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OT:ideas on how to get rid of a massive hickey?


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Peanutbutter and a comb...really.



Apply a piece of ice to hickey. This often works by itself and is cheaper that peanut butter. A hickey is the stain of red blood cells sucked to the surface of the skin, peanut butter is supposed to draw it out and the comb is used to scrape out the residue. I've never had a hickey, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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Ok, all kidding aside, hahaha, i have about 6 deep purple welts up and down the side of my neck, and no i cant hide these either...damn girl went nuts yesterday, and wouldnt stop(note, i am not complaining), and now i look like i have been in a fight...the best way to describe it would be to say that it looks as if half a dozen golf balls were shot out of a gun and hit me in the side of the neck...so anyone got any ideas of how to get rid of them...i mean seriously, i cant go into work on monday looking like this, its really bad...and yes if anyone really wants to see, i can take a digicam pic so you all can laugh at me...i honestly cant make up any excuse, like i got hit or choked, cuz there aer 6 damn big deep purple spots...somebody help!!!!!  :lol:  :blink:  :w00t:


i do take consolation tho in the fact that she looks like she got hit with a baseball bat across the neck tho, so we both look retarded...


Dude, just tell everybody else at the trailer park that it's none of their damn beeswax. . .

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ok, anyone not on the board this weekend have any ideas...its monday morning at work, and its still there, 6 nice big welts...thankfully no one else is in work yet, but its only a matter of time...and i found out with the roomie last nite that the "i got into a fight at the FSU-UF game" doesnt work...the pattern of the welts dont support that theory...

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ok, anyone not on the board this weekend have any ideas...its monday morning at work, and its still there, 6 nice big welts...thankfully no one else is in work yet, but its only a matter of time...and i found out with the roomie last nite that the "i got into a fight at the FSU-UF game" doesnt work...the pattern of the welts dont support that theory...



You have sick time you could take? :blink:



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When I saw Hickey, the first thought was haggered 38 (but looks like 58) year old waitress at an all night truck stop with nicotine stained lips and a big love bite on the neck, visited by her equally haggered boyfriend who rides up on his bicycle on a 28 degree night because he lost his drivers license after his 3rd DWI.


I bet that's what people at work will think when they see your "prize" as well. :blink::blink:

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ok, anyone not on the board this weekend have any ideas...its monday morning at work, and its still there, 6 nice big welts...thankfully no one else is in work yet, but its only a matter of time...and i found out with the roomie last nite that the "i got into a fight at the FSU-UF game" doesnt work...the pattern of the welts dont support that theory...



Come on, how tough is it to figure out that you can wear a turtle neck to avoid the embarrassing stares.


I think this was just a LAMP :blink:

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Ok, all kidding aside, hahaha, i have about 6 deep purple welts up and down the side of my neck, and no i cant hide these either...damn girl went nuts yesterday, and wouldnt stop(note, i am not complaining), and now i look like i have been in a fight...the best way to describe it would be to say that it looks as if half a dozen golf balls were shot out of a gun and hit me in the side of the neck...so anyone got any ideas of how to get rid of them...i mean seriously, i cant go into work on monday looking like this, its really bad...and yes if anyone really wants to see, i can take a digicam pic so you all can laugh at me...i honestly cant make up any excuse, like i got hit or choked, cuz there aer 6 damn big deep purple spots...somebody help!!!!!  :rolleyes:  ;)  :blush:


i do take consolation tho in the fact that she looks like she got hit with a baseball bat across the neck tho, so we both look retarded...



Magnetic therapy will get rid of bruises fast. Google for soft flexible magnets you can use on your skin. It will help.

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