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Why are you being so nasty and smug? Does this make you feel like more of a "man?" Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?


Having a penis makes me feel like a man, not posting on a message board. Sorry, ignorance is annoying. Oh and there is nothing "wrong" with me.

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i agree, just felt he went out of his way to single out buffalo to make his point. you mean he couldnt have used the cardinals, falcons, jacksonville to drive home his point. again, you are right, who cares, but it irked me this morning, thats all.

The Cardinals, Jacksonville and Falcons all have been very good recently. Fact is that he is right....truth hurts.....

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Oh brother.. I used wikipedia for the colorful graphs dipshit.. since you obviously can't read or do any research of your own.

Would you accept facts from the EPA or are they jaded also? Facts are facts.. Fact = proven truth. Who would you believe then?


For the record. There is no question the climate has been changing "naturally" for billions of years. Are you really this freaking stupid? No one has questioned the climate has changed. The question is are we adding to the climate change.


Good grief.. I hope you aren't reproducing.

You might want to update your database concerning the science of global warming. Seems most of it eminates from one place and there has been a nasty and embarrassing brouhaha regarding the original data upon which these assumptions were made. Also, claims of questionable objectivity regarding scientific publication, incriminating e-mails.....the politicization of science.


Of course we all believe what we wish, but it we all should allow for some healthy skepticism regarding what has been described to us as fact but has never been actually proven.

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You might want to update your database concerning the science of global warming. Seems most of it eminates from one place and there has been a nasty and embarrassing brouhaha regarding the original data upon which these assumptions were made. Also, claims of questionable objectivity regarding scientific publication, incriminating e-mails.....the politicization of science.


Of course we all believe what we wish, but it we all should allow for some healthy skepticism regarding what has been described to us as fact but has never been actually proven.


I guess I need to be even clearer? I don't even know why I am bothering to explain but here goes..


The term "global warming" is a misnomer. The planet has heated and cooled for 4 billion years. This is an undisputed fact. We have gone through ice ages and thaws in the past. Still facts which no one disputes.


The argument is whether green house gasses are leading to "global warming". There is no argument that the climate is actually changing. The argument is why it's changing. If you think I am wrong, please post one link to anyone saying the planet's climate is not actually changing.


If you still don't agree with the FACT the climate is changing, why are the ice caps melting? Why is the sea level rising?




I am not going to say its a FACT that green house gases are causing "global warming" because it hasn't been proven without a doubt like you said. However I would say that it's a damn good possibility/contributing factor and we should be working on ways to lower the green house gas emissions.


Now ask yourself this.. Why would anyone be against lowering green house gasses? Because it's not cost effective and unfortunately many people in this world are more concerned about their profits than the future of our race. Believe it our not.. nothing we do will destroy the planet. It will still be here long after humans.. It's human beings and other life forms that we should be trying to save in future generations.

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First and really most importantly, the Bills will have a storied tradition once they begin winning. It really doesn't help the Buffalo is a small market team with three larger market teams. The most important thing for the Bills will be to win a Super Bowl. Had the Bills won one Super Bowl, they would have a much better tradition. If they can get back to winning the Bills will be considered along the same lines as the Vikings. Currently, the problem is no winning, no star quarterback, no star players.


Second, the biggest issue with global warming is the fact that the scientists has excluded data to make it seem that the Earth is warmer today than it ever has been, specifically the middle ages. The underlying findings have been changed for political purposes. Could be happening, might not be, probably won't matter when humans no longer exist on the planet. Personally, I think the issue of running out of oil would be a bigger problem.


Third, the truth about the tea party movement is this: There is a direct correlation between the amount of money a country saves and the long term prosperity of that country, the same is true for an individual. The more money spent now to buy stuff the worse off we will be in the future. The country cannot spend its way out of its credit card debt to China.


Fourth, New York City has some of the worst schools in the country. Half the kids don't graduate from High School. Pound for pound New York has as many idiots as the South or anywhere else for that matter. D@mn I wish the Norwood could have made that field goal.

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