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  1. Walking that dog.... Remember. Hillary said if you disagree with any of this, Israel, Ukraine your a Russian puppet. Ie. Anything outside full blown war support, it's the moronic Putin false dichotomy
  2. I agree with the stance on Hillary. But what's funny is YOU as a person do this EXACT SAME thing, and there are receipts on this forum to prove it. You literally admitted to me that the same thing you call out the media and politicians for doing, is the same thing you defended Tucker Carlson for doing with Trump with the propaganda-cupcake interviews with him. The same thing you accuse others of doing is exactly what you do. You're fine with it because he's on your side and you feel that Trump has been unfairly railroaded. You're creating a narrative in which it's OK for you to be a fraud because you feel that's what others on the other side are doing. This is so you can justify your own personal actions and why you kneel down and lick for Tucker when he does the same exact thing that you complain about others doing. This makes you absolutely, 100% no different than the people you complain about. There is not one person on the planet that I would sell out on my beliefs for. Anyone here that I've ever referenced, if someone truthfully calls out them out on their bull####, I'm on board. I'm not going to say it's OK for them but not for the people or side I don't like. What you do is just straight up partisan hackery, which is what so much of this actually boils down to. You bow down to Conservatism, moreso Online Conservatism because I don't think you really know or understand what the real thing is. And there's a lot of that here on both sides. But you seem to more than most put yourself on a high horse when you as a person are much, much more of the problem with our country than what's good.
  3. When Karen goes to hell he's going to be forced to spend eternity in a small room with Hillary.
  4. Hillary Clinton wants you all to know that Right-wing extremists will steal the 2024 Election. No, we're not making a joke, it's hard to joke about a woman who makes a joke of herself every time she opens her big mouth. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/01/28/hillary-clinton-warns-right-wing-extremists-will-steal-the-2024-election-n2392293
  5. Is that you Hillary? Almost 8 years and you're still peddling the Russia hoax your campaign paid to fabricate. Gotta admit, you got lots of mileage out of it and hard-core liberal idiots still believe it. But its time to move on.
  6. I don't understand your point. In your full 57 year graph, you'll see: - a very substantial rise in the Reagan/Bush 41 years - a reduction in the Clinton years - a slight upward trend in the Bush 43 years - a big spike after the Great Recession, and a continued upward trend in the Obama years - a generally flat trend in the first 3 years of Trump, followed by a huge spike in 2020 (COVID recession) - a generally downward trend in the Biden years so far And from that we can glean ....???? That we should have elected Hillary because that would have brought about another Clinton improvement? That Trump does't make matters better or worse unless there's an extraneous shock? That tax cuts (Reagan) are bad?
  7. Joe voted for a wall….and so did Obama…..and Hillary. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/10/politics/kfile-biden-drugs-fence-2006/index.html “Speaking to a South Carolina rotary club in November 2006, Biden touted his support for the Secure Fence Act – a bill that authorized 700 miles of double-layered fence on the border through more than a billion dollars in appropriations. The bill was also supported by then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”
  8. As far as Hillary leaving them hang just watch the movie 13 hours which is the movie based on the military men that were there and told their stories about it but they probably voted for Trump so that was all a lie too . https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/10/hillary-clinton-secret-service-treatment-abuse/
  9. I never voted for him either (or Hillary or Joe either) but anyone on the political or social spectrum to the right of the fringe contemporary liberal nutjobs is a MAGA member or supporter. They cannot comprehend that somebody that is apart from their "group" could have their own views, reach their own conclusions, or form their own opinions independent of some authority or group-think source telling them what to do, think, or say. How is the Left not the real cult? Just the words they use, equity, inclusions, safe space, equating the impact of words to physical violence, stuff like that. Tell me those terms don't sound and feel "cultish"?
  10. Where did I say I voted for Biden? You literally lie putting words in my mouth I do not recall ever saying who I voted for in the 2020 election... But I didn't vote for Donald Trump And yeah when it came to Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton I absolutely supported Donald Trump And if I could go back to 2020 I would take Trump over Biden now That doesn't mean I think Trump is the savior of America it means I think others are worse now
  11. Not disputing your point, would just like to add good ole’’ Bill and Hillary were known to take a buck or two from Chinese “donors”.
  12. How did he treat the military compared to what Hillary said or what Biden does? Sure you can bring up a couple of clips... Donald Trump also has 20 years of clips of praising the military... Bring those up And I come from 200 years of family military service since the revolutionary war... There are plenty of veterans that back Donald Trump
  13. A history of lies and deceit - that’s all they have. Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement If you look back - this NAZI never provided a source for his recurring claim: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=Birther&author=Deranged Rhino&search_and_or=and Anyhow, as DR and Bonnie like to say: Rinse , lather, repeat: F’n idiots
  14. The left was forecasting a Trump Presidency could/would start WWlll his 1st time round. https://www.thedailybeast.com/hillary-clinton-is-right-donald-trump-threatens-world-war-iii https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/09/politics/corker-world-war-iii-donald-trump-white-house/index.html https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/354994-this-is-how-trump-could-start-world-war-iii/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/09/10/possibility-donald-trump-starting-world-war-iii/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/09/trump-risks-putting-us-on-path-to-world-war-three-says-bob-corker https://consortiumnews.com/2017/04/10/trump-plunges-toward-world-war-iii/ …..like they did in 2020 and now in 2024. They use to sell and deliver eggs when I was a kid. …..not a war monger like Tiberius was.
