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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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I laugh at some of this garbage....ohh, if you hate the constitution, you hate america........oh, thats a body blow....lol


THERE IS NO CONSTITUTION. The idiot democrats and republicans used that for toilet paper a long time ago. If you are against the mosque being built, you hate what america was founded on as much as the rest of this silly little country

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I never said that it was constitutional to stop the building of the mosque.


No, you said they have enough religious freedom already, and they don't need any more. Reconcile THAT dumbass idea with the First Amendment, traitor.


Although I think that it possibly could be done in the name of national security considering the imam's past radical comments and the war we are fighting against radical islam.


Let's just skip by the blatant racist fear-mongering here and ask the obvious question: how is THIS mosque a national security issue when all the other hundred that the sand !@#$s can "take the train" to aren't? Because it's sited on Our Sacred Dust?


Even if your blatant racist fear-mongering weren't enough to label you an idiot of conner's level...your unquestioning overgeneralization of Islam as radical and at war with us is at this point reminiscent of Nazi Germany's blanket condemnation of "international Jewry" in the early 30's. You no doubt can't even see that, since this is doubtlessly "different", as we're not talking about Jews but sand !@#$s.


But it won't come to that, it will come down to good old fashioned American public pressure against it that will force the imam to move the mosque's location.


Hooray for the average American's complete inability to comprehend what it means to actually BE an average American.

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Epic fail yourself. Your own link says that a majority of THE LOCALS (i.e. people actually on Manhattan) aren't against it.


Less than 50% support it in Manhattan. Not such a ringing endorsement, eh? NYC rejects this mosque. It is not going to be built because there are many more conservatives and independents that will be going to the polls this november than the limousine liberals of Manhattan.

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I laugh at some of this garbage....ohh, if you hate the constitution, you hate america........oh, thats a body blow....lol


It is to someone who believes they're protecting America by denying rights enumerated in the Constitution.


Of course, to the party loyalists, the Constitution's only applicable when it's convenient. It's such a damned bother to uphold it for people you don't like...which, perversely, is the exact reason the Constitution enumerates said rights to begin with.

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Not to pile on but,


Borough with highest % knowing a Muslim: Manhattan (66%)

Borough with lowest % thinking Islam encourages violence towards non-Muslims: Manhattan (12%)


Borough with highest % supporting/lowest % opposing mosque: Manhattan (46%/36%)


Borough with lowest 'high' response to "How much have you heard or read about a proposal by a Muslim group to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero?" : Manhattan (34%)


Borough with highest % response to "Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?": Manhattan (54%)



So, the borough that has the most people who personally know a Muslim:


a) thinks the most highly of Islam

b) opposes the Mosque the least

c) believes it will foster understanding the most

d) has heard the least about this controversy


And happens to be the borough where the controversy is located.



And you were using this as evidence for your argument?

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It is to someone who believes they're protecting America by denying rights enumerated in the Constitution.


Of course, to the party loyalists, the Constitution's only applicable when it's convenient. It's such a damned bother to uphold it for people you don't like...which, perversely, is the exact reason the Constitution enumerates said rights to begin with.

Well said- but I think we have completely obliterated the constitution and it is beyond repair. Washington and Lincoln would have helped build the facility that the mosque will be a part of.


And I laugh at these people who claim muslim violence.....this is a horribly violent country

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Not to pile on but,


Borough with highest % knowing a Muslim: Manhattan (66%)

Borough with lowest % thinking Islam encourages violence towards non-Muslims: Manhattan (12%)


Borough with highest % supporting/lowest % opposing mosque: Manhattan (46%/36%)


Borough with lowest 'high' response to "How much have you heard or read about a proposal by a Muslim group to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero?" : Manhattan (34%)


Borough with highest % response to "Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?": Manhattan (54%)



So, the borough that has the most people who personally know a Muslim:


a) thinks the most highly of Islam

b) opposes the Mosque the least

c) believes it will foster understanding the most

d) has heard the least about this controversy


And happens to be the borough where the controversy is located.



And you were using this as evidence for your argument?


But you're missing one important point. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this mosque? Nothing. It has nothing to do with this mosque! It does not make sense! And so if Chewbacca lives on Endor, you can't build the mosque!

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Well said- but I think we have completely obliterated the constitution and it is beyond repair.


I agree...but you know, if you're going to repair it at all, you have to start somewhere.


Plus...hey, I'm a !@#$ing idealist. And my "It's such a damned bother..." sentence is one of the best I've written recently, in my conceited opinion.

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Less than 50% support it in Manhattan.

Wrong again conner.




