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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Do you have any proof the content was "installed" on Hunter's hard drive and by whom? I know lefties are really big on "proof" these days.
  2. Do you think the government has told us the truth and everything about everything on 911? Before you answer, recall that George W Bush was our President with a Republican House and 50/50 Senate at the time. Surely he wouldn't lie would he?
  3. Fox wants Trump for the same reason as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, NPR, and the rest. Ratings and clicks. How much ratings and clicks you gonna get if it's Pence vs Biden? How many if it's Trump? They're running a bidness.
  4. I'm old enough to remember when liberals had bumper stickers on their cars that read "I may not agree with what you say but will fight for your right to say it."
  5. Or when Pramila JayaPal and Jamie Raskin moved to have Republican votes thrown out on the congress floor.
  6. Just curios if FoiaFan has requested info on other random people at the protests on 1/6 and what they got back from the FBI.
  7. Exactly. Something smells fishy about this to me. He was actively trying to get other people to "go INTO the Capitol'" the night before. The morning of he was at the Trump speech directing people to go to the capital afterwards. He was under that YUUUUUUGE Trump sign crashing into people. He was at the first breached gate. Yelled something into a guys ear who then crashed through the fence. After all he put into it he doesn't go in? Why not? It was almost as if someone told him he could do whatever but if he didn't go in it would be his get out of jail free card.
  8. She called Joe a racist on national tv and then doubled downed on it the next day selling her dumb TShirts. She was polling at like 1% before she quit the race before the first primary. Can't get more unpopular than that in politics.
  9. They wouldn't if President Biden doesn't run for reelection. If he didn't, then Vice President Harris would be back at square 1 and have to beat all the others running like Governor Newsom, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, Senator Warren, Bernie, and whoever else by winning the most delegates. And if the Democrat Party does want her to win, she'll get Bernied. And she could be replaced by James Clyburn or Hakeem Jeffries without losing the black vote. Seems to me they have more of a Joe problem cuz he's he'll bent on running. I believe for selfish reasons.
  10. Putin appreciates your lack of reading comprehension. Key word, when. Which if this keeps up as is they will eventually.
  11. How are they gonna do this? Trump is running and the only way he gets out is if another Republican beats him in the primaries. Probably wouldn't happen until May or June or July after most of the primaries are over. President Biden sews up the nomination by then. Then they tap Newsom? How is that gonna work? I know the Democrat party is good at fixing primaries, but this will be a whole other ballgame. I think they're already well on their way. That's why the had such a weak field in 2020. They aborted all the good candidates 30, 40, 50 years ago.
  12. I would argue we're already there. Ukraine just recognized 500 days of war. That's a year and a half. The much anticipated Ukrainian spring offense with all the fancy new armaments we sent them was supposed to bring Russia to the bargaining table. It's now mid summer and Russia is still a no show. Ukraine is running out of ammunition as I type. It's now in an old school World War I style trench war of attrition with no end in sight. When Ukraine starts running out of soldiers, then what? Whatever it takes as President Biden says?
  13. My point in saying it puts us one step closer to sending fighting troops has to do with President Biden saying all along he's not gonna send send something and then wah-la, he sends it. First it wss tanks. No tanks. Then we sent tanks. Then it was F-16s. No F-16s. Then we sent F-16s. Then it was cluster bombs. No cluster bombs. Then we sent cluster bombs. All along he's been saying no troops. As we found out from the leaker there are troops there now. If Ukraine can't end it with cluster bombs, then what? What's left besides troops? I also remember very well how he was a major driver in the Iraq war as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee running the hearings. He also voted for it and all the continuing funding. I don't trust President Biden to not send troops. We'll see but I am skeptical at the claims of "no boots on the ground".
  14. Yes and no. You may be right on having hard time determining their value due to depreciation etc. But the bottom line is us taxpayers paid full price for them when we bought them. This puts us one step closer to sending fighting troops over there.
  15. He doesn't base it on "grainy footage from 50 years ago". He bases it on ballistics and the autopsy. He explains it all in last 10 minutes of his interview with Bill Maher. Start at 1:49
  16. Surely the security checkpoints are under video surveillance. Can't they review those if that's where they say it came in? Unless the videos are stored on the same server as the 1/6 text messages that is.
  17. My favorite lefty tells me it was probably planted.
  18. Jets fans should prepare themselves to be offended by Aaron Rodgers play this season and that's if he can stay upright.
  19. I wonder if his probation officer has called him in for a drug test yet? It is a term of his probation to remain drug free. And crack is his brand.
  20. My sarcasm detector is weak. Even weaker on the internet. And my name is not Francis. 🙂
  21. Yeah, its only postsecondary outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds. How important could that be? Just because someone opens a thread does not mean you need to pollute it with your opinions.
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