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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. The best part was that little chick in the #29 jersey stopped pretty much the whole thing by herself. I guess the build a new stadium to make tickets high enough to price out the rednecks theory is a bust. They had a lot of fighting at the Stick too.
  2. What if the world jumps off a cliff? You gonna do that too?
  3. Thanks for bringing this one back up. Haven't seen it in a while. I've missed it. And, President Trump did get fired.
  4. How would President Biden know if Hunter did or did not make money in China? According to him, he and Hunter never talked about Hunter's bidness?
  5. The laughter didn't bother me all that much. It's VP Harris so I've grown accustomed to it. The part that irks me is the trip to Seattle to celebrates all the climate goodness. She's all gung ho on fighting global warming. Yet she flies her big ass airplane 3000 miles to make a speech. Add to that all the people that were stuck in traffic idling while roads were shut down so she could get to her fund raiser (the real reason for the trip). What was the carbon footprint of that trip? Meanwhile, all you little people, make sure you recycle those aluminum cans and get rid of that gas stove. Meanwhile I'll be flying my big ass jet doing as I damn well please. If she really cared she'd have them put up a big ole screen and done the speech through Zoom. Coulda saved a ton of carbon emissions from that big ass jet and the limousines and the schmucks needlessly stuck in traffic
  6. Who is the dude on the right in the tie shaking hands with HW? George Wallace?
  7. The irony or maybe it's karma is so thick you can cut it with a jackhammer. Then Senator "I wrote the damn bill" Biden pushes and passes a bill to put people with possession of crack in jail forever. Then his son gets strung out on it and commits other crimes too and gets a slap on the wrist. How does one spell that? P-R-I-V-I-L-E-G-E. Deep in the Democrat party. Who knew?
  8. I was thinking answers Coach McDermott.
  9. I don't care. I'd still vote for him over President Trump or President Biden. That's the standard.
  10. As I suspected, you have ZERO proof that content was "installed" on Hunter Biden's hard drive. Just you typing from where the sun don't shine (again).
  11. One Hillary style throw him in the back of a van without shoes like a roll of carpet incident and things could change. I hope neither runs but if they both do I'll be voting 3rd party (again).
  12. Do you have any proof the content was "installed" on Hunter's hard drive and by whom? I know lefties are really big on "proof" these days.
  13. Do you think the government has told us the truth and everything about everything on 911? Before you answer, recall that George W Bush was our President with a Republican House and 50/50 Senate at the time. Surely he wouldn't lie would he?
  14. Fox wants Trump for the same reason as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, NPR, and the rest. Ratings and clicks. How much ratings and clicks you gonna get if it's Pence vs Biden? How many if it's Trump? They're running a bidness.
  15. I'm old enough to remember when liberals had bumper stickers on their cars that read "I may not agree with what you say but will fight for your right to say it."
  16. Or when Pramila JayaPal and Jamie Raskin moved to have Republican votes thrown out on the congress floor.
  17. Just curios if FoiaFan has requested info on other random people at the protests on 1/6 and what they got back from the FBI.
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