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another jab ftom espn

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We have been an utter disgrace for a long time but the Levy/Jauron years made us a laughing stock, although it isn't funny to diehard fans like us. If you disagree, take a look at Leodis, Roscoe, Lynch, Hardy, Maybin, McCargo, and Lil Donte, then ask yourself how much fear they strike in opponents. Levy/Jauron used our best resources on the sub-par players above.

I will qualify this comment by saying that opponents might be a little scared of these guys if they were crossing the street, riding in a car, or attending a Mothers Day barbecue.


It will take a long time to recover from those idiotic drafts and make this team strong once again, and I can't really fault the media for smirking at us until we turn things around.



You are completely overstating things. It was frustrating but we are the definition of medicore. Hardly a laughing stock. But the national media is jsut sort of indifferent.


And Mort is a douche who loves TD's old man balls and is one of the worst at his job. He sucks and will bash on Buffalo any chance he gets. Just accept it and don't let it bother you.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them

As a life long Bills fan, I can admit over the course of the last 50 years, the Raider's have much more or a storied history. We have one good decade pretty much and they have one bad decade? Not even close.

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I don't think there is any reason to get too upset by Mort's comment. He probably just threw out some teams who haven't performed extremely well of late on the fly; is it really that surprising that we were one of the go to teams?. It's a tweat so who knows how much time went into composing it. His comparison is more a way of feeding into and generating interest in the current hype surrounding the Raiders and McNabb. When the Bills were playing well, everyone was saying the same thing about them.


In short, saying football is better when "x" team is playing well has become a trite cliche. The same thing will be said about Buffalo as soon as it looks like we have a chance of turning things around (in fact, as noted above, this is what happened when we were 5-1).


(Edit) P.S. Can one of the political commentators please create a new thread for the political conversation and link to it? It's not that I don't care what you're talking about or think it is unimportant; this just isn't the place.

i can agree with your reasoning about mort's tweet. as for the political commentary, i did start the thread, but in no way lead it to become a political discussion. a while ago i posted an opinion about NBC'S lack of awareness during the olympics that ignited a political rant. some on here remember me and apparently i am the lightening rod that stirs up the liberals . hence, the reason it turned.

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i can agree with your reasoning about mort's tweet. as for the political commentary, i did start the thread, but in no way lead it to become a political discussion. a while ago i posted an opinion about NBC'S lack of awareness during the olympics that ignited a political rant. some on here remember me and apparently i am the lightening rod that stirs up the liberals . hence, the reason it turned.


Here it is folks- on a thread complaining about NBC not showing the hockey game, out of the clear blue sky, I give you Dwight in Philly...


"that is what you get when liberal's run anything!,,.look at what friggin obama is doing to the country, then you can understand why you get a cluterf----- when the olberman's of the world run anything, its not him, but his way of thinking permeates nbc's!"

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That's nice. And it relates to Chris Mortensen's Twitter account ... how, exactly?


That Mort's an independant? :rolleyes:


He does have a disdain for the Bills -no question about it. He could have referenced other teams in way worse shape than us (Detroit, Cleveland). He just seems to never miss a chance to use his national mouthpiece to fire a shot at the Bills.


He's bush-league and my life is dumber by his existance.

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That Mort's an independant? :rolleyes:


He does have a disdain for the Bills -no question about it. He could have referenced other teams in way worse shape than us (Detroit, Cleveland). He just seems to never miss a chance to use his national mouthpiece to fire a shot at the Bills.


He's bush-league and my life is dumber by his existance.

Repeating: the guy asking the question was the one who mentioned the Bills, not Mortensen.

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You are completely overstating things. It was frustrating but we are the definition of medicore. Hardly a laughing stock. But the national media is jsut sort of indifferent.

CB97, I know that you are truly a superfan (I'm not making fun of you), but you are in serious denial here brotha. The Bills are a luaghing stock. Everything that they do is a laughing stock, from screwing up draft after draft, to the FO (this one is to new to judge), to coaching choices (skeptical about Gaily). There is litterally not one thing that we've gotten right in a freeking decade! We trade our 1st for bad QB's, we keep incompetent coaches to long and we let old palyers have way to much influense over decisions. Ralph defers to everyone else and then he winds up making trainwreck decisions anyway.

Seriously, I am a Bills fan but you can't be blinded to the facts. Now hopefully this new regime turns this car crash around but they are being asked to slam on the breaks after the car is already off of the cliff. The media, non Bills fans and honest Bills fans no that this organization is a joke. Let's hope this new regime can change things but if the last ten years tell us anything...

