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Everything posted by berndogg

  1. Seriously, a few people have to ruin everyone else's fun. Are you all the Ned Flanders types who call the FCC every time something on tv or radio offends you. I think a bigger problem than the "dumbing down" of america is the over sensitivity and politcal correctness. There is nothing easier to ignore than internet chat. If you're offended, don't read it, its that simple.
  2. I think said dude had a good wingman to hit on her while he hooked up with her fot friend. Then after the hot girl left with the dude, the wingman "went to the bathroom" and never came back, leaving this poor cannuck to roam the streets solo.
  3. She was probably taking an hour to cross the street and they just got sick of waiting and tried to drive around her, but still clipped her since she was taking up the entire intersectrion.
  4. I read somewhere that Marcellus Wiley hates Ralph Wilson for starting RJ over Flutie against Tennesee
  5. Didn't thurman get caught smoking weed in his car right after giving an inspirational speech about how he beat alcoholism?
  6. Very true, all of my friends out here are huge football fans and not one of them had heard about the incident until I told them about it a week and a half after it happened. I would say this is a good thing because the less publicity this thing receives the less Goodell will feel inclined to do somethinga about it.
  7. I shoulda went to Tufts. Rochester had an abundance of nerd girls, but zero of them were hot
  8. I would take a road trip, but gas prices are too high
  9. When I saw the thread title I was gonna say black people, but that works better. Quick tangent, does the fact that I've never been to the south, but I assume all southerners are racist make me racist against southerners? I'm very conflicted about this.
  10. The one guy I'll always defend is beltran. He might not wear his emotions on his sleeve and he's so athletic that what he does looks effortless. But the guy has been the best offensive and defensive center fielder in the national league the last 2 years, he makes plays in center field that no one else can make, and he always runs hard on the basepaths. He's not a guy that can be a clubhouse leader or emotionally rally the club, but just because he's not animated doesn't mean he doesn't care. Him and Wright are basically the only position players I like right now. And what's frustrating about baseball is that you can't go into seller mode til at least 85 games. I'm gonna cheer for a rally instead of a blow up for the next week or two. I still want to beleive that they can right the ship, althought its harder with every passing day. I'm still going to the game tomorrow and hopefully it will be win #2 of the aformentioned 12 game winning streak and not loss 8 out the last 9. Lets go mets!
  11. There's no way that they could win 12 in a row playing the way they are now. So if they were playing in such a way where 12 wins in a row would be possible (playing hard, playing smart, not sucking), they would probably be more likeable. And after torturing myself by watching all these losses I would deserve to enjoy it.
  12. I thought we were going to the f'n world series this year. 3 blown saves in 3 games for wagner, wastes a great game by johan. When they're hitting they can't pitch, when they're pitching they can't hit. This is the most unlikeable mets team I can remember. If the team that sucks I would rather have a young team thats fun to watch or at least a team that tries hard but is overmatched. This team is just depressing, but I can't stop watching, and I'm not sure why. I'm just venting right now wherever I can, that is all.
  13. We don't know that that's the case, he might have been trying to be sneaky with it, but its kind of hard when you're the starting running back for the local nfl team. If he wasn't being at least a little sneaky he wouldn't be able to get in the bar with the bottle long enough to order the pepsi.
  14. Actually, for a millionaire i would consider a 500k condo pretty modest. Also, It's one thing when you look at your finances, and set aside a certain amount of money for major purchases. It's another when you're buying drinks, meals, etc., sometimes if you think stuff is overpriced you just don't want to pay out of principle. Now, a mature adult would just go somewhere else or not go out at all. A 22 year old will sneak a bottle of liquor in. He'll grow out of it.
  15. I tried to get him, but got outbid by the rams because I didn't have enough room under the cap after signing Marvin Harrison
  16. Melvin Fowler scouting report Strengths: Experience, Leadership Weaknesses: Run blocking, Pass blocking
  17. Sounds like a low risk high reward scenerio to me. After adressing most of our other needs in the draft and free agency, center is our most glaring hole to fill right now. If he's 75% of what he was before he got hurt he'll be an upgrade.
  18. Thats part of the reason that they took him, he aced the counting section of his wonderlic
  19. Whatever happened to Gameday. Gameday '98 was my sh*t when PS1 was out
  20. Yea, the 2nd one was crazy because walker said that he only counted to 6 mississippi before rushing in and schonert threw the challenge flag, but the replay showed that he left exactly at 7.
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