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Everything posted by berndogg

  1. If the offense sputters some this game I won't be all that disappointed. Seattle is a top defense and Buffalo's playing with a new system for the first time. I think we will win the game, but it will be a low scoring affair, with the turnover/field position battles being the main factor in the outcome. But if trent struggles against this D I dont want to hear everyone calling for JP, the yards won't come easy in this one, we'll have to grind it out. This is a tough test for Turk's troops right off the bat, It'll be very interesting to see how they handle it.
  2. QB first unless Brady or manning usually is a bad idea. There will be decent qbs availablie in rds 3-5, so get a good rb and wr or two good rbs in 1 and 2 unless brady is available in the 2nd half of the 1st round. Kicker is a complete crap shoot, don't pick one til last pick. Defense u'll end up changing 5-10 times throughout the season, so save that til the late rounds as well.
  3. Exactly, there are two types of people in this world, suckers, and suckees, and moving to miami will never change you from being the former to being the latter.
  4. Yea, I hear ya, I'm probably going a little over the top because I'm so sick of people around here talking about the jets as if they have 5 pro bowl o-linemen. Maybe Fergosoun Will be very good at some point in his career and Faneca Was very good at one point in his career, but in 2007 both were extremely average. So my attitude with them is a lot like my attitude with the bills, I'll believe how great they are gonna be this year when I see it.
  5. I mean, there's no stats for o-linemen, so no one can come up with evidence to decide this argument. It's all about the eye ball test and I guess you and I see different things. But seriously, ask any steelers fan what they think about Faneca's play the last couple of years. Maybe a change of scenery will help, but he hasn't been a pro bowl caliber guard since '05.
  6. I guess I'm a clown then, because living in NJ and watching a lot of jets games and watching "Brick" get abused by every decent pass rusher in the league, I dont think he's a star in the making. And you think Faneca is the best guard in pro football? Have you watched the steelers once since 2005? He was a liability last year on a line that gave up 47 sacks.
  7. hahaha, I'm definitely scared of that dynamic Jets OL. This is a tangent, but that comment made me think about something. Does anyone else get really annoyed when people talk about the jets and how good their offensive line is and use D'brickishaw as an example. I mean since he was a high pick and people know his name, and he's started every game the last couple years people assume he's good when the fact is the guy can't pass block to save his life. Schoebel, Jason Taylor, and Richard Seymour all abuse him twice a year. If he was a quarterback who was that high a pick and had performed as badly people would be talking about what a bust he is, but since no one pays attention to linemen people just assume he's good because they've heard of him.
  8. When did Chadwick become fellatable? I was pretty sure he sucked last year
  9. Why are we running a screen or a draw on 3rd and 7, is fairchild back?
  10. I think Costanzo makes it, he was good on special teams last year in the last couple games and in an interview with bobby april from bb.com a month or so ago, he said that costanzo should be able to step in for stamer on STs.
  11. I dont want to pile on, but wow, that is a terrible team for a 10 team league. How did you end up without a top 20 qb in a 10 team league?
  12. I love what i'm seeing from this kid, he could be an absolute steal. I mean he started football at a late age, so you can assume his technique is going to improve, and obviously he's going to get A LOT stronger. This guy has below average upper body strength for a college defensive back and he's holding his own against NFL linemen. I feel like sky's the limit for him.
  13. Do the Bills have a big offensive line? They didn't mention anything about that
  14. I watch mike and mike on ESPN2 while I get ready for work and I find it pretty entertaining. They're semi-knowledgable about most things, but not very knowledgable about anything. As people have said, its hard to take their opinions all that seriously because they dont take themselves all that seriously. Them not knowing much about the bills is a lot more excusable than an NFL network analyst named marshall faulk, whose job it is to know about the NFL, and knows he's going to be doing a segment about the bills, saying that they need an upgrade at left tackle. Unless...he knew peters was going to hold out..or..he told peters to hold out to make his analysis look correct...Oh MY GOD, I think I'm on to something. DAM YOU MARSHALL FAULK!!!!
