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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Your response was to a @B-Man article about #metoo and how Democrats didn't believe Tara Reade. You responded with "who grabbed em by the pu$$y?". You didn't say anything about #metoo, Tara Reads etc but went straight to the grab em by the pub $$y routine. Please explain to me how that's not whataboutism? The pink hat was in response to your grab 'em by the pu$$y post. Try to keep up.
  2. I thought you didn't like whataboutism. I coulda sworn I read that somewhere.
  3. America, Love it or leave it. I think Archie Bunker used to say that. I can remember that on bumper stickers on red neck pickups as a kid. Now its come full circle with the lefties pushing it.
  4. It's payback time. Just wait til President Biden gets charged in criminal court when he finishes his last term. Its coming.
  5. Poor you. I'll be sure to remember that the next time you call anyone a simp or a Karen Psyop or a f'n idiot or post that fun President Trump LMAO jpg. Pardon me, your projection is showing. πŸ™‚
  6. I'm sorry, I laughed out loud. The person that all day long calls other posters idiots, simps, Karen Psyop, LOSERs, etc gets offended when his/her opinion is challenged? I believe in psychology they call this a bully victim complex.
  7. Actually in the post I was talking about it does not even mention President Trump. Just a list of things I do not like about president Biden. I know in your cult that means I must like President Trump. And they first 3 lines are criticizing President Trump. Nice work Sherlock.
  8. @BillStime gave me a laughing emoji last night on anti-Biden post in a Rudy thread from October 20, 2020. I am flattered (s)he thinks about me so much. I admire his or her dedication to the cult.
  9. Did you read your own article? Maybe the first 2 are not technically surgery but would argue giving a kid chemical castration drugs is a serious medical procedure with potential long term consequences. What part of a double mastectomy isn't surgery?
  10. Get off your high horse. Congressperson Jayapal and Congressperson Raskin tried to get votes thrown out from states Trump won. Hillary pitched in her own money to do a recount. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-democrats-house-democrats-electoral-college-election-2016-539801 The donkey team did the same thing in the Bush/Gore election (trying to get votes thrown out). I am by no means defending the criminals on January 6th. But at the same time the Donkey team likes to call the Elephant team election deniers when they do the same thing (deny election results when they lose, you just did it). Makes me chuckle. But carry on. And by the way, do you have any evidence "16 was rigged"? When you said that do you know who you sounded. like? Donald J Trump.
  11. Prove I didn't care. I know you're real big on proof these days so bring it. I think they're both crooks and should be locked up in the same cell together.
  12. Its okay for the most evil president in American history's kids to do it so it's ok for the guy who was going to bring back dignity and respect to the White House's kid to do it too. Gotcha.
  13. If the worst President in American history who is racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semetic does then its okay for President Biden to do likewise. If you are one thing, its consistent. Seriously, can you defend Precedent Biden without using the word "Trump"?
  14. They're both crooks. Lock 'em both up. Preferably in the same cell. @BillsFanNC gave a nice synopsis of some of the evidence. Not sure of you read it. But there is a lot of smoke there. We don't have all the evidence either. True, there is no signed check from the CEO of Burisma to President Biden with "for bribes" on the memo line. Is that what you're waiting for? I can't say for sure either did what they are accused of, but the smoke is very think for both of them. There could be some proof here I would suspect: Should be easy to prove.
  15. I dont know if you ever mentioned that or not. But, No. It's another of you and @BillStime thinking that if President Trump did something wrong, it's okay for President Biden to do likewise even though President Trump was the most evil, vile, racist, sexist, homophobe ever. Wait, I forgot anti-semite. But since he did it, its okay for all presidents to do bad stuff too. Makes no sense.
  16. He's not my leader. This may be hard for you to understand, but I'm not on the Elephant Team and I'm not on the Donkey team. I'm on the American team. That means I can be objective about these things. I also follow some of my Dad's wisdom. "No one is all good or all bad." I come to my own conclusion. I give credit when a "leader" does what I like and criticize when they don't . What I mentioned about President Trump was an observation, not praise. Hopefully he never gets inside the White House again unless he pays to go on a tour. Same goes for President Biden after the election.
  17. I didn't say he was presidential. Obviously he is not. But he is a YUUUUUUGE troll. It cracks me up when he says the most obvious trolling things Like this and the Democrats lose it. Democrats would be better off pulling out the old Reagan line, "well, there you go again" whenever President Trump pulls this stuff out and ignore it.
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