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another jab ftom espn

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them

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Who cares what he has to say.


What tradition do the Raiders have? The years keep moving along... Ken Stabler's collecting his medicare. The owner looks like a stand-in for a Weekend at Bernie's sequel.

i agree, just felt he went out of his way to single out buffalo to make his point. you mean he couldnt have used the cardinals, falcons, jacksonville to drive home his point. again, you are right, who cares, but it irked me this morning, thats all.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them


We have been an utter disgrace for a long time but the Levy/Jauron years made us a laughing stock, although it isn't funny to diehard fans like us. If you disagree, take a look at Leodis, Roscoe, Lynch, Hardy, Maybin, McCargo, and Lil Donte, then ask yourself how much fear they strike in opponents. Levy/Jauron used our best resources on the sub-par players above.

I will qualify this comment by saying that opponents might be a little scared of these guys if they were crossing the street, riding in a car, or attending a Mothers Day barbecue.


It will take a long time to recover from those idiotic drafts and make this team strong once again, and I can't really fault the media for smirking at us until we turn things around.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them

If you thought that was bad,you should have read his tweet about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago..


so the bills have no tradition?,


Yes, only 42% winning seasons in its history. 47% winning record.


national fan base?


Uhm, no. Take away the WNY transplants and the fan base is Claude Rains.


i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!


Because few other franchises signify commitment to mediocrity, like the Buffalo Bills.


Take away the fact that Mort tweeted it, and he wasn't off the mark.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them


Since he's been in office, Obama has done nothing to curb the stereotypes about the Bills being perennial losers. When I voted hor "change," I expected him to change the direction of this franchise as well as its national perception. He has done neither. Sure, the market has done exceptionally well since he took over, he's already captured more badass terrorists than Bush, the Iraqi elections went smoothly, he pushed through a landmark healthcare bill, he's starting to make some nice treaty arrangements with traditional enemies of ours and most importantly, complete sentences are back at the White House, but this is unacceptable. I think you have to blame Obama for this one, right Dwight?

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Since he's been in office, Obama has done nothing to curb the stereotypes about the Bills being perennial losers. When I voted hor "change," I expected him to change the direction of this franchise as well as its national perception. He has done neither. Sure, the market has done exceptionally well since he took over, he's already captured more badass terrorists than Bush, the Iraqi elections went smoothly, he pushed through a landmark healthcare bill, he's starting to make some nice treaty arrangements with traditional enemies of ours and most importantly, complete sentences are back at the White House, but this is unacceptable. I think you have to blame Obama for this one, right Dwight?


Finally someone out there who is completely tuned in to my psychosis.

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them




Is this a jab? I don't see it. This is the same kind of jab as when you look at a man who is 5'8" and say to him, "You are 5'8", you know." It's just noting facts. The Raiders have how many Super Bowl wins? Three, which puts them in the top few teams. They are famous for the loony fan costumes. They have a team "feeling" that everyone knows, bad boys, hard hitters, long ball artists, Crazy Al, Ted Hendricks, Lyle Alzado having to have a lump of scar tissue the size of a grapefruit removed from his butt because of all the needle damage from steroid shots. Everyone knows what the Raiders stand for.


What do we have compared to that? What are we famous for? Snow? That's not even a Bills phenomena, it's the weather. I guess you could say we're famous for shirtless fans in the snow, but so are the Packers, the Jets .....


When we win a few Super Bowls, we'll be compared to the Steelers, Raiders, and so on instead of the Bucs and Bengals.

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Since he's been in office, Obama has done nothing to curb the stereotypes about the Bills being perennial losers. When I voted hor "change," I expected him to change the direction of this franchise as well as its national perception. He has done neither. Sure, the market has done exceptionally well since he took over, he's already captured more badass terrorists than Bush, the Iraqi elections went smoothly, he pushed through a landmark healthcare bill, he's starting to make some nice treaty arrangements with traditional enemies of ours and most importantly, complete sentences are back at the White House, but this is unacceptable. I think you have to blame Obama for this one, right Dwight?

you win!, the country has never been so "on board" with this prez.. everyone loved the health care plan!,loved the "transparency" of the process!, you know , the mantra B O ran on.. TRANSPARENCY.. no backroom deals , no siree!.. no division in the usa!.. just look at his "approval" rating, btw, you brought politics into this, not me

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from chris mortensen tweet...why is nfl better when raiders are good? why not bucaneers or bengals or bills?? >> Tradition, national fan base 11 hours ago.. so the bills have no tradition?, national fan base? i think the buffalo bills are a storied franchise, last decade not withstanding, why did he compare the bills with the bengals and bucs!i think he could have used another team to lump in with the bengals way before the bills. ok, maybe i am thin-skinned and have too much time on my hands, but just pissed me off. it is harder and harder to legitimize the bills because espn jumps at every chance they get to minimize them



Comparing BUF to CIN is just...wrong.


For a decade+, after Mikie took over, the B'gals were the baseline for ineptitude. Bills' fans stick with their team. People that followed CIN through their idiocy only did so to see what could possibly happen next. :thumbsup:

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you win!, the country has never been so "on board" with this prez.. everyone loved the health care plan!,loved the "transparency" of the process!, you know , the mantra B O ran on.. TRANSPARENCY.. no backroom deals , no siree!.. no division in the usa!.. just look at his "approval" rating, btw, you brought politics into this, not me


You started this a long time ago whe you blamed Obama for NBC showing ice dancing instead of USA-Canada (look it up folks, I don't know how to pull old posts). And yes, his approval ratings, though getting higher, are still low due to an unbelievably crude yet effective right-wing fear-mongering, world-is-coming-to-an-end marketing campaign combined with the gullibility of middle Americans who don't think for themselves. In the northeast, his approval ratings are astonishingly high.

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True, and the senate race in Mass. proved exactly that!


Good job!!!


Ahh another tea-bagger, very nice. How was the hate rally this past weekend? McCain declares that Republicans won't cooperate with Democrats on any legislation for the rest of the year. Way to put country first! Your party has turned into Ebeneezer Scrooge. Before Christmas, of course.

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Ahh another tea-bagger, very nice. How was the hate rally this past weekend? McCain declares that Republicans won't cooperate with Democrats on any legislation for the rest of the year. Way to put country first! Your party has turned into Ebeneezer Scrooge. Before Christmas, of course.


I am neither a tea-bagger nor a republican. Way to act like a name calling, judgemental idiot when your ramblings are discredited! Again, nice job!!! :thumbsup::rolleyes::oops::beer:

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