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  1. WOW isn't it amazing how the statement at the top of the video resembles exactly what Hillary did with the Steele dossier ? Even though she & her party paid for it & knew it was total BS (& was later proven to be as much) from the start they still put the info out there then spent 4 years trying to make every one believe that it was true .🤔 American political system at it's finest !! Lie, Lie , & Lie some more !!!
  2. You must have sh*t a brick when Obama got his ultra-clever burn on Romney during the presidential debate. Or when he told Medvedev he would have more flexibility after the 2012 election. No doubt you were aghast when Hillary began the great reset with: "I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is: 'We want to reset our relationship and so we will do it together,"
  3. excerpted from a Time article with original quotes from the oft mentioned (by MAGAs) Mueller report Mueller spent almost 200 pages describing “numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.” He found that “a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.” He also found that “a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations” against the Clinton campaign and then released stolen documents. While Mueller was unable to establish a conspiracy between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians involved in this activity, he made it clear that “[a] statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.” In fact, Mueller also wrote that the “investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”
  4. Reagan and JFK were two of my favorite presidents…I also supported Obama over McCain/Romney, and Trump over Hillary/Biden…try to figure that one out…😉
  5. Bill, Obama and Hillary all wanted NATO nations to ante up. Now the Left is acting outraged on the issue. LW hypocrisy on display, as usual.
  6. Just a few examples …. When Fauci makes the case years ago, for the flu, that natural immunity is better than a vaccine, yet says the opposite with Covid, like he just forgot how science works… When Fauci admitted he lied about masks (regardless of his intentions) he needed to be more honest with the American people… When documentation and testimony show Hillary concocted the whole Russia/Collusion hoax in front of Obama and the FBI in the Oval Office to distract from her own legal troubles when she was running for office…Not to mention the whole Benghazi situation… I could go on, but I’m sure you’ve never heard of any of this before, even though it’s been out for a white…the msm is very selective in its reporting, which is why it is a dying breed, and people are moving to alternative media…👍
  7. Not paranoid…Just a “fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me” mentality… It seems on every major issue of the last generation, the government has been found to be lying… From WMD, Russia/Collusion, to Covid, each government argument was later found to be false- and that they KNEW it was false when they told it to the American people…That’s the crazy part… So, after a while, you start to realize how the “game” is played…You start to realize the people in power don’t actually care about you…It’s more that they just tell you whatever they have to, to get a certain behavior out of you…They “create a narrative” for you to absorb, so that they can control the reality of the situation… There are books that talk about how the CIA used to experiment with this back in the 60s…And it is a sort of mind control, whether you choose to believe it or not…(And it’s the intelligence agencies that all of the msm get there talking points from)… As for the sources I listen to, which range, largely across the political spectrum, I will listen to them as long as I feel they are authentic, and honest to the best of their ability- meaning they are not afraid to correct something if the are proven wrong- which cannot be said for most “jounslism” today. I agree with you about Cheney being nefarious…And while Trump has his flaws, I don’t see him as a cold hearted devil like Cheney and Hillary…those people are straight up evil- maybe not a righteous bone in their bodies… And I certainly agree that when bad people get power, the negativity is amplified…👍
  8. The excuse of why not to prosecute Joe Biden sounds eerily familiar to the excuse they gave about why not to prosecute Hillary Clinton… If you recall, both were found to have committed many crimes, but the authorities didn’t “feel” a jury would convict… Ummm, why don’t we let a jury decide, instead of deciding for them? Crazy concept, I know… Meanwhile Trump is prosecuted at every turn…Now, he may or may not be guilty of the crimes he’s being charged with, but clearly, the authorities have no problem going after him, regardless, unlike the other politicians who have done similar things… I remember late in W. Bush’s second term, there was serious contemplation on whether or not to impeach him, on the grounds of war crimes because of his torture program…Obviously, the government opted not to, because the Establishment wanted the next guy to continue that very same torture program… So the optics clearly appear to be that the Establishment protects the Establishment…And if you don’t go along with the Deep State agenda, the entire “machine” will come for you…
  9. This would make sense, as I have heard that Putin has stated, before, that he prefers Biden to Trump because he is more “experienced and predictable ”…I guess the same description would apply to Hillary as well… Another reason it is hard to trust the government when they tell us to hate Putin because he is Hitler…They just seem to be lying to us at every turn, with zero motivation to tell the truth… This is why I go into every situation with a healthy dose of skepticism of whatever the U.S. government says…👍
  10. I'll play by your rules for a change, you know who pleads the 5th? During the 2016 campaign, Trump had blasted aides of his former opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, for pleading the Fifth in the probe of her use of a private email server. "So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Trump invokes Fifth Amendment nearly 450 times in N.Y. AG’s civil probe of his business practices An attorney for Trump said the former president answered only one question, about his name, during the four-hour deposition. I'm baiting and switching like you guys do, but the difference is, I'm providing a FACT, while you're creating the 10,000 conspiracy theory. This one is now campaign fraud, wrought from an investigation into impropriety, that has only provided "huggin an kissin" as proof of TOTAL EXHONERATION!!! History will view you guys as the biggest idiots of all time. So dumb even a caveman wouldn't do it.
  11. Hillary’s gaffe…good one. Black Jesus was the author of bitter clingers. It was not a gaffe either. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾
  12. In other words, they cling to their guns and religion because they've been left behind by the new economy. Hillary's gaffe was the classic Michael Kinsley gaffe: when a politician accidentally speaks the truth.
