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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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Nice petty argument that belies the fact that by removing civil liberties, like the freedom of religion, makes YOU an America hater.


I love how freedom of religion has devolved into a conservative vs. liberal pissing contest. What a great nation we've become...


Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 mosques in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a mosque there. This is a deliberate act by muslims to thumb their noses at America. Just like the insane terrorist trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a mosque be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC mosques.

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The minute you liberals accuse the other side of being a bunch of racists is the minute you have nothing legitimate to say.


Oh, look, I'm a liberal this week. :flirt: All because I support the First Amendment. God, please save America from Americans.


As for the dust comment, the ones using it for their argument to stop the building of the mosque were referring to that dust as having human remains, you were obviously mocking them for which you needed to be called out on. It wasn't funny and you should feel ashamed for even phrasing it in a joking manner. You, Sean Penn and Micheal Moore can all move out of this country when we take it back this november from the liberal America haters like yourself.


I was mocking them, because it's a completely retarded argument to suggest that everywhere that dust from the WTC touched is now a historical landmark. Seriously. It's a transparent, grotesque attempt at masking bigotry and intolerance behind a dishonest veneer of self-righteousness.


Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 mosques in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a mosque there. This is a deliberate act by muslims to thumb their noses at America. Just like the insane terrorist trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a mosque be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC mosques.


That doesn't even rise to the level of ridiculous bull ****. The First Amendment isn't limited by some theoretical density of places of worship in a given area. Again...were it a church, you'd have no problem, even though it would be desecrating the "remains" of victims just as much, and there's certainly a greater density of Christian buildings in Manhattan. Face it, you're just a racist.

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You might be supporting his point with this. You might want to open a dirty book store in a location that is correctly zoned as retail, but the governing body that approves your permit might say no because they know the nearby population won't want it there. They aren't saying you can't sell dirty books, just not there.


Saying no to a Mosque near ground zero doesn't restrict religious freedom. It might simply be because it's not a good fit for the neighborhood.


Caveat being that the zoning board in NYC has already approved it, apparently. If they hadn't, I might concede your point.


If they hadn't based on religious reasoning, however, I'd complain. Loudly. Zoning regulations based on perceived religious propriety? Does that sound like a good idea to anyone?

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Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 mosques in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a mosque there. This is a deliberate act by muslims to thumb their noses at America. Just like the insane terrorist trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a mosque be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC mosques.

Again- no difference between this so-called public outrage and fundamentalism. Let's not be selectively politically correct. I wish I had the time to go up there and start building the mosque myself.

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Just a link a friend of mine posted on FB. I don't think it's a perfect analogy, but it's food for thought.

I think it's fairly useful. People are getting emotional about it, and letting it stand in the way of recognizing these folks' right to put up their center. Whether or not I'd put the mosque there if I were in the shoes of the decision-maker is another matter entirely.

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Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 mosques in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a mosque there. This is a deliberate act by muslims to thumb their noses at America. Just like the insane terrorist trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a mosque be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC mosques.


Your false indignation that masks your obvious racism is quite amusing... let's try this exercise...


Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 churches in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a church there. This is a deliberate act by catholics to thumb their noses at America. Just like the perverted catholic priest trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a catholic church be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC churches.


If a Muslim typed that, I wonder what your reaction would be...

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So to hell with anyone who might have sensitivies around this area and the symbolism of whats built there and/or may have questions or concerns about the project, and seeks to gain some understanding about Islam, the symbolic significance in the Muslim world of this project or Imam Rauf or.


If you hold any of these beliefs and concerns, youre an Un-American racist.


Yep...all you people.....just SHUT UP and keep quiet.


Good stance. Really.


Oh, by the way.......I just Google Earthed all you "tolerant" folks. Im going to buy the land behind your houses and build a giant all nude strip club/all night BBQ smelly smoke belching steakhouse with a drive through window (with extra loud, garbled PA system) and a back deck where bands will play death metal all night long. If you work nights, Im booking bands during the day. If you have kids, Im goingto sell liquor and butts alongside comic books of whatever favorite TV shows your kid likes.


Im sure you wont mind.


And dont respond with "Ill just go there" becuase Ill be sure to change my business to whatever would annoy you and your sensibilities the most.


After all...I have "the right."

How exactly will you be inconvenienced by this center? What symbolism is so threatening?


More dangerous would be stepping around people praying 5 times a day on the sidewalks.

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How exactly will you be inconvenienced by this center? What symbolism is so threatening?


More dangerous would be stepping around people praying 5 times a day on the sidewalks.


How dare Muslims pray on sidewalks touched by Our Sacred Dust!

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How dare Muslims pray on sidewalks touched by Our Sacred Dust!

I can see the commercials now. If Billy Mays was still alive, he could sell tiny bottles of the stuff, like they do with colored sand.

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More dangerous would be stepping around people praying 5 times a day on the sidewalks.


Who says you have to step around them? Step over em. Preferably with dirty shoes on.


Edit: I think they should be allowed to build on that site. But I wouldn't be opposed to them being heckled and harassed anytime anyone used the building, either.

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Who says you have to step around them? Step over em. Preferably with dirty shoes on.


Edit: I think they should be allowed to build on that site. But I wouldn't be opposed to them being heckled and harassed anytime anyone used the building, either.


People have the RIGHT to protest peacefully. People don't have the right to attack and harass because of a person's religion or choice of place of worship. Just think about what you're advocating here.

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I think it's fairly useful. People are getting emotional about it, and letting it stand in the way of recognizing these folks' right to put up their center. Whether or not I'd put the mosque there if I were in the shoes of the decision-maker is another matter entirely.

That's where I am.


If it were me, I'm not so sure I'd want to hurl myself into this shitstorm. But I'm far less comfortable making that decision for them. They have a 100% legal right not and I find the arguments equating it to an endorsement of terrorism to be ludicrous and ignorant (did I use it right, RH?)

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This is such a !@#$ing JOKE.....you cant build a !@#$ing McDonalds or raise a cell tower without scrutiny,discussion and critique......but somehow asking these folks to move their building two blocks over is "an assualt on who we are, as a Country."



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This is such a !@#$ing JOKE.....you cant build a !@#$ing McDonalds or raise a cell tower without scrutiny,discussion and critique......but somehow asking these folks to move their building two blocks over is "an assualt on who we are, as a Country."




No. Comical is you comparing commercial enterprises to the practicing of religion and where it locates itself. The fact that you can't seem to distinguish between the two is sad.

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This is such a !@#$ing JOKE.....you cant build a !@#$ing McDonalds or raise a cell tower without scrutiny,discussion and critique......but somehow asking these folks to move their building two blocks over is "an assualt on who we are, as a Country."




McDonalds, religious worship...same thing. It's like you read my mind.




And just try getting a McD's relocated after it's been zoned and the land purchased. :flirt:

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People have the RIGHT to protest peacefully. People don't have the right to attack and harass because of a person's religion or choice of place of worship. Just think about what you're advocating here.


I'm not advocating beating anyone up or terrorizing anyone. But there's nothing wrong with reminding them of the poor nature of their decision. Nothing to see here, though, because within 6 months, the average American's ADHD addled brains will have moved on from this "controversy."

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