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Guess who doesn't like the move?


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Jerry comments on his little blog...


Does make a couple of valid points, but when you crap on everything, it kind of loses it's effect after a while...


So the Bills have hired Buddy Nix to be their general manager. What an unspired move. I was naive enough to think they would actually go outside and interview candidates from other organizations. Instead, Ralph Wilson had his customary reflex: He reached for the closest guy in the organization. He made it an inside job, hiring someone he knew, rather than some outsider who might cause him discomfort....
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This is the GM hire I am happy about.


I heard John Guy was also interviewed, and thank God he did NOT get it. I think they interviewed Guy to fulfill the Rooney Rule.


Thurman was right. Sullivan can suck tailpipe.


I'm giddy.


NOW....let's get a coach!!!!

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Main Entry: 1sul·ly

Pronunciation: \ˈsə-lē\

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): sul·lied; sul·ly·ing

Etymology: Middle English *sullien, probably alteration (influenced by Anglo-French suillier, soiller to soil) of sulen to soil, from Old English sylian

Date: 15th century

: to make soiled or tarnished : defile


seems about right...

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Sullivan hates it....how about Schoop and the Bulldog? We can go for the trifecta.....if all 3 of those geniuses hate the move, it's virtually guaranteed to be a success


I'm not a big fan of their show, but... I'm pretty sure even they predicted Jauron would fail. hard.

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Sullivan hates it....how about Schoop and the Bulldog? We can go for the trifecta.....if all 3 of those geniuses hate the move, it's virtually guaranteed to be a success


I subject myself to Schopp for some reason and he was surprisingly positive. Liked the comments other people around the league had about Nix and hearing about his relationships with other coaches. He said he will give him the benefit of the doubt until he hires a coach. He was probably drunk but he was downright cheery for himself.


And Sullivan probably bitches about having to breath oxygen. In fairness though, Nix has a lot to prove. But his resume is as good as most people out there.

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My first reaction was to kinda laugh, and I said inside same ole typical Bills move..After a few hrs of taking it in and thinking about it we coulda done a whole lot worse. At the very least we have a man in charge of football operations with the knowledge of how a football player should look and play. After the pawst 10 yrs I was beginning to wonder. I like how he stated he wants a football coach to surround himself with good teachers. Lets face it folks we werent gonna get a Big name GM.. They rarely move from team to team and if you are a good GM chances are the team isnt gonna let you go..At the very least he comes from the Polian mindset and maybe he emulates him..We couldve hired John Guy which is who I thought in the end Ralph was gonna give the job to..Thank God he didnt..

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My first reaction was to kinda laugh, and I said inside same ole typical Bills move..After a few hrs of taking it in and thinking about it we coulda done a whole lot worse. At the very least we have a man in charge of football operations with the knowledge of how a football player should look and play. After the pawst 10 yrs I was beginning to wonder. I like how he stated he wants a football coach to surround himself with good teachers. Lets face it folks we werent gonna get a Big name GM.. They rarely move from team to team and if you are a good GM chances are the team isnt gonna let you go..At the very least he comes from the Polian mindset and maybe he emulates him..We couldve hired John Guy which is who I thought in the end Ralph was gonna give the job to..Thank God he didnt..


The last big name GM we got was TD. You build franchises through the draft and we have a guy who has been part of one of the most successful drafting teams in the NFL (if not the best). The head coach choice is going to the big move to judge him on but his track record is as good as anyone in the league. His name is very well respected.

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Sullivan hates it....how about Schoop and the Bulldog? We can go for the trifecta.....if all 3 of those geniuses hate the move, it's virtually guaranteed to be a success


Jerry's consistent griping about Buffalo making the playoffs, winning against the Patriots, and keeping a great roster stocked with superior talent is getting old.


Sure, there's a lot to get excited about. Forgive Jerry for not trusting Bills management to do the right thing.

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The last big name GM we got was TD. You build franchises through the draft and we have a guy who has been part of one of the most successful drafting teams in the NFL (if not the best). The head coach choice is going to the big move to judge him on but his track record is as good as anyone in the league. His name is very well respected.


Again respected enough that no one gave him a GM gig. Oh and drafting? He just helped draft Maybin...

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Here we go again.


Its Jerry Sullivan's fault the Bills haven't made the playoffs in a decade.


Stop the Sullivan bashing - talk about getting old!


it is not sullivan's fault that the bills have not made the playoffs - but his consistant negative whining is just pathetic. everyone knows he is not a bills fan - and never will be - whcih makes him look and sound even worse. but more to the point he is a terrible writer - if there were more than one newspaper in buffalo - there would be competitive writers who are at least valid word-smiths - and his lack of talent would mean that he would not even have a job in buffalo as a sports writer.

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