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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. This is an old Presidential trick. Who can forget President HW Bush riding around on his cigarette boat while the Iraq invasion was going on? It's just to show the other guys your confident, aren't scared, and can relax while they're pooping bricks. Relax.
  2. https://kuow.org/stories/seattle-passes-grim-milestone-with-record-high-homicides
  3. Thanks man. This gives me a LOT BETTER understanding of what's been going on over there.
  4. I believe you. You don't have to try to justify your service to this clown. Thanks for your service.
  5. Can you share the link please? I too have been trying to understand this better. I really don't even understand the terminology like settlers,open air prison, settlements, colonialism, occupation, etc. at this point. I've watched a few videos and read some but am still confused.
  6. Gonna try to get us in another war because it would he!p him in the polls. Wartime presidents rarely lose, if ever.
  7. I was disappointed when Dr. West was mentioning the past 3rd party candidates he didn't mention Brother Ross. He got more votes than any of the ones he mentioned.
  8. The first casualty of war is the truth. Believe what you want.
  9. Maybe he's not speaking out cuz he's not President anymore? Commenting on everything is President Trump's department.
  10. It was very Interesting when he moved to Seattle. Being a Bills fan myself I knew of his background, ie. 2 runs ins with the law including an unlicensed gun charge in California. Seattle is not real big on guns. In Seattle, the bad boy image was scrapped and the new Lovable Goofball image emerged. Still wonder if he worked with his agent on this to pull it off.
  11. The Beast left because he was traded. I live in Seattle and remember when the trade went down.Pete Carroll said he wanted Lynch all along. Every Monday he called Bubba Nix and asked about a trade. One Monday Bubba said yes. I think this may have had some to do with it too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshawn_Lynch
  12. Sad. But I can't help thinking the best way to not get your kids killed is to not kill someone else's. What do you think we should do about this?
  13. How much do you get paid for posting this picture? A lot I hope.
  14. Looks like someone studied their Vietnam history. That's what the North Viet Nam did. We would fly over and drop daisy cutter bombs. The North Vietnamese would go down into their tunnels and smoke their dope only to come out and fight later. I hope Israel has a better plan than we did should they decide to attack.
  15. First, who says it's America's "responsibility" to ensure peace in a region 1/2 way across the world from us? Secondly, Representative Cortez has no idea what the people slaughtered in their homes or a music festival would want. She can't ask them cuz they're DEAD.
  16. Are you sure? https://youtu.be/-cTNqwZ5gkY?si=F5ngZwdDweAcnMDY
  17. Sure they can build staff, and operate mental health hospitals for 12 year olds confused about their gender identity. meanwhile they can't do anything for the 150,000+ homeless people, many of which need mental health services too. Privilege.
  18. If there's a permanent team in London there should be a rule that X% must be native to England. Say 10%. See if they can field a team.
  19. Racism, Sexism, and Ageism all rolled into one! Nice job. I would think it has more to do with a lot of Republicans don't want to vote for Trump. Can you blame 'em?
  20. After reading Roger's comment it makes me wonder who made this decision? Was it someone at OBD, or did the NFL tell us yall are flying in on Thursday for experimental purposes? Makes me wonder. Does anyone know?
  21. The only problem here is the rules would have to be changed by the people in congress and it's working just fine for them thank you very much.
  22. I have noticed this at rock concerts and live music rock and blues clubs and the weed store: baby boomers still like to party, and they got money.
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