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and, as a parting shot prior to my travels ...

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so, what's everyone think about the Michael Vick talk?

been at least a day since someone posted a topic on that.




off to Vancouver.



Anyone who eats a hamburger or a chicken sandwich is supporting animal cruelty. Putting that matter aside, I see Vick as more a side show than a upgrade at QB. It would be like T.O. all over again. We get our 15 minutes on ESPN. Then nothing when Vick struggles on the frozen tundra. There are at least a dozen QB options that are better than Vick, but to some Bills fans hype = talent.



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Curling. Eh. Must be a Canuck thing. :thumbdown:


(Before anyone takes offense, I'm kidding with the "Canuck thing." Our part of the family has been down here for a couple of generations now, but I still have plenty of cousins north of Lake Ontario ...)


Another link people might find of interest in the next few weeks: http://wintergames.ap.org/

dang, Lori, I was just going to post a link to the AP site.

that said, for those not familiar with the culture of curling, and why it's so popular, here's a quick rundown on how it works, and this includes small bonspiels (tournaments) or major ones.

-- you curl.

-- then you go to the beer tent and drink.


and i'm not making this up. i covered a national curling championship in B.C. some 15 years ago, and if ever i needed a quote from a participant, they were easily found in the beer tent.


for me, i've never played the game, skipping (to pardon the pun for those who know curling) the playing part, and instead heading straight for the finish.





ok, i'm done. packing up and heading out. see y'all later.

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Anyone who eats a hamburger or a chicken sandwich is supporting animal cruelty. Putting that matter aside, I see Vick as more a side show than a upgrade at QB. It would be like T.O. all over again. We get our 15 minutes on ESPN. Then nothing when Vick struggles on the frozen tundra. There are at least a dozen QB options that are better than Vick, but to some moronic so-called Bills fans hype = talent.



fixed it for ya :thumbdown:

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Curling. Eh. Must be a Canuck thing. :thumbdown:


(Before anyone takes offense, I'm kidding with the "Canuck thing." Our part of the family has been down here for a couple of generations now, but I still have plenty of cousins north of Lake Ontario ...)


Another link people might find of interest in the next few weeks: http://wintergames.ap.org/



I have no Canadian ancestry but I am fascinated by curling, if only during the Olympics. So, the contestants curl then do 12oz. curls, eh? Sounds like a plan, hosers!

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I have no Canadian ancestry but I am fascinated by curling, if only during the Olympics. So, the contestants curl then do 12oz. curls, eh? Sounds like a plan, hosers!

It's actually a pretty cool sport (pun not intended). What could be better than giant shuffleboard on ice? And with Canadian beer involved?

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dang, Lori, I was just going to post a link to the AP site.

that said, for those not familiar with the culture of curling, and why it's so popular, here's a quick rundown on how it works, and this includes small bonspiels (tournaments) or major ones.

-- you curl.

-- then you go to the beer tent and drink.


and i'm not making this up. i covered a national curling championship in B.C. some 15 years ago, and if ever i needed a quote from a participant, they were easily found in the beer tent.


for me, i've never played the game, skipping (to pardon the pun for those who know curling) the playing part, and instead heading straight for the finish.





ok, i'm done. packing up and heading out. see y'all later.

That sounds too much like ice fishing to be a real Olympic sport.

BTW - It turns out that Hitler actually hates Scott Brown, that TO thing was just a passing fancy.

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dang, Lori, I was just going to post a link to the AP site.

that said, for those not familiar with the culture of curling, and why it's so popular, here's a quick rundown on how it works, and this includes small bonspiels (tournaments) or major ones.

-- you curl.

-- then you go to the beer tent and drink.


and i'm not making this up. i covered a national curling championship in B.C. some 15 years ago, and if ever i needed a quote from a participant, they were easily found in the beer tent.


for me, i've never played the game, skipping (to pardon the pun for those who know curling) the playing part, and instead heading straight for the finish.





ok, i'm done. packing up and heading out. see y'all later.

You forgot the most important part, the winners buy. So it doesn't matter how bad you play, you're getting a free beer afterwards.

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dang, Lori, I was just going to post a link to the AP site.

that said, for those not familiar with the culture of curling, and why it's so popular, here's a quick rundown on how it works, and this includes small bonspiels (tournaments) or major ones.

-- you curl.

-- then you go to the beer tent and drink.


and i'm not making this up. i covered a national curling championship in B.C. some 15 years ago, and if ever i needed a quote from a participant, they were easily found in the beer tent.


for me, i've never played the game, skipping (to pardon the pun for those who know curling) the playing part, and instead heading straight for the finish.





ok, i'm done. packing up and heading out. see y'all later.


That thing is about the size of a bowling ball. Hmmmmmm. Yo, Kenny! Warm up the Pinto! :(

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He sucks. He never was a good QB, just another 'athlete' put in the QB position. Now that he isn't that great of an athlete any longer he is no better than the trash we already have on this roster.


Look the best QB's in the game still just sit in the damn pocket and deliver the football. Until Young quit running around like a dumb ass he didn't win a superbowl neither die Elway.


Get a QB that can stand tall, and deliver in the face of pressure and quit looking to gimicks to try and get us where we want to to.


Darth (Ice?),


Sorry to pick on you but in over 30 posts on this thread, you are the only person to take the original poster literally...at face value.


Calm down on the first round quarterback thing. You're all worked up again. Take a time out. The quarterback thing will work itself out...to your liking or not.


Your very considerable efforts to sway this small segment of Bills Nation to your opinion so that you can build critical mass to causing a groundswell of fan support, a movement if you will, so that the Bills front office will draft a quarterback at #9 will either be unsuccessful or unnecessary.


The Bills will do what they will and nothing you do will effect it. And your obstinate, repeated posts espousing your entrenched and vehement views aren't changing anyone's opinions.


We know where you stand on this and many issues. Congratulations. You can relax now. Please.

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Just say no to Mike Vick. Hope Buddy & Chan are smarter than that.

for football reasons, they would have to be...just a basic knowledge of the game tells you that Vick isn't the answer

for other reasons, Russ Brandon has to be smarter than that...with a marketing background, he has to know that a fan base that's tired of losing is growing impatient and won't take much to give up on the franchise...short of the drunks who fill the Rockpile, they won't appease fans by bringing Vick in. The longtime fans, a lot of whom fill club seats which the team can't afford to have go empty, aren't, as a whole, happy about the notion of a convicted felon in Bills colors...some will drop their club seats immediately. Vick could destroy the franchise

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