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Everything posted by berndogg

  1. I don't know what to tell you there, I was never a peters ballwasher, I never expected him to be in football shape after missing camp, and there's no question that his hold out hurt the team. The only thing I disagree with is that we're seeing him in his best form, I just don't think thats possible. Once again, that's his own fault for missing camp, and it sucks, but if there's a silver lining, its that if we're able to win with an out of shape peters, the future with an in shape peters looks very promising.
  2. I disagree, I'm definitely in the camp that didn't expect him to be in football shape unitl at least game 4 or 5, I was actully pretty shocked that he was activated for the jacksonville game. Anyone who has played football knows that no matter how much conditioning you do in the offseason, the only way to get into football shape is playing football. This is especailly true for linemen. Hitting in pads just takes more out of you than running and lifting. So, unless he had some 300 pound guys to do hitting drills with in his back yard while he was holding out, there's no way that he's in game shape right now. It defintely sucks that the team isn't as good as they should be because of the hold out, but on the other hand the fact that we've been able to get 3 wins while our best lineman plays his way into shape is very promising.
  3. I totally agree, its pretty sad, because I loved watching that WV team the last couple years, but beating oklahoma in the fiesta bowl like that may have been the worst thing that ever happened to them. Stewart is lost out there, that clock management at the end of the first half was an absolute embarassment, and its totally unclear what kind of offensive team they want to be right now. The funny thing about that game is colorado was trying to give it away, but WV just wouldn't take it.
  4. I love what I'm seeing from the Bills right now, but the lions were 6-2 last year, its hard to tell much until at least 10 games in, lets be patient and enjoy the ride
  5. An excuse to post this Shaudi comes in exactly 1 minute into it
  6. It does matter, if you start the season with a low ranking it's hard to leapfrog teams that you dont play in the final rankings. So now if Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo all go undefeated, those two will play in the national championship while we'll probably play arizona in one of the less important BCS bowls.
  7. Janakowski has probably been hammered for some games as well, I don't know if we can count kickers as players
  8. When I saw the title of this thread I thought you were referring to the fact that there is offesnsive holding on nearly every play in every level of football from 3rd grade through the nfl. It will rarely get called unless its in the open filed or a jersey is grabbed and pulled, and even then sometimes its a crapshoot. It's always been that way, always will be, the refs cant watch all 11 players on every play, no use complaining about it.
  9. I look at this way, 6 of the 16 games on our schedule are against teams that were over .500 last year (seattle, jax, sd, NE twice, Cle). We've already won two them, NE looks way more beatable than they did two weeks ago, san diego is still good, but if you've gotta play em, at home after the bye week is when u wanna do it, and cleveland at home on monday night is looking like an easy W. It seems ridiculous, but this team could realistically win 12 games this year.
  10. I go to that game every year, don't get too much crap from jets fans, as long as you just cheer for the bills and don't talk sh*t about the jets, they'll leave you alone. Last year, most of the jets fans left a tie game in the 4th quarter to protest pennington being put back into the game, it was mostly bills fans in the crowd when Losman threw his big td pass to evans.
  11. Me 3, and at 4'oclock on sunday i was lecturing my friends at the bar about how dumb they were for picking detroit, and you can't save teams, you just have to get to the next week, so I was going safe with Indy. Needless to say, Im an idiot, but I would definitely take the G men this week.
  12. Ricky Wililams doesn't have mental problems because of drugs. He has a social disorder, and marijuana is a better treatment for it than paxil. Doctors who are honest about it even admit that marijuana is probably the best treatment for his disorder. However, because of our hyporcritical government and their backwards war on drugs, he's not allowed to get the best treatment for his disease, or allowed to use this non performance enhancing drug and play football.
  13. Casey Hampton is good, but... http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08210/900038-66.stm Throw Shaun Rogers and Mike Williams in there and I think that UT players struggle with obesity. Clearly something has to be done about the meal plan at that school.
  14. That's actually the one line I disagree with, how is a sports writer going to tell fans not to care about the best player on the team they cheer for. Seems a little hypocritical to me. Mom's basement reference is also a little stale. Other than that, very entertaining article.
  15. That's interesting, the only non-bills fan that thinks the bills might be better than the jags is the editor of the jags website. Could take that in a couple different ways, not sure what to think about that right now.
  16. I didn't see it, but I heard that of all the NBC "analysts" everyone picked the jets as the team to beat in the division except Chris Collinsworth who picked the Bills. That is VERY encouraging. Everyone who watches that show knows that Collinsworth is the only one who actually watches every game and breaks down the film while the other guys in that overcrowded studio have as much insight as anyone who watches football at a bar with direct tv.
  17. Gotta agree there. Trent had all day throw the entire game. Chambers was 1 on 1 with Kearny the majority of the game and didn't give an inch. Also, on Marshawn's TD run, Chambers sealed off the right side to create the hole at the line of scrimmage, then got to the 2nd level and chipped the linebacker. Best block of the game. Look, if peters can duplicate his play from last year I want him to get back as soon as possible, but its great to know that without him the o-line is very competent.
  18. I don't think thats the case. I know for a fact that Bobby April loves this kid and fought to keep him on the 53 man roster, but got overruled, if he plays well on special teams, I think he'll stick around for the whole season.
  19. I think every bills fan watching that game was thinking the EXACT same thing. That offense looked very familiar. And the look on Zorn's face throughout the game was priceless, that guy might be in over his head.
  20. You saw how the giants D completely fell apart without Osi and Strahan last night. One player doesn't make or break a defense. We'll be fine.
  21. Week 1 at Miami. The Jets are a 3 pt favorite and this is about right. It will be a very close game. If this game happens in week 10 maybe its a blowout, but an out of shape Favre who doesn't have complete control of the offensive scheme yet playing in 100 degree weather and the Jets D playing against a qb who knows them inside and out and was practicing against them every day as recently as six weeks ago. This will be a tough road trip for the Jets, I wouldn't be surprised to see Miami win it outright. After that, they host New England and go to San Diego. An 0-3 start to the Favre era in New Jersey is VERY possible. Then we'll see how Brett handles the Willie Randolph/A-rod treatment from the Post, Daily News, WFAN, and the Jets fans booing him after his first incomplete pass against Arizona. He could be regretting his decision to come back very early in the year, and then it could get ugly.
  23. I hope your right but 14 d/st pts is a lot, I wouldn't count on it. However, I do think this will be a defensive battle and Buffalo's special teams advantage will be a big reason that they will pull out the W.
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