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Why is my wife so slow?


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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



Does your name, tipster 19, signify that on a normal day you "tip" 19 drinks? Seems like it!


Hang in there, pal! :thumbdown:

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



Does your name, tipster 19, signify that on a normal day you "tip" 19 drinks? Seems like it!


Hang in there, pal! :thumbdown:

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.


What's worse, your apparently to stupid to post this on the OT board where it belongs.

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.


Did you ever think of becoming a writer? For "not having a proper education", you definitely can tell a great story.......You'll be OK. I can tell that you are a smart guy.

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So what is new? Any more bad news?


Nope. I just got home and I'm holding steady. It's was uneventful at work today but you only need one to get going.


I love football and I have always been in sales and after I thought about it more today this post kind of reminded me of the movie Jerry Maguire. I guess that this was my mission statement. "Breakdown, break thru. I'm cloaked in failure!".

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.

My wife's not that smart either. Feel the pain.


She's Catholic and she got pregnant at 13, and we got married at 14. I'm not Catholic but her mother insisted.


Could be worse...

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I try to remind myself that no matter how bad things seem, they can ALWAYS be worse. You can take ANY crappy situation and think of ways it could be worse. True, it's not incredibly satisfying and won't make you feel THAT much better, but it may help a little bit when feeling a strong dose of self pity. Try to remind yourself of the good things you DO have in your life and start from there.

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



Tipster, I kind of went through something similar back in August. I quit my job, despite the fact that the economy is in the tank, and everyone told me I was nuts...I didn't disagree with them, I just knew that my job was driving me even crazier...I now have two part time jobs...it hasn't been easy financially, but I feel so much better...my former job was pretty stressful, and I was sure I was going to die of a heart attack there, if I didn't do something... I am still looking for something more lucrative, but after 5 months, I feel better than I have in some time...I just appreciate simplicity more than ever... I felt I was dying a slow death, even though my salary was okay (not great, just okay), and at 44, it probably would have been wise for me to tough it out...but I have about an 8 year tolerance level for jobs, I have come to discover... so I have about 3 more jobs left in me... :censored:


Anyways, good luck... let your wife be slow... there really isn't any reason to be in a hurry to get to most places...

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I try to remind myself that no matter how bad things seem, they can ALWAYS be worse. You can take ANY crappy situation and think of ways it could be worse. True, it's not incredibly satisfying and won't make you feel THAT much better, but it may help a little bit when feeling a strong dose of self pity. Try to remind yourself of the good things you DO have in your life and start from there.


I have to agree with you 100%. I got to work today and I found out just how fortunate I really am. It's one of those my boss' wife's sister's roommate was watching her 2 year old grandchild and the child found a loaded revolver and shot itself. Totally tragic and completely senseless. Apparently it was an anniversary with an ex boyfriend who was threatening the wife's sister and the roommate had the revolver accessible and the child found it.


I've got it made and was brought back to reality. It wasn't just last week's events that got to me, there's been much more going on in my life leading up to it. Last week was just the icing on the cake and I blew a fuse but I'm good now. I started this thread in the intent of dark humor but after hearing about that poor child today I don't feel anything but grief and mourning for that beautiful little child and all the other family members. Today was very sombering.

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I blaming the Bills for 95% of the **** that happens to me and I know that I came to the right place to B word about them because I see them getting bashed here all the time. I'm not letting Ralph, Jauron, MaGahee, Trent, JP and many, many others from the past to the present off the hook either! They all had a hand in my demise. Bastards!

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You have my sympathy - sincerely - but I gotta tell you, the story probably has some commercial value. Write a book or turn it into a screenplay and you may have a hit on your hands. It's very human and a lot of people could relate to it.



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I blaming the Bills for 95% of the **** that happens to me and I know that I came to the right place to B word about them because I see them getting bashed here all the time. I'm not letting Ralph, Jauron, MaGahee, Trent, JP and many, many others from the past to the present off the hook either! They all had a hand in my demise. Bastards!


Well, if nothing else, we have proven that there are no qualified therapists posting here. But since the others put their two cents in, I will too.


The story is both funny and depressing. And depressing can make you forget all the good things in your life, making it seem like nothing goes right. Of course, feeling trapped in a job that you hate makes everything worse.


There are two ways to combat this, other than pissing away more money on drinking too much:


1. Think about all the good things that have happened in your life (my wife and I are still together, we are blessed with a daughter, etc.).


2. Ponder "what's the worst that could happen" (use your imagination).


If you seriously spend time doing this whenever life sucks most, it is amazing how it can make you feel better.


If nothing helps, force a smile on your face every day. It will drive people nuts wondering what you are up to, and you can laugh about it to yourself.

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My wife's not that smart either. Feel the pain.


She's Catholic and she got pregnant at 13, and we got married at 14. I'm not Catholic but her mother insisted.


