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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. ... because I took the time to attend a 7 pm fiction reading at a local bookstore by a friend and one of my students when all I really wanted to do was stay home and get ready for the game. But I showed them my respect and still got home just in time for the kickoff. Good deeds get rewarded!
  2. I think this is what is happening on a lot of those. Read option plays were Josh is choosing to keep it himself rather than hand it off. I suppose you could criticize Dorsey for even calling those plays instead of straight handoffs, but maybe Josh should just choose not to take this beating so often.
  3. He is a tough and talented player who gave his all for the team and made a difference. I don't care for his off-field attitudes, but that is beside the point.
  4. After seeing McDermott's post-game comments, the spiritless play of the team last night, and considering non-football circumstances, I think that Araiza must go, regardless of his degree of guilt or innocence.
  5. Lots of circumstantial details in this. If they have those phone calls, he's a dead man. The Bills can't just ignore this.
  6. This goes back to the fact that Ralph Wilson was from Detroit. When he started the Bills, he was looking over his shoulder at the Lions. In their first season, the Bills' uniforms were almost duplicates of the Lions' down to using the same colors. So the Bills always played the Lions in their last pre-season game. But that's such ancient history I don't see why they still do it. From a website about the Bills' uniforms: "For the first two seasons of the Bills existence, the team's colors were Honolulu blue, silver, and white, the same colors as the Detroit Lions. Bills owner Ralph Wilson had been a minority owner of the Lions, and rumor has it the team's jerseys those two seasons were actually hand-me-downs from the Lions."
  7. The Bills roster has already dropped a half dozen or more players (some of whom like Beasley and Wallace you mention) who were on the team last year. There's always a churn like this that opens up space for draft choices. Some of the other players who are not back this year include Breida, Butler, Hughes, Addison, Klein, Lotulelei, Matakevich, Phillips, Sanderson, Williams, Zimmer. etc. Yes, some of these (notably the defensive linemen) were replaced by veteran pickups, but not all.
  8. His take seems completely reasonable to me. I want the Bills to do much better than this, but I can't deny they have not always lived up to expectations. To say nothing of the possibility of injury affecting the season.
  9. I just re-watched the Atlanta game from last season the other day, and Stevenson looked absolutely awful as the return man. He kept running into his own blockers or got blown up by the Atlanta tacklers. I remember seeing a lot of this in other games as well. He runs too upright, makes bad choices, and seems to have no vision of the field.
  10. So McKenzie is now wearing number 6?
  11. Actually, in my experience it's kinda hard not to not have fun if you're a Bills fan. I am very much in favor of fun. But for some of us, given the history, it involves a serious attitude adjustment.
  12. Besides being a libertarian fantasy, Crypto is a playground for scammers and fools. It exploits the desperate and vulnerable. I post this as a public service. It is long, but it says it all:
  13. It would be hard to maintain any self respect and root for the team in those circumstances. I'd have to take a vacation from the Bills.
  14. Like Chris Chandler back in the day, nicknamed "Crystal Chandelier."
  15. I do get the feeling that a lot of Bills fans are getting smug about the Bills vs. the Dolphins (and the rest of the league). It's frankly a drag to hear Bills fans sounding like the most arrogant of Patriots fans in the Brady era. Fortunately, I don't think McDermott is buying into the idea that the Bills will walk through the season.
  16. I have not read all the responses here, but I expect that many if not most rank on him. I don't think he deserves to be run down that much. He produced a roster of good players. I believe he would not have hired Rex if it was strictly up to him. It was the Pegulas who didn't want to let Rex get out of the building. Yes, the cap was a mess and there were some dicey draft picks. But some good ones too, and he brought some fine players to the team. If the Pegulas had let him hire the coach after Saint Doug quit he might have survived. He didn't, and in the long run that proved best for the Bills. I'm very happy with McDermott & Beane. But I don't think he was the disaster many here have made him out to be.
  17. Multiple orgasms reported in Western New York
  18. WARNING!!!! This is entirely too sane a response to the selection. You need to demand that Beene and McDermott get their heads out of their butts and listen to your devastatingly accurate strategy based on your deep understanding of how football teams are staffed and the extensive scouting you have done on all division I college players. If you fail to set your hair on fire, you are endangering your status as a card-carrying Bills fan. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
  19. No, we can't. it will be another stupid free-for-all.
  20. Williams was a number 4 pick, and thus was more of a disappointment than Maybin.
  21. That doesn't explain why they kept Marv. It wasn't Polian who kept that team from winning a Super Bowl.
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