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Everything posted by cale

  1. Do we really want the drama? We need a solid vet. Unfortunately there are not that many out there right now. Maybe David Carr or Pat White, someone who would know their role. But gives us a fighting chance to win a game.
  2. C'mon, man. After EJ went down and Tuel steps in and plays the way he did, If I'm a Browns player I'm really feeling good about my chances. Our D gave it their all, but our secondary is playing way above their skill level. But it still isn't enough. Add injuries to that, except for a couple of choice players on the O and some of the front 7 on the D, we really aren't that good. We'll get better. The Browns played hard - but if EJ was in the game, this would have been us all over it. Don't believe the post game ESPN Browns glory hype for Jim Brown night. They did just enough to win. But Weeden is not gonna take them very far. The Bills on the other hand - need to figure out how to shore up the secondary and the receiver corp. Hopefully they use the 10 day break like a bye and retool where necessary. C
  3. They need to name this kid "Dexter." as in the TV Show. Baby faced serial killer.
  4. This guy has some Chris Spielman in him. But here's what I think we should name him: Kiko "Dexter" Alonso
  5. I got DirecTV 10 years ago to get the NFL Sunday Ticket to watch the Bills down here in Nashville. Due to limited finances these past few years we had to drop the Sunday Ticket. On Sunday I negotiated a free year with of Sunday Ticket/Sunday Ticket Max/$100 Visa Card/$10 off a month and got to watch the game for real for the first time in a couple of years. That's why we won. C
  6. Losman v Texans. OMG. Bite your digital tongue, man! ;-)
  7. I was there when Doug Flutie started against the then unbeaten Jaguars. Flutie won that game for us and it began a mini era of a pretty good run until that fateful day in Nashville. Now living in Nashville and watching the game today on TV, I felt a little bit of the same excitement as did that October day in 1998. It was fun to see a young exciting promising QB with a clue be so cool, calm and collected winning a game like that. Kudos to our scouting department and front office for ignoring the "experts" and picking this kid in the first round. Well done. C
  8. We couldn't get off the field on 3rd downs. Absolutely killed us. But that's because Tom Brady is Tom Brady. And I think Amendola had a career game - one leg and all. Other than that - and I say this sincerely - the Defence kicked ass! If this keeps up, I expect to lose our DC to a HC job.
  9. I'm a fan of Stevie. But when Amendola is playing on one foot, SJ needs to make that play. Of course, Amendola has one of the best QBs and coaches lighting a fire under his ass. That's what SJ needs. Somebody to hold him accountable.
  10. Nice article on how Bills D just confused Ponder with new philosophy. Not exotic game planning. The All-22: Christian Ponder’s confusion against Buffalo’s defense speaks to a larger issue C
  11. True. Except in the case of our Bills. At least in the negative. Remember when they sucked in the preseason the last couple of seasons and still sucked during the season. All the while claiming "it's just the preseason. we'll fix it." or "we didn't game plan." I for one am glad that even if they end up sucking during the actual season, we at least got to watch some damn entertaining football. Even if it is the preseason. I hate it when they lose. But hate it more when they're boring, don't seem to know what they're doing and lose. I think this team will at least be half way entertaining... C
  12. I thought he was impressive. Sure he was playing against their scrubs. So we need some perspective. But at the same time, he was playing with "our scrubs" too. The kid has a presence about him and definitely seems to have a grasp of the offense. I think he ran an up tempo, quick hit offense in college too. So this scheme suits him.
  13. Bray is a loser. That is all you need to know. Great physical attributes with absolutely no intangibles.
  14. So no one thinks this is inappropriate given the fact that she was a PA and he was the on screen celebrity? What if she resisted his advances? No one thinks it's odd that this hasn't come out prior to this? One thing if they weren't working together. But she was not even a senior producer on equal footing with him. I'd like to think it was consensual. But Bobby Petrino lost his job over something similar. Why does Marino get a free pass?
  15. Thank God. Saves us from picking him up...again.
  16. I hope they stick to their board as much as possible. I see them trading back into the second half of the 1st to take him. Or at least I hope they do. I'd much rather have a LB taken first unless Geno or Glennon falls to us.
  17. There's audio of an interview with Nix on WGR55 - where Scott Simon asks him - why did you trade for TJ if you weren't going to play him. And Nix says something to the effect of "well we get the players and the coaches decide who plays. You can't just walk into the coach's office and say, 'play the guy' just 'cause you traded for him." I thought it was very telling. I like that they gave the coach autonomy. But why did they did trade for him in the first place, if the HC was "really not that into him" as far as TJ was concerned?
  18. I'm more curious to see who he hires as staff. If the "I know the guy" wins over the "this guy is really a great coach" mantra.
  19. Lowry will probably end up in St Louis with Fisher. Short drive from here. Gray is a fraud.
  20. I had posted a link earlier in this thread that it Pettine's "system" is actually predicated around the players he has at his disposal. I think good DC's in today's NFL play a hybrid system that is based around their core personnel and adjusts to the situation on the ground. I like the Pettine hire...a lot. Here's hoping he turns out to be a super aggressive version of Wade.
  21. This has been floating around the 'net. They were playing a hybrid for a while. Pettine wanted to transition to a 4-3. He has obviously coached a 3-4. I love this. Find the system that fits your players. Not the other way around. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/15/jets-shifting-to-more-4-3-defense-to-try-to-generate-sacks/
  22. Now this hire, I LOVE! Good coach. Strategic advantage in the division. I have a feeling we'll be drafting a linebacker in Round 1. Or getting one in FA. Or both.
  23. John, I'm trying. But it's infinitely different calling plays in a vacuum than it is with Belichick, Ryan or Coughlin on the other side. You know, you need to be battle tested a bit. I don't doubt Hackett has the acumen. Look at his pedigree. But to turn over the keys to the offense to someone who is a relative neophyte, I don't know. I predict the "O" will look like world beaters within the relative safety of camp and pre-season. Then we'll struggle while our coordinator learns to adjust on game day in a cauldron of screaming fans and behemoths clobbering his boy, Nassib. I like the kid, but he's gonna be a relative project. He just doesn't set his feet well under high stress. Anything more than a mid second, and we're gambling high stakes poker. I like the nepotism comment. We don't need any of that. I hope we get someone like Pettine, a balls to the wall D coordinator - who is gonna bring an attacking style D. Not digging the first personnel move so far. C
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