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CB97, I know that you are truly a superfan (I'm not making fun of you), but you are in serious denial here brotha. The Bills are a luaghing stock. Everything that they do is a laughing stock, from screwing up draft after draft, to the FO (this one is to new to judge), to coaching choices (skeptical about Gaily). There is litterally not one thing that we've gotten right in a freeking decade! We trade our 1st for bad QB's, we keep incompetent coaches to long and we let old palyers have way to much influense over decisions. Ralph defers to everyone else and then he winds up making trainwreck decisions anyway.

Seriously, I am a Bills fan but you can't be blinded to the facts. Now hopefully this new regime turns this car crash around but they are being asked to slam on the breaks after the car is already off of the cliff. The media, non Bills fans and honest Bills fans no that this organization is a joke. Let's hope this new regime can change things but if the last ten years tell us anything...



I'm sure the Lions, Raiders, Rams, Browns are laughing really hard at us. As frustrating as it's been, we are average to slightly below average. Part of the problem is that we never hit rock bottom (or "laughing stock" status), so we miss out on top 5 franchise changing players. So why I think calling us a laughing stock is wrong, it is almost more frustrating to be average for a decade.


As for being a "superfan," it's March. What point does it serves to come to a message board about my favorite team and female dog about a season that hasn't been played yet? There are enough things in life to get mad at besides a NFL team.

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Is this a jab? I don't see it. This is the same kind of jab as when you look at a man who is 5'8" and say to him, "You are 5'8", you know." It's just noting facts. The Raiders have how many Super Bowl wins? Three, which puts them in the top few teams. They are famous for the loony fan costumes. They have a team "feeling" that everyone knows, bad boys, hard hitters, long ball artists, Crazy Al, Ted Hendricks, Lyle Alzado having to have a lump of scar tissue the size of a grapefruit removed from his butt because of all the needle damage from steroid shots. Everyone knows what the Raiders stand for.


What do we have compared to that? What are we famous for? Snow? That's not even a Bills phenomena, it's the weather. I guess you could say we're famous for shirtless fans in the snow, but so are the Packers, the Jets .....


When we win a few Super Bowls, we'll be compared to the Steelers, Raiders, and so on instead of the Bucs and Bengals.

Jim Otto-Dave Casper-Gene Upshaw-Howie Long-Ray Guy-Lester Hayes...yea
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Since he's been in office, Obama has done nothing to curb the stereotypes about the Bills being perennial losers. When I voted hor "change," I expected him to change the direction of this franchise as well as its national perception. He has done neither. Sure, the market has done exceptionally well since he took over, he's already captured more badass terrorists than Bush, the Iraqi elections went smoothly, he pushed through a landmark healthcare bill, he's starting to make some nice treaty arrangements with traditional enemies of ours and most importantly, complete sentences are back at the White House, but this is unacceptable. I think you have to blame Obama for this one, right Dwight?

Thanks for the chuckle.

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That Mort's an independant? :rolleyes:


He does have a disdain for the Bills -no question about it. He could have referenced other teams in way worse shape than us (Detroit, Cleveland). He just seems to never miss a chance to use his national mouthpiece to fire a shot at the Bills.


He's bush-league and my life is dumber by his existance.


I don't think Mort necessarily has a disdain for the Bills, but, I think, it is legitimate that he may have developed an awareness (as Adam Schefter seems to) of how thin skinned Bills fans have become. Every time I hear Mort reference the Bills in the slightest of unflattering lights, he seems to feel the need to apologize to Bills fans. I have heard him mention on his radio show, a time or two, that any slight against the Bills (whether the slight is based on fact or opinion) is met with 100's of emails from the Bills faithful. He turns it into a positive about how loyal Bills fans are...but I think it makes us (as a group) sound a little insane...


Speaking of which, listening to the Brian Kinney show, last night, in the car. Kinney, talking about Donovan McNabb going to the Raiders said, something to the effect of "If the only teams interested in Donovan McNabb are the Raiders and Bills, you have to wonder how good he really is...the Raiders and Bills are the two worst franchses in the NFL, and the fact that they want McNabb, while Philly, one of the best franchises in the league, is willing to part with him, had to make one wonder if McNabb has anything left in him. I am throwing my hat in with Philly, not the bungling Raiders, and the foolish Bills...how'd that TO thing work out for you Buffalo?"

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I'm sure the Lions, Raiders, Rams, Browns are laughing really hard at us. As frustrating as it's been, we are average to slightly below average. Part of the problem is that we never hit rock bottom (or "laughing stock" status), so we miss out on top 5 franchise changing players. So why I think calling us a laughing stock is wrong, it is almost more frustrating to be average for a decade.

As for being a "superfan," it's March. What point does it serves to come to a message board about my favorite team and female dog about a season that hasn't been played yet? There are enough things in life to get mad at besides a NFL team.

