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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I too feel that EJ played pretty doggone well. Cassel too played well. They both looked like real NFL QBs. Taylor was fun, but that has ZERO chance of working in a real game when game planned for. TYrod needs to seriously up his game this week. I want to see staying in the pocket and passing this week. Russel Wilson and Colin Kaepernick run a lot, but they are also good passers. Tyrod's longest completion traveled about 10 yards in the air. Anything longer was off the mark. I still suspect Cassel or EJ will start with TYrod coming in for 5 or 6 plays a game.
  2. Agree totally. I'm pro Matt "King of the" Cassel, pro EJ, pro Tyrod, and pro Simms. Whoever does the best, so be it.
  3. I fail to see the problem here. PS Stats are for losers.
  4. Why not? The Bills are stacked this year. That's why I think he can be good for us too. If we weren't stacked i would think differently about Matt "King of the" Cassel probably.
  5. I don't know if I'm a Matt "King of the" Cassel fan or not. I'll wait to see how he does in a Bills suit. However, it seems that when he is in the right situation with a good team and a good coach and a defense, he does well. When he's not, he doesn't. He's not a guy who can carry the team on his back, but if the whole team contributes he will enough too to win. This is what I'm hoping he can do for us if he starts.
  6. Of course SJ dropping that pass on 3rd down didn't help either.
  7. Has Rex said who will be coming in after Matt "King of the" Cassel?
  8. IF the offensive plan is really to run ball control and hand off and make the occasional pass to pick up a first down or throw a bomb when they aren't expecting it, EJ would be great at fulfilling that role. I would offer up the Chicago game as a classic example. The run game was working. On the final drive when we needed a 3rd down completion he hit Mike Williams for the first down. He also hit Robert Woods on that drive as well. In that game he was 16 for 22 (72.7%). Rating of 91.7. Ran 6 times for 19 yards and a TD. That's ball control and just what the doctor ordered for 2016 or at least that's the common perception. When you play close games you also need to win late sometimes. EJ has shown he can be good at that too with late wins vs Chicago and Carolina. He brought us back to take the lead in his first game vs Patsies** but the defense gave up the lead in the final minute. This TBD conventional wisdom that EJ "sucks" is ridiculous.
  9. Did you read the part of your post where you think we should get over the labels? Or is "angry white males" not a label? There are also 2 black ladies that I've seen on PPP and youtube who love Donald. Angry? maybe. White male? Definitely not. PS I like Trump and I don't fit your label either.
  10. Eli has 2 SB rings in large part due to his being money when all the chips are on the line. Rivers, meanwhile, drops back without the football in those situations. Thus my choice of Eli. Plus those Giants teams (especially 2007) were run heavy teams like we want to be supposedly.
  11. Yeah, I have never punched an off duty cop (or anyone else for that matter) causing me to be arrested, so I can and will still call him a dumb ass. A normal player TC fight is not a big deal IMHO. You don't see me getting down on Gilmore and Woods for their fight. Of course Coach Marrone would have, but thankfully, he's gone. I'll just have to trust Rex on this one.
  12. And when was the last time before Monday broken bones were involved? A round of fist to cuffs on the practice field in helmets and/or pads is not the same thing as what happened at Jets camp. If it's so common, how come Coach Bowles **** canned IK so fast?
  13. I take Eli over Rivers all day long and twice n Sunday.
  14. I never punched a cop. So I can say he was a dumbass for punching a cop. I also don't buy that football players punch each other in the face on a regular basis as you say. If I'm wrong, prove it.
  15. Fighting may be common in TC, but breaking a starting QB's jaw is NOT A common occurrence.
  16. After going 19-0, the Bills re sign EJ or Tyrod or Matt "King of the" Cassel to a contract that makes R Wilson's look like chump change. I don't care which one. But really, can't we just wait and see how these guys do first?
  17. The immigration debate is one I don't understand. Anytime a politician wants to tighten up the border or throw out the criminals or whatever he is painted as a racist who hates brown people. However, I never see the other side favor open borders which would seem to be the alternative to keeping people out, let them all in. Why do Republicans hate amnesty so much? Reagan did it. Seems they would like it if their patron saint did it.
  18. I would like to see a video of how they stopped all that traffic on a major highway.
  19. The KO TD return Thigpen did against the Cheese was the 3rd of his career. I'm thinking they'll try to keep him if at all possible even if Harvin doesn't like it. Not sure how many Harvin has. Had 1 in the SB.
  20. Did you miss the Hillary coming to his wedding comment? He's negotiating with the GOP. GOP establishment needs to be bucked. These Southern Baptist PC guys have no chance to win anyway. None of them. Especially Jeb. Here's a few jabs at Hillary by Donald: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/26/politics/trump-hillary-clinton-emails-cnn-poll/index.html http://hollywoodlife.com/2015/07/09/donald-trump-slams-hillary-clinton-worst-secretary-of-state-history/#! You might be right that he is a Clinton plant, but you may also be wrong.
  21. Is he more unlikable than Hillary? You don't think Republican voters would show up to beat Hillary? All the Republican candidates vowed to support Trump if he gets the nomination. Seems Hillary is concerned about Trump after all. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-trumps-wedding-fun/story?id=32998621 Sounds like maybe she's not sitting back enjoying it after all. Trump hit her in a vulnerable spot. Her collecting huge sums of cash from fat cats like himself.
  22. In the old days we would say it sells papers. Now it just gets clicks.
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