  13. I agree but i just bet if we could see what was behind the curtain in the land of OZ you & i would S**T our self . I have posted things here before documentaries of huge corruption with in the gov't & you or most of the haters won't even look at it let alone respond, but if it comes to the most silly thing about the orange man ya'll just go the freak off . All of us and it doesn't matter what side of the isle that we are on need to look at exactly what is transpiring and get the facts and hold all these politicians that are supposedly ions above the people they govern in intelligence responsible for their actions and if needed put them in jail to be punished the same for breaking the law as we would be . I feel a lot of the hate for the orange man is because he is not a DC insider and they can't make him conform to the American governmental NWO agenda that has been put in place for a lot longer than any of us here have been alive which in part is why he won . Hillary was & is the poster child for DC corruption she has been behind the curtain or tried to get there most of her life then thought she was a shoe in . And if the orange man never gets back in office i would thank him for the one & only thing that i feel he did for this country is keeping that lying POS Hillary from becoming POTUS .
  14. Tea Leaves: @mtaibbi & @shellenberger will report - Obama, Biden & Hillary needed a pretext - 1 - To launch an FBI investigation on Trump Campaign. 2 - That could then be leaked to legacy media to - 3 - Disqualify Trump. 4 - So CIA's Brennan asked foreign spy agencies to 'bump into' 26 Trump supporters in their territories and report back to CIA/him. 5 - They did and the encounters were written up as suspicious anti-American activities. 6 - CIA fed these lies to the FBI who started Crossfire Hurricane.
  15. It's like every investigation and AstroTurf news cycle has been attempts to obstruct actual investigations into that high crime.. Wasn't Hillary Clinton on record saying they would hang if Trump won?
  16. Walk in unchallenged? Stop holding on to something that isn't true. He showed aggression during Obama and Biden, but you're super sure Trump would have rolled right over? Riiggght. Of course it's tuckers fault. Have to blame someone. Maybe because like most of the world......Russia strongly disliked Hillary.
  17. True but if there is a rule that says no smoking & the fact that you were a child under the legal age of recognition & not only shouldn't be smoking but had to either steal the money to get cigarettes or steal the cigarettes from someone old enough to buy them (or bribe them to get you some with the money you had stolen or earned) or actually adult enough to make that decision, so not only did you break the rule of not smoking period or not smoking on school property but you also committed some other infractions in order to smoke . Did it got that T shirt ! Corporal punishment maybe not but ass whooping if all that was committed definitely ! Sorry and i'll bet that if you got said ass whooping for doing that the next time you thought about smoking weather it be on or off school property (unless of course you were really stupid like me) you would think twice about doing it which is the positive of discipline . There are different ways of discipline too . I stole ice cream from a store once as a younger teenager 15 to be exact my dad didn't spank me but made me go back to the store clerk in front of other customers and tell them that i was a GD thief, to this day i will not steal anything humiliation is a hell of a teacher . So where do you use positive reinforcement in that situation ? Do you say it's okay that you stole that but you really shouldn't do it again ? If that's your version of a answer I"M OUT totally wrong approach ! That taught me more than any ass whooping i ever got !! There shouldn't be "Punishment for failing" Failing it self is punishment enough but as a parent then yes you should put a positive twist on failure to the child & tell them it's okay to lose you just need to work harder as to not be expected to be given anything in life ! Failure should motivate you to work harder & to become better the next time you attempt what ever you fail at that is the only way you get better is to learn from it , it's not how many times you fall down but how many times you get back up & yes when you fall there should be positive reinforcement from your parents . But if you get pissed because the dog chewed your favorite toy & the kid grabs a knife from the drawer to stab the dog because they are pissed there isn't any positive spin in that at all, so the discipline deserves to be more so than a lessor wrong doing & we as adults should be able to differentiate between the 2 . And your MAGA theory as far as failing that is total BS ! Sorry but your hate is very apparent and derived for only 1 person ! But i bet Hillary is a saint in your eyes ??? I personally don't care what party (I'm a registered independent) the person is from, matter of fact if Joe Minchin was running for POTUS i would probably vote for him, or at the very least I would have to research him to learn more about his thoughts but he seems to be one that uses common sense which a lot of politicians don't today .
  18. Hillary Clinton Raises Eyebrows by Admitting That Biden's Age Is a 'Legitimate Issue'
  19. She was drunk yesterday. Also she is chammelinfg her inner Hillary with that fake southern accent.
  20. You mean he meant to call them for a summit, but he forgot to. I think the second guy was Wilhelm, though. The first Wilhelm. Ah heck, now I'm confused. When the history books print how we managed to have Trump twice, there should just be a caklin Hillary and a catatonic Joe meme on the page.
  21. Hillary never gets tired of making up Russia rumors. Speaking of contract deals with Russians. From the Lefts favorite newspaper:
  22. Another loss Hillary did it? Or was it the deep state? The guys in court arguing he is above the law and people want to make this POS president? Wake up
  23. How many fake Hillary electors were indicted? Now do Trump. Delete this trash - you are embarrassing yourself.
  24. Hillary wanted Vince: …..it’s an upgrade from Bill.
  25. During the presidential debate on Monday night, Hillary Clinton raised a 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York. The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court. "Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy," Clinton said on Monday night. https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case
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