Pointing out other laughing stocks doesn't mean that the Bills are not one. I'm not sure what your definition of "rock bottom" is but regardless of record, this decade was crackhead rock bottom in my book.


'09 is the perfect example of rock bottom. They bring back a completely incompetent coach. They trade a very good LT in Peters and replace him with a guy who was cut right before the season (He was so bad he was never picked up!). They replace Walker with Bell, who obviosly wasn't ready. They fire the OC right before the season and give the job, of course, to a former Bill who had his a** handed to him him on a weekly basis. They pass on some obvious choices @11 and draft a kid who was a mess of a player. They finally fire a coach half way through the season. Rock bottom yet?


I wasn't calling you a Superfan to make fun of you. I called you a Superfan because your support of the team is unconditional and I think that clouds your judgement. I could turn the fact that you defend this team at all costs, when you ignore what this team has done over the last decade, around on you and say it's annoying. Again, the "B*tching" Bills fans are only going on what we've been given so it doesn't matter what time of the year it is because we know how this story ends.


And that leaves us with this current regime. A coach that not one team wanted, a GM who's a rookie at 70 and no one wanted and a coaching staff filled with college coaches. So this is what Ralph has given his detractors as evidence of a turn around? I ask this all of the time, when is Ralph ever smarter than the rest of the NFL? Yet we're supposed to believe that he pulled one over this time. Sorry bro, but I remain and deserve to remain very skeptical.

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I don't think Mort necessarily has a disdain for the Bills, but, I think, it is legitimate that he may have developed an awareness (as Adam Schefter seems to) of how thin skinned Bills fans have become. Every time I hear Mort reference the Bills in the slightest of unflattering lights, he seems to feel the need to apologize to Bills fans. I have heard him mention on his radio show, a time or two, that any slight against the Bills (whether the slight is based on fact or opinion) is met with 100's of emails from the Bills faithful. He turns it into a positive about how loyal Bills fans are...but I think it makes us (as a group) sound a little insane...


I do agree that people from Buffalo can be very sensitive but you got to admit, the city takes a lot of crap. Personally, I think there is nothing more pathetic than bashing a city and you're a loser if you do so. At the same time, people need to realize if you're happy living somewhere, you don't need to defend it. just be happy there.


As for Mort, I think you can't deny his bias toward the Bills because of his friendship with TD. He tried to talk about Losman's trade value before he went to the UFL. He consistently recommends TD for jobs even though TD was on par with Matt Millen for destroying a franchise. Additionally, he is a terrible reporter. He said Eli Manning would miss a month during their Super Bowl run with a separated shoulder. He didn't miss a game. Even better, he said Vick wouldn't face any jail time after the dogfighting reports came out. Those are some terrible misfires.


And while I would never take the time to write ESPN because i really don't care, I do like that we have loyal fans like that. That passion is what makes the Bills fans great and it's why we deserve a winner.


Speaking of which, listening to the Brian Kinney show, last night, in the car. Kinney, talking about Donovan McNabb going to the Raiders said, something to the effect of "If the only teams interested in Donovan McNabb are the Raiders and Bills, you have to wonder how good he really is...the Raiders and Bills are the two worst franchses in the NFL, and the fact that they want McNabb, while Philly, one of the best franchises in the league, is willing to part with him, had to make one wonder if McNabb has anything left in him. I am throwing my hat in with Philly, not the bungling Raiders, and the foolish Bills...how'd that TO thing work out for you Buffalo?"


I've never listened to him but here's a few questions I'd fire back at him:


1) You really don't recognize the huge difference between a franchise QB and a receiver, the most dependant player on the football field? The Bills have lost a ton of games because they can't score enough. We've had really good receivers but they are worthless if you can't get them the ball or give a QB time to get them the ball.


2) McNabb is in the last year of his contract. They love Kolb and just paid Vick $5 million. They'd be foolish not to try and get something for McNabb right now. Good teams, for the msot part, don't let players walk for nothing.


Kinney doesn't sound that knowledgable to me.

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Pointing out other laughing stocks doesn't mean that the Bills are not one. I'm not sure what your definition of "rock bottom" is but regardless of record, this decade was crackhead rock bottom in my book.


'09 is the perfect example of rock bottom. They bring back a completely incompetent coach. They trade a very good LT in Peters and replace him with a guy who was cut right before the season (He was so bad he was never picked up!). They replace Walker with Bell, who obviosly wasn't ready. They fire the OC right before the season and give the job, of course, to a former Bill who had his a** handed to him him on a weekly basis. They pass on some obvious choices @11 and draft a kid who was a mess of a player. They finally fire a coach half way through the season. Rock bottom yet?


