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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. Was about to make this exact point. The article says nothing about how he ranked his options -- only that he wanted to have more than one.
  2. When was the last time that a team fired a coach mid-season and then saved their season? Mike Singletary came close in 2008, but even that team only finished 7-9. It's happened before in other sports (I remember when Jack McKeon won a World Series with the Marlins after taking over mid-season), but not in the NFL. If this is the case, it's hard to see this move as anything but laying the groundwork for next season.
  3. One BILLION dollars. Seriously, though, are people really going to be stressing out about Roman's job status for the next 14 weeks??
  4. He may not be the first to go, but I'm not so sure Lovie Smith's job is particularly safe.
  5. Between this thread and the one about us being in salary cap hell next year (or even the one about losing Harvin next year), I'm really starting to think that this entire fan base is in need of counseling. Can't we just enjoy 2015 for now?
  6. I guess we're just supposed to forget about all those things and focus only on Marv's ability to spout off random WWII quotes. . . I loved the guy as much as anyone, and his players clearly inherited his resiliency and competitiveness, but to suggest that they were well-disciplined and well-coached (at least from an Xs and Os standpoint), is laughable to many of us who distinctly remember those years.
  7. I love the trolling and trash talking as much as anyone, but if the team doesn't back it up on the field this is all going to look really silly.
  8. There's no chance of that. Dareus has surely had some issues, but they are mostly maturity-related. Haynesworth is simply a jerk - both before and after he signed his contract.
  9. Wow. Kind of surprised the Falcons would want to take on that contract - even if the price for the trade itself was low.
  10. Holy crap -- Joe Flacco uses apostrophes correctly in his Tweets! Good for him.
  11. Um, so what happens the next time they are down by 1 with the ball on the opponent's 30 with seconds remaining in the game?
  12. ^^^This. Those cuts weren't regrettable because they hurt the team at the time, but it really sucked seeing those three in different uniforms -- namely TT.
  13. I can't force DirectTV to take my money. I live in a suburb of DC and there is no line of site for a dish because of all of the tall trees in my neighborhood. Even if I spent the tens of thousands of dollars to clear cut my backyard (plus whatever it costs in litigation with my HOA), I can't force my neighbors to take down their trees. I've been totally stymied every time I call them to request streaming service only. You still need to live at a "verified" address to get this service, which basically means an apartment.
  14. IK Enemkpali in now my least favorite person in the NFL. It's because of him that I now feel just a shred of sympathy for the Jets.
  15. I don't see that option. The only thing I see is the following disclaimer: *NFLSUNDAYTICKET.TV service is only available to non-DIRECTV customers who live in a select apartment building where DIRECTV service is not available, attend select universities, or live in one of the following metro areas: New York City, Philadelphia, or San Francisco. NFLSUNDAYTICKET.TV UNIVERSITY only available to students enrolled in eligible universities I live in a house, but my entire property is surrounded by trees and it's impossible to get DirectTV -- absent clear-cutting my yard.
  16. The Bills' status is Buffalo is secure, the roster is a competent QB away from being a legitimate Super Bowl threat, we have one of the most enjoyable coaches in the league, and the excitement around the team is palpable. JBJ still has no viable path to becoming an NFL owner, despite the fact that he's made clear that it's his dream, and there really is no foreseeable way that things will get any easier for him. At this point, it's really hard to "hate" him. Happy, however, to point and laugh. . .
  17. If it was Gronk, everyone would start throwing meat at each other and the only controversy would be what cute name to call it (since "Gronking" is taken).
  18. https://twitter.com/buffalobills/status/604003741004472320 Really loving the way Rex has embraced everything about being in Buffalo.
  19. So does that mean it's an automatic four games if he violates the program again, or is it more?
  20. That's some seriously insightful analysis. Did ESPN stick it behind the Insider pay wall?
  21. Putting aside what any of us thinks about this draft class, does anyone else see this as basically part of one big scam? Kiper is paid by ESPN to come up with a highly subjective ranking of draft prospects -- which you can only really see in detail if you decide to pay for access to Insider -- and then "grades" teams based on whether or not they selected players using the same evaluations that HE provided. Thus, if you disagree with his preliminary analysis, you of course do poorly in his grading. And of course, that post-draft analysis also gets stuck behind the paywall. . .
  22. Here's a quote from his video "plea" to teams: "To the NFL teams out there, obviously there have been a lot of bad decisions made in the past, . . ." I'm usually not one to harp on bad grammar, but the use of passive voice is pretty striking. That quote doesn't really sound like a guy ready to take responsibility for his actions in that he's basically saying "stuff happens."
  23. If this isn't a smokescreen, and it very well may be, it is basically all about Chip Kelly trying to prove that anyone can succeed in his system, so long as they have the willingness and intelligence to adapt to it.
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