  15. After I found out that Ralph forced Wade to start RJ over Flutie, I've had 0 problems with Wade. I mean, he's a defensive guy and in '99 the Bills had a top defense with 0 pro bowlers on it, thats pretty impressive if in my opinion
  16. And lets not forget that fumble in Jax territory on the qb sneak. I really was still holding out hope for JP until that game, but like others, that one sealed it for me. JP was worse than the stats would indicate, and that game was closer than the final score would indicate they were still right in it in the middle of the 4th and JP just kept screwing up
  17. I agree I think Jackson is awesome, and I love watching him play. I'd have to put Portis in that top 10, and maybe willie parker, and move jacobs out of there.
  18. I agree as well, this has a bigger impact on my fantasy draft board than it does on the Peters situation.
  19. #1:I'm not sure the superbowl loss will provide a hangover, if anything it will be more motivation. I also dont think the giants provided a blueprint to beat them because not everyone has the D-Line personnel of the giants to pull that off. Their vulnerabilities lie in their secondary, which we can hopefully exploit. Unfortunately, their offense could be just as good as last year, but hopefully our d will be formidable enough to at least put up a fight this year. I wouldn't count on them missing the playoffs tho. #2: I'm definitely not drinking the Brett Favre kool-aid. He'll probably be an improvement, but considering his age, not being in a city where he is a god, and getting acclimated to a new team, I think his season will be a lot more like 05/06 than '07. I really don't see the jets going over .500 and I think we match up very well with them on paper. And if you think Alan Feneca is still a pro bowl caliber guard, you haven't watched the steelers since 2005. #3: I've posted this before, but I think that talent wise JP is an above average back up qb. He knows the players and coaches and so far he hasn't been a malcotent. I dont see a controversy, Trents the guy and thats not gonna change. I think our best option is too keep him for this year, then let him go in FA. #4: I dont know if we have to wait til after the season to address Peters contract, but the bills would be nuts to give him a new contract without an extremely throrough examination from the team doctors and a few practices to see how he looks. The Bills are doing the right thing by not negotiating until then, and Peters' agent is doing him a real disservice if he's telling him not to go to camp. That being said, if he is healthy, he does deserve a new contract, he's arguably the best player on the offense and we're gonna need him if we're gonna take the steps that we should offensively. #5. A. Agreed, not just clock management, but general timidity at the end of halves. I feel like at the end of every 1st half we'd be happy to kneel on the ball and go into the locker room, while at the end of every 1st and 2nd half we'd go into a prevent and let the other team get an easy score. I really hope this changes. Play to win, stop playing not to lose! B. I dont think this is up to Jauron, this is all about Fairchild and from what I saw against the steelers it looks like he gets it, lets hope it carries over to the regular season C. I have not given up on Robert Royal, even before the preseason game, I thought it was an uncreative offense, not a lack of ability holding him back, hopefully I'm right. D. See #3, if we were getting high draft picks offered to us, he'd already be gone, but if not, we're better off keeping him as a back up E. GO BILLS!
  20. Your first question is probably "Who the f is Trent Edwards?" To which I would reply, "Who the f are you? That's right, friend. Who…the f…are you?" hahahhahaha, I'm definitely gonna start using that
  21. This is getting stupid. I mean, I usually understand contract holdouts to an extent. If someone told me I could make millions of dollars per year more than I'm making now and all I had to was NOT go to work, and the biggest thing I was risking was having some message board posters call me an a-hole, I'd probably do it. But he's clearly getting bad advice from his agent now. I'd even understand if he held out a week or two to let the team know he was serious about wanting an extension, but its past that now. The team knows he's serious about wanting an extension, it's time to report or he'll be risking his entire paycheck for this year, or any chance he would've had at getting an extension, which any way you look at it, is just plain stupid.
  22. Stroud might be the most solid looking 300+ pounder in the league, guy is an absolute beast
  23. I know JP isn't great, but he is better than a lot of backups in the league right now. I remember when I was watching the Bengals/Packers preseason game (i'm a degenerate gambler) they were talking about how the packers have 0 combined starts from all of their qbs and the bengals backup, harvard man ryan fitzpatrick has 2, and most teams backups are either washed up old guys or have little or no experience. I dont have time to list everyone's back up right now, but look through the league when you have a chance JP is definitely a better than average back up, keeping him was a good idea.
  24. How about Blake Castanzo getting the shout out from tasker. Dirty Jerz represent!
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