I wasn't calling you a Superfan to make fun of you. I called you a Superfan because your support of the team is unconditional and I think that clouds your judgement. I could turn the fact that you defend this team at all costs, when you ignore what this team has done over the last decade, around on you and say it's annoying. Again, the "B*tching" Bills fans are only going on what we've been given so it doesn't matter what time of the year it is because we know how this story ends.


And that leaves us with this current regime. A coach that not one team wanted, a GM who's a rookie at 70 and no one wanted and a coaching staff filled with college coaches. So this is what Ralph has given his detractors as evidence of a turn around? I ask this all of the time, when is Ralph ever smarter than the rest of the NFL? Yet we're supposed to believe that he pulled one over this time. Sorry bro, but I remain and deserve to remain very skeptical.


Very well said actually. Anyone who lives in reality, has the right to be and should be skeptical after going through the past decade of disgust. You can only carry that blind faith for so long before you get tired of having it thrown back in your face. I am as big of a Bills fan as ever, but I reserve the right to let them actually show me that things are going to change before I buy into it for now. Tired of getting my hopes shot down, I am at the point with this ownership and franchise that if they ever do win again, I would rather wait and be pleasantly surprised than spend another decade being disappointed.

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Pointing out other laughing stocks doesn't mean that the Bills are not one. I'm not sure what your definition of "rock bottom" is but regardless of record, this decade was crackhead rock bottom in my book.


'09 is the perfect example of rock bottom. They bring back a completely incompetent coach. They trade a very good LT in Peters and replace him with a guy who was cut right before the season (He was so bad he was never picked up!). They replace Walker with Bell, who obviosly wasn't ready. They fire the OC right before the season and give the job, of course, to a former Bill who had his a** handed to him him on a weekly basis. They pass on some obvious choices @11 and draft a kid who was a mess of a player. They finally fire a coach half way through the season. Rock bottom yet?


I wasn't calling you a Superfan to make fun of you. I called you a Superfan because your support of the team is unconditional and I think that clouds your judgement. I could turn the fact that you defend this team at all costs, when you ignore what this team has done over the last decade, around on you and say it's annoying. Again, the "B*tching" Bills fans are only going on what we've been given so it doesn't matter what time of the year it is because we know how this story ends.


And that leaves us with this current regime. A coach that not one team wanted, a GM who's a rookie at 70 and no one wanted and a coaching staff filled with college coaches. So this is what Ralph has given his detractors as evidence of a turn around? I ask this all of the time, when is Ralph ever smarter than the rest of the NFL? Yet we're supposed to believe that he pulled one over this time. Sorry bro, but I remain and deserve to remain very skeptical.


When the weather is starting to turn nice and there's a new season like 5 months away, I see zero reason to whine about it on a message board. I buy tickets to the first 3 games without fail. After that, depending on how the Bills are playing, I'll decided if I want to spend more money on them. I'll criticize in October, not in March.


The Bills have obviously made a ton of mistakes. But they are an average to slightly below average team and that's with one of the worst groups of QBs we have ever had. If we find a franchise QB, we are in the mix again. i really think it is that simple and it's why I want McNabb, though it's not going to happen.

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I do agree that people from Buffalo can be very sensitive but you got to admit, the city takes a lot of crap. Personally, I think there is nothing more pathetic than bashing a city and you're a loser if you do so. At the same time, people need to realize if you're happy living somewhere, you don't need to defend it. just be happy there.


As for Mort, I think you can't deny his bias toward the Bills because of his friendship with TD. He tried to talk about Losman's trade value before he went to the UFL. He consistently recommends TD for jobs even though TD was on par with Matt Millen for destroying a franchise. Additionally, he is a terrible reporter. He said Eli Manning would miss a month during their Super Bowl run with a separated shoulder. He didn't miss a game. Even better, he said Vick wouldn't face any jail time after the dogfighting reports came out. Those are some terrible misfires.


And while I would never take the time to write ESPN because i really don't care, I do like that we have loyal fans like that. That passion is what makes the Bills fans great and it's why we deserve a winner.




I've never listened to him but here's a few questions I'd fire back at him:


1) You really don't recognize the huge difference between a franchise QB and a receiver, the most dependant player on the football field? The Bills have lost a ton of games because they can't score enough. We've had really good receivers but they are worthless if you can't get them the ball or give a QB time to get them the ball.


2) McNabb is in the last year of his contract. They love Kolb and just paid Vick $5 million. They'd be foolish not to try and get something for McNabb right now. Good teams, for the msot part, don't let players walk for nothing.


Kinney doesn't sound that knowledgable to me.


Kinney is an idiot....

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