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another Westboro Baptist Church thread

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Part of me thinks I shouldn't be laughing...but really, when the Klan is issuing disclaimers saying "We're not with them, they're !@#$ing !@#$s"... :thumbsup:


its like when MS-13 tried to join up with Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda went "nah, youre a little too crazy, thanks" :wallbash:

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What's their beef with miners?


i think it's just their all-encompassing theory that since America is so "godless" that anything bad that happens is punishment from God. basically, the miners were killed because the church isn't in charge of the country (even though it really is).

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i think it's just their all-encompassing theory that since America is so "godless" that anything bad that happens is punishment from God. basically, the miners were killed because the church isn't in charge of the country (even though it really is).


I thought it was more specifically that the US does not persecute homosexuals, so soldiers dying in wars, mining accidents and the like is our comeuppance from God.

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I thought it was more specifically that the US does not persecute homosexuals, so soldiers dying in wars, mining accidents and the like is our comeuppance from God.


yeah, that sounds about right too.


tough to put a finger on just one reason for their craziness

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yeah, that sounds about right too.


tough to put a finger on just one reason for their craziness


Quite the contrary, they're very specifically anti-gay. Their craziness only seems unfocused because they demonstrate at EVERY GODDAMNED EVENT IN THE COUNTRY no matter how disconnected it is with gay rights.


In fact, the more disconnected, the more likely these bozos are to demonstrate at it. You'd never see these !@#$ers at an AIDS clinic in San Francisco, for example...but a freak circus accident in Omaha, they're there like flies on ****, explaining how it's God's vengeance against our immoral homosexualized society.

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Quite the contrary, they're very specifically anti-gay. Their craziness only seems unfocused because they demonstrate at EVERY GODDAMNED EVENT IN THE COUNTRY no matter how disconnected it is with gay rights.


In fact, the more disconnected, the more likely these bozos are to demonstrate at it. You'd never see these !@#$ers at an AIDS clinic in San Francisco, for example...but a freak circus accident in Omaha, they're there like flies on ****, explaining how it's God's vengeance against our immoral homosexualized society.


the reason they dont go to san fran is because theyre chicken-**** and get completely out protested.


remember my LAST westboro thread? :thumbsup:



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