!!! Us sand !@#$s already have 100 mosques in NYC, we shouldn't have one more evil-spewing, hate mongering building on mother Earth. Some may get offended.


[sarcasm Off]


Seriously, this stuff needs to end. Let's keep America what it is. Let's not destroy the fabric of this nation because of the actions of few. We live in the greatest country in the world because of our rights. God built this world for EVERYONE!!! Get over yourself and do something with your life that really matters and help end bigotry, hate, and any other tool of the Devil.


People are NOT perfect. Every muslim in this world shouldn't have to apologize for the acts of those we don't even recognize as true muslims. Every muslim shouldn't have to be punished for the actions of few. That's called collective punishment and that isn't right. If we as muslims did apologize for every maniacal thing a group of evil-doers did than we, ourselves, is blaming Islam for those putrid actions.


I really do feel for everyone involved in the tragedy known as 9/11. That was a horrific day that shouldn't be forgotten, but hasn't enough blood already been shed as a result of 9/11? How many innocent people have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan? I don't see you shedding tears over them, because to you we are all animals that only want to see America in flames. I bet you can't even answer that question, because the media doesn't make us privy to that kind of info. When is enough-enough? When will vengeance be had?


If the mosque isn't built, will you be happy? Would your attitude towards Islam change? I think not, because you don't know anything about Islam. All you see is what you hear in the news. I don't blame you for that. That's what's making the front page every day. As far as you're concerned, we deserve what we get and your thoughts will never change.


If you ask me, all this starts in the family. I'm willing to bet you heard the term towel-head, sand !@#$, camel jockey more than once in your life. As for me, my dad taught me to love everyone and never once uttered a racist term in his life and if every parent in the world did the same, here and abroad, there will be a lot less hate in the world.


Id be open to them building the mosque ANYWHERE ELSE in NYC. ****, they can build it in !@#$ing MIDTOWN if they wanted to.


You !@#$ing dummy......Im ASKING FOR Imam Rauf to reach out and TEACH ME about Islam, so that I have a better understanding, instead of "what I hear in the news." Have you read my yposts in this thread? Thats all Im asking for. But no...he refuses....and Im a "bigot" beucase Id like Imam Rauf to either be sensitive to the 9/11 families or at least make an effort to reach out to the the community and foster a good relationship with those who are sensitive to his project.


And not for nothing...I dont give a **** about your little perfect Daddy. Nice of you to make uneducated, ignorant blanket statements about others while at the SAME time, lecturing them about NOT doing just that.


And I LOVE how asking for some outreach or for Imam Rauf to reconsider his location is "stomping all over the Constitution." But I guess Nancy Pelosi calling for a formal investigation of those who oppose this project is OK in your book, right?

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