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Everything posted by cale

  1. Schwartz is a thug. I'd hate it if they hired him as HC. I'd like a winning coach who has worn out his welcome elsewhere.
  2. Man, I don't even know what to make of this topic right now. But I'll play, as I see it there are three weak links in the offense. The QB, The O Line and the OC. If at least 2 out of the 3 don't come through in the first few weeks of the season, we're toast. A good to great QB will mask a lot of those inefficiencies. But right now we can't play our way out of a paper bag. The only hope here is go play action by feeding the RBs the ball 25-30 times a game. But our OC is too inexperienced and arrogant to try that.
  3. When all three of your quarterbacks regress a year later, is it the QBs or the coaching? Specifically the OC?
  4. Naw. EJ is too short. Isn't that what they said about Flutie? #sorrycouldntresist ;-)
  5. The team that EM returned kickoffs for, had studs on special teams. Our present blocking on ST sucks. Easley is a gunner. A couple of others come to mind. But none of them are stellar blockers. Watkins will get killed.
  6. What he said. Problem is I think the end of the season will be too late. ST may be a the thin sliver of difference in us making the playoffs...
  7. This is simply not true. There is rankings/performance data to show how Crossman's units have historically underperformed including our own last season. There aren't mountains of posts in threads about this guy solely based on our collective "feelings." You can make the case that he may have needed better talent. But odds are DeHaven would have gotten more production out of the same unit last season. C
  8. You know they've had OTAs right? There was a bit in the link I provided where Crossman was giving his men "instructions." I'm not convinced that's gonna do it. Collectively, the last post on there was mid January. It's now June. Crossman is a concern. But I'm just wondering strategically and personnel wise what we've done to address the shortcomings since the coach isn't going anywhere. The Bills in the past have sometimes engaged in magical thinking. Not doing anything to address concerns and just hoping a year later they'll be better (think Ryan Fitzpatrick and a porous defense). I'm seeing the same pattern re-emerge this year per special teams. Maybe, I'm just not looking hard enough. If anything I'm hoping someone can convince me otherwise. We've added some serious talent on the offense. We've even shored up the defense a little bit. But at least we have halfway decent coordinators (granted the jury is out on Hackett) except on special teams where the coordinator has a crappy track record. Otherwise things has been pretty status quo on special teams. Will two ST role players really make a difference? Hence my soliciting opinions. C
  9. I'm not questioning his talent. It's just that if his upfront blocking sucks, he's gonna get killed...
  10. Special teams was our Achilles Heel last season and I haven't seen any significant steps to correct our problems. Just the addition of Dixon and Graham and our ST coach "breaking it down" for players, ain't gonna fix it. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/OTA-5---Red-zone-a-focus/04f62564-dc97-4d22-8b35-4cdba15d4be0 Also why the heck is CJ Spiller back there returning kicks? Seems that puts him at unnecessary risk. C
  11. You don't want this. Trust me. Not only a bad player but not a good citizen. Remember we ran Marshawn Lynch out of town for far less. And he actually could play.
  12. Yeah, Fisher had both of them. Guess which one he wanted. Greggo even had the NFL Office throw the book at him.
  13. The best scenario we can hope for here is that Schwartz in a furious rage after another special teams folly knocks Crossman out and we end up with a new special teams coach...
  14. On a certain level they're all just opinion until things play out... If you were here in Nash you'd know about things like Frank Wycheck (who is a radio personality here now) saying that he heard on good authority that Schwartz was going to be fired if we wasn't hired as HC in Detroit. FIsher was done and frustrated with JS. As for stats not lying...I give you: "Statistics are for losers" - Marv Levy Marv also used to paraphrase a Mark Twain/Benjamin Disraeli attributed quote: "There are three kinds of lies - lies, damn lies and statistics."
  15. Dude, *I* am an upgrade over George Edwards and Wanny...
  16. I live in Nashville. Titans defense underperformed while here with the same talent that Greggo had. This guy is toxic. Players hated him. Just watch when the D sucks and the fans complain. Definite downgrade. Crap...
  17. Will Burge of Bleacher Report reporting the same: bleacherreport.com/articles/1905601-browns-head-coach-search-latest-rumors-and-buzz-after-rob-chudzinskis-firing
  18. As far as the negotiations go, word on the street is that Pettine really wants the gig.
  19. Per radio station in Cleveland. http://www.wtam.com/...coach-11997723/
  20. I think we actually had one of those 2 players - Marshawn Lynch. And we had a shot at another - Russell Wilson. C'mon, now. If you think winning is solely about a player here or a player there, you're missing something huge. The organization and the culture upon which it is built. Until and unless this organization proves it can rethink the way it does things for the better, we're going to be stuck with marginal improvements and rehiring coaches. One or two players? I'm optimistic - but try one or two seismic mind shifts. Charles
  21. Someone needs to show Dareus this video...Over and over and over again.
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