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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. I'm not sure what it is about voting for hall of fame candidates, but it seems to turn people into sanctimonious, insufferable jerks -- regardless of the sport. As annoying as Carucci's take is with regard to T.O., it's nothing compared to the twisted logic baseball writers use to vote against highly qualified players year in and year out.
  2. Super Bowl XXV was more than 26 years ago, and I still feel numb and shell-shocked about it. I'm pretty sure a lot of Falcons fans will be saying the same thing 26 years from now.
  3. My feelings on Rex pretty much followed the exact same pattern. Agree with every word of your post.
  4. I remember a few years ago when I was terrified that the Bills could be stuck with Kyle Shanahan. Times sure have changed.
  5. In all seriousness, I'll always appreciate how much he did to show his pride in the team and in Buffalo in general, whether it be that tacky truck, wearing jerseys of all time great Bills, or sitting in the stands at Sabres games decked out in the team's gear. Had he won, he'd have been beloved. That said, he really was a failure as a coach.
  6. Not happening. The Chargers are hemmorhaging public support by the minute. There's no chance they are going to part with the face of their franchise for the last decade, especially one who remains a fairly productive player.
  7. Good point!! Doc Walker is the one of the biggest homers around. He'll need antidepressants after a year with Ryan.
  8. As someone who lives in the DC area and hates the local team (and its owner), I WHOLEHEARTEDLY approve!
  9. Funny, when they turned the camera on them, I specifically remember noting that Aikman wasn't looking good. His eyes were kind of bloodshot and his face was all puffy/bruised (or both).
  10. So we're now to the point where we are complaining about hypothetical people?
  11. I kid you not when I say that I would take Dan Henning back over hiring Chip Kelly.
  12. So it's Marrone vs. Mularkey twice a year by virtue of being in the same division. Looking forward to "I quit the Bills" Bowls II and III next year.
  13. This times a million^^^^ I know that we need to take what's reported with a grain of salt, but if any of these rumors are remotely accurate this entire organization is one big clown show.
  14. What does it mean to say that "the Bills" have moved on? Who are "the Bills"? Whaley? The Pegulas? Brandon? What does that even mean? Rex obviously wan't part of that decision. If he's just trying to say that Whaley wrote off Taylor a few weeks ago, that's not really newsworthy. Who calls the shots on this team?
  15. Whatever. I don't think anyone's been named interim HC yet. And even if it's Marrone, two games won't be enough to make a difference.
  16. I see the NFL as mostly garbage these days. I'll be a Bills fan to the end, so that keeps me interested, but once they are out, I'm generally done.
  17. I realize that beggars can't be choosers, but I'd really prefer not to have a coach named "Jim Bob."
  18. Totally agree. If memory serves me right, the reason he didn't join the Bills before Ryan was hired was -- at least in part -- because he and Pegula disagreed as to how involved Polian would be. He's 74 years old and is done with the grind -- which is his right (and was very much deserved). At this point, the Bills need someone who is 100% committed.
  19. Other than the obvious (i.e., find a QB), I don't really know the answer. One thing I do know, however, is that it won't get fixed by the Pegulas bringing in Bill Polian to act as a football overlord.
  20. And once we fix the defense, the offense will need to be fixed again. I'm still not sure how this story ends..
  21. Did Mario play today, or was he out? The stat sheet doesn't show him recording even a single tackle.
  22. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/17660885/rex-ryan-asks-julian-edelman-playing-qb-conference-call It would be cute if he were winning. Now it's just kind of sad (although still pretty funny).
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