24a. Do you support or oppose this proposal?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Support 26% 28% 46% 28% 14% 33% 29%

Oppose 57 57 36 52 73 50 54

DK/NA 17 15 18 20 13 17 17



25. Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Foster understanding 39% 39% 54% 39% 22% 43% 41%

Insult to families 45 46 27 40 68 41 42

BOTH(VOL) 1 4 2 2 1 2 3

NEITHER(VOL) 4 4 8 5 5 7 5

DK/NA 11 6 8 14 4 8 10

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No, you said they have enough religious freedom already, and they don't need any more. Reconcile THAT dumbass idea with the First Amendment, traitor.




Let's just skip by the blatant racist fear-mongering here and ask the obvious question: how is THIS mosque a national security issue when all the other hundred that the sand !@#$s can "take the train" to aren't? Because it's sited on Our Sacred Dust?


Even if your blatant racist fear-mongering weren't enough to label you an idiot of conner's level...your unquestioning overgeneralization of Islam as radical and at war with us is at this point reminiscent of Nazi Germany's blanket condemnation of "international Jewry" in the early 30's. You no doubt can't even see that, since this is doubtlessly "different", as we're not talking about Jews but sand !@#$s.




Hooray for the average American's complete inability to comprehend what it means to actually BE an average American.



Oh, how the mighty have fallen. BTW, your official "Gold Al Sharpton Race Card" is in the mail.

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I never said that it was constitutional to stop the building of the mosque. Although I think that it possibly could be done in the name of national security considering the imam's past radical comments and the war we are fighting against radical islam. But it won't come to that, it will come down to good old fashioned American public pressure against it that will force the imam to move the mosque's location.




“If the City of New York denies the zoning approval sought for this site, it will blatantly violate [the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act] and expose the city to one whopping lawsuit that is extremely likely to succeed,” as Chicago attorney Dan Lauber [4] told Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet. "A federal law adopted by a Republican Congress makes the denial the Republicans seek blatantly illegal."
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Wrong again conner.




24a. Do you support or oppose this proposal?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Support 26% 28% 46% 28% 14% 33% 29%

Oppose 57 57 36 52 73 50 54

DK/NA 17 15 18 20 13 17 17



25. Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Foster understanding 39% 39% 54% 39% 22% 43% 41%

Insult to families 45 46 27 40 68 41 42

BOTH(VOL) 1 4 2 2 1 2 3

NEITHER(VOL) 4 4 8 5 5 7 5

DK/NA 11 6 8 14 4 8 10




46 < 50

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The minute you liberals accuse the other side of being a bunch of racists is the minute you have nothing legitimate to say.


As for the dust comment, the ones using it for their argument to stop the building of the mosque were referring to that dust as having human remains, you were obviously mocking them for which you needed to be called out on. It wasn't funny and you should feel ashamed for even phrasing it in a joking manner. You, Sean Penn and Micheal Moore can all move out of this country when we take it back this november from the liberal America haters like yourself.

You actually think you're helping yourself with this? You might want to call Balco and ask them for some testosterone.

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Wrong again conner.




24a. Do you support or oppose this proposal?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Support 26% 28% 46% 28% 14% 33% 29%

Oppose 57 57 36 52 73 50 54

DK/NA 17 15 18 20 13 17 17



25. Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?


Brnx Kngs Man Qns StIsl Men Wom

Foster understanding 39% 39% 54% 39% 22% 43% 41%

Insult to families 45 46 27 40 68 41 42

BOTH(VOL) 1 4 2 2 1 2 3

NEITHER(VOL) 4 4 8 5 5 7 5

DK/NA 11 6 8 14 4 8 10


Which ironically means that Manhattan is the place where the mosque will be most accepted in NYC, and given the space requirements, Lower Manhattan is the best location for that need.


But, yes, I know they're doing this to stick a finger in America's eye. BTW, anybody consider that the false outrage may have been started by somoene else who may have wanted the building for their use? Kind of like the Dubai Ports fiasco which was fabricated by the company that lost hte bid?

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You mean the 2nd..."the right to bear Happy Meals shall not be infringed".


That was clearly intended as a right for the Militia, or in other words, the National Guard now. A meal plan perk as it were. :D


But you're missing one important point. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this mosque? Nothing. It has nothing to do with this mosque! It does not make sense! And so if Chewbacca lives on Endor, you can't build the mosque!


But, Chewbacca does not live on Endor. So that means they can build it right? :rolleyes:

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But you're missing one important point. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this mosque? Nothing. It has nothing to do with this mosque! It does not make sense! And so if Chewbacca lives on Endor, you can't build the mosque!


So build the mosque on Endor and let the teddy bears worry about it

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