Could be worse...



If this thread were a conversation at a party this post is the point where you get the five second *cricket* awkward silence.

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I blaming the Bills for 95% of the **** that happens to me and I know that I came to the right place to B word about them because I see them getting bashed here all the time. I'm not letting Ralph, Jauron, MaGahee, Trent, JP and many, many others from the past to the present off the hook either! They all had a hand in my demise. Bastards!



If only Norwood would have made that kick. :censored:

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What's worse, your apparently to stupid to post this on the OT board where it belongs.
It's actually you're, professor.

Sorry Tom. Gonna pile on here. Don't know why but sometimes I can't help myself.


It's "too stupid," not "to stupid."


No need to thank me. BTW, you were kidding with the misspellings, right?

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I would like to take this time to thank my fellow Buffalo Bill brothers for their outpouring concern, advice and help. I have received several private PMs from some our brethren and I can't begin to descibe the gratitude that some of you would take the time and effort to try and help me. It's a gift that I probably don't deserve. Thanks.


The greatest value of giving of a gift is the giving part and I hope that so many of you are blessed for your outpouring humanity. What a dysfunctional bunch we are but when push comes to shove it's amazing to see the unity/fraternity that so many of us share. I guess we really are a "family". Oh, we get pissed off and rant and rag on the Bills, and each other, but don't let an outsider do it. They don't have the right, we do, we paid the price for this "priviledge". The Bills have tortured us for how long now? I suppose that we can't count the '60's because they did find a lot of success back then and other than the 4 consecutive Super Bowl appearances, we have been a tortured lot but we still support and love 'em!


Hopefully 2010 begins a new era for many us, professionally and personally. Some of you, hopefully more than less, were entertained by my story. I think that so many were able to relate to the pain, frustration and the overwhelming situations that we as people, especially from our stressed economic community, have endured. What might have made this post a good reading was due to the fact that not only did these events occur but it came straight from the heart and I composed it passionately. The best writings come from these type of mindsets which reminds me of something that I scripted back on May 8, 2008. It was, to me, the greatest thought that I ever put to paper and I believe because it also came straight from the heart and as I was writing it, it just flowed because it's who I am and what I am and I believe that it describes so many of you too. I guess you can say it's our DNA. Enjoy.


What I won't forget is when the Bills win their first Super Bowl how I will think and feel. It will be fulfilling my life. I think about the Bills EVERY single day. They are a fiber of me for decades now. I swear that they must be a part of my DNA. What I won't forget is the pictures and images of my sons when they were little boys dressed in their Buffalo Bills' pajamas, knowing that the Bills hold a special place in their hearts no matter where they are in this world because of their dad. The Bills are important to them because of me and THAT gives me great joy. When they think of the Bills, they think of me. How great of an honor is that?



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I would like to take this time to thank my fellow Buffalo Bill brothers for their outpouring concern, advice and help. I have received several private PMs from some our brethren and I can't begin to descibe the gratitude that some of you would take the time and effort to try and help me. It's a gift that I probably don't deserve. Thanks.


The greatest value of giving of a gift is the giving part and I hope that so many of you are blessed for your outpouring humanity. What a dysfunctional bunch we are but when push comes to shove it's amazing to see the unity/fraternity that so many of us share. I guess we really are a "family". Oh, we get pissed off and rant and rag on the Bills, and each other, but don't let an outsider do it. They don't have the right, we do, we paid the price for this "priviledge". The Bills have tortured us for how long now? I suppose that we can't count the '60's because they did find a lot of success back then and other than the 4 consecutive Super Bowl appearances, we have been a tortured lot but we still support and love 'em!


Hopefully 2010 begins a new era for many us, professionally and personally. Some of you, hopefully more than less, were entertained by my story. I think that so many were able to relate to the pain, frustration and the overwhelming situations that we as people, especially from our stressed economic community, have endured. What might have made this post a good reading was due to the fact that not only did these events occur but it came straight from the heart and I composed it passionately. The best writings come from these type of mindsets which reminds me of something that I scripted back on May 8, 2008. It was, to me, the greatest thought that I ever put to paper and I believe because it also came straight from the heart and as I was writing it, it just flowed because it's who I am and what I am and I believe that it describes so many of you too. I guess you can say it's our DNA. Enjoy.


What I won't forget is when the Bills win their first Super Bowl how I will think and feel. It will be fulfilling my life. I think about the Bills EVERY single day. They are a fiber of me for decades now. I swear that they must be a part of my DNA. What I won't forget is the pictures and images of my sons when they were little boys dressed in their Buffalo Bills' pajamas, knowing that the Bills hold a special place in their hearts no matter where they are in this world because of their dad. The Bills are important to them because of me and THAT gives me great joy. When they think of the Bills, they think of me. How great of an honor is that?



Thanks now go get hammered again and sell some friggin cars.

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