  15. It's been widely reported they crossed paths. It's been widely reported that Bill Clinton crossed paths as well, as did his wife, former Sect'y of State and Dem Pres candidate Hillary Clinton did as well. When, and if, names are released, I'd assume we will see Biden(s), Schumer(s), McConnell(s), and so many more on the list. I say let's get to it. I also say that fixating on what is already known seems sort of silly.
  16. Its factual. you're making an emotional reply that kind of shows you don't have facts to prove it. And yeah, in the street you punch back till there isn't a threat. Much of the world knows color Rev evolutions including the Euromaidan are Western backed and a way to change regimes without a war. it's kind of our MO. Kissinger was a fan (Pinochet), and Hillary learned from her. taught Nolan to boot. you are aware that Russia didn't attack any Kiev Infrastructure or government installations (the Ukrainian leader was still living in their version of the white house) till Ukraine escalated by drone attacking the Kremlin. then Russia came back with Super Sonics that destroyed the patriot batteries we gave them and the people running them. When did it start, when will it end. how did it start, how will it end?
  17. this is a sad little man responding to Sorbo, who actually argued that Christmas predates the dude. He apparently tly believes Hillary Clinton is named after Edmund Hillary also. Sadly I also have to also point out St Nick was a real person who was a Christian, so just using ignorance to be a petty jerk on a holiday.
  18. were u one of the creeps at those ridiculous rallies shouting to put Hillary behind bars, "lock her up". fin moron. stupid people need not speak. did u actually choose to live in NJ? I mean it's blue and all but mostly a shitehole.
  19. As a Trumper - you should know that by now. Who paid for the wall? Hillary locked up yet? Infrastructre week yet? Where is the BIG BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL TRUMP CARE? Did that middle class tax cut ever come through?
  20. So assimilation into this country is bad i take it ? Just come here & we will change everything to fit your perception of how this country should be rather than them becoming a part of the belief's of this country & what this country was all about in the beginning ... Use to be that every immigrant that actually was coming to make a better life for them selves wanted to actually become a AMERICAN citizen & wasn't just coming here for a free ride like they do today but it has been put forth by this & other administration's in the past to just come to America we will figure out later . I bet those 100's of thousands of people coming across the southern border don't even know how to speak english, which should have been voted to be the language of this country yet Hillary & others voted against that too . The US gov't & companies will just absorb the cost to print other languages as to not inconvenience those coming here .
  21. And Hillary wasn't with the Russia and election fraud stuff? Up until Trump that was normal politics nonsense. To actually go so far as to remove someone from the ballot and try and put them in jail is something you only read about from banana Republics or communist dictatorships, not from a democratic society. What do you think is going to happen when Trump wins and throws all of these people in jail as retribution? This has gone way too far and it's going to result in chaos and possibly bloodshed.
  22. Ok, the Democrats followed the rules, so I guess that matters, right: In 2001, House Democrats challenged the certification of electoral votes for then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush, a Republican, but the objection failed because no senator agreed to sign the written objection. “The objection is in writing, and I do not care that it is not signed by a member of the Senate,” Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said during the 2001 joint session of Congress. “The chair will advise that the rules do care,” then-Vice President Al Gore, ceremonially presiding over the session, told Waters. Gore was overseeing the very session that would confirm his loss to Bush. A similar situation occurred in 2017, when then-Vice President Joe Biden oversaw certification of the electoral votes that handed the presidency to Donald Trump. House Democrats challenged the electoral slate, but to no avail, because they lacked support in the Senate. “It is over,” Biden told Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who objected to the election results during the 2017 session. The certification challenge in 2005 was the only instance in recent years in which both a senator and a House member signed a formal objection to an electoral slate. Then-Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, and then-Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., together challenged Bush’s victory in Ohio on grounds of alleged voter irregularities. The House and Senate adjourned and met separately for no more than two hours, as the Constitution stipulates, but ultimately neither Jones nor Boxer was able to gain enough votes from their respective colleagues to alter Ohio’s electoral slate. The riot nonsense is just that, nonsense. Poor deflection, and off topic. For poops and giggles, you should probably be most concerned with Scott Walker's advisors: During the Madison protests, while 16 people were arrested, none of the arrests were linked to violence or weapons. Madison Police characterized the protesters as assembling “peacefully” and “without violence.” Wisconsin politicians from both parties were harassed and received threats but were not physically harmed. An uncovered email and a secretly taped phone call showed Gov. Scott Walker had been advised to stage a violent “false flag” event to discredit the protests and considered it, but said he decided against the action. Investigating Trump had zero to do with elections. A non sequitur. Heck, you guys argue every day that this stuff HELPS his campaign. The announcement by Comey about Hillary Clinton, on the other hand??? Not so much
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