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Everything posted by Spun

  1. This link explains a little bit about the NFL Champion vs College All-Stars: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_All-Star_Game I liked the concept but as each year passed the importance of money (injuries) grew... I believe that we will soon see eighteen regular games with two less pre-season games. This plan has the same idea: minimize injuries and maximize profits. It wouldn't surprise me if the owners did away with the Pro Bowl.
  2. Don't keep it inside! Get it out! There are a lot of transplants at this site so you aren't out there all alone! It would be cool if somehow down the line Kane made it to the Sabres but Kane is the leading Western Conference vote- getter. Kane is on his way up and so are the Black Hawks, they have done well in the draft and FA. I am not a Chicago fan either. I root for the smaller markets against the bigger, richer cities. Black Hawk fans were silent for a long time like Penguin fans were before they got Crosby.
  3. Don't the Cards usually count on many tickets being sold to fans of opposing teams? The playoffs allow a shorter notice. AZ. looked very good early on but looked pathetic in the cold against the Pats. It could be a very good game. But as was expressed earlier, the economy is hurting a lot of people in a lot of cities.
  4. This could've been a better game if PSU didn't make some crucial mental errors. I know the Trojans claim they are the best or should be playing in the BCS Championship but they tripped over themselves against Oregon State. The Pac 10 went 5 -0 which is impressive. Miss. clocked Texas Tech. That makes five games in which ranked teams were beat by underdogs.
  5. ’08 NHL stories: Youth and snow by Ross McKeon: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news;_ylt=At7L...o&type=lgns The story about the Black Hawks attending GM Dale Tallon's father's funeral was a good one but not on the list. Black Hawks story: http://www.buffalonews.com/491/story/522687.html Sean Avery is a cancer that is typical of some other leagues but is not needed in the NHL. The first two versions of the Winter Classic have been great. The defense splitting goal by Red Wing Pavel Datsyuk was a beauty in yesterday's game!
  6. I remember TC as unable or unwilling to refrain from openly rooting for the Raiders. That practice doesn't sell too well to a national audience.
  7. How much work did either Hardy or Johnson get this year in either practices or games? Not a whole lot would be my guess. Hopefully, both will improve in time. Remember Ricky Dudley who was a basketball player converted to tight end? His results were mixed mostly because he dropped too many passes but it took him a while to pick up on many of the skills considered basic to a receiver such as route running. It takes time and patience to excel at any NFL position for most players. Good look in your recovery James Hardy, I hope you heal up 100%. And Merry Christmas.
  8. Yeah, Happy Festus everybody. And Happy Uncle Fester too.
  9. Exactly. Just don't make the line worse. Maybe he plays better next year. Maybe the o-line plays more cohesive and consistent. Or maybe not. Just get the issue resolved before the draft.
  10. I donated on Saturday. I lost track of how many donations after living in three states. People wondered what they could do and how they could help after 9/11. Donating blood was one answer that seems small until you need the blood. My type of blood is "O" which is considered rare. Who is Nick Joe Rahall (D)? I do enjoy raiding the Red Cross cantina for juice, famous Amos and Oreo's after the donation. Thanks for donating everybody!
  11. Makes sense. I can do without the 2008 mode, especially the holdout part. The holdout did hurt the entire offense as Peters looked like a turnstile at times. The offensive line has played better the last two games. I really think a real pass rushing threat is the biggest team need. A better rush could mean more sacks, interceptions, three and outs and opportunities for the offense. BADOLBILZ also had some good points about past departures.
  12. I am in a library so I couldn't do the audio but Tony, Tony, Tony... The teeth drop was well well done cinematically. Damn that was tough to watch. Tougher in real life I imagine.
  13. I like Josh Reed as a receiver and especially as a down field blocker. He still gives a damn even though the season is practically over. I also think Reed should have caught that highly thrown ball especially when considering that low one hand grab by one of the Jets earlier in the game. When Reed was out of the lineup it showed in a bad way. He is competitive. I would like to see them use Steve Johnson more often. At this point in the season it is important for the young players to get some experience.
  14. There were a lot of positives in the game that are overshadowed by the outcome. Losman didn't play as bad as we have seen in the past. A couple of Losman passes were dropped that were a little high and perhaps had too much mustard but catchable. The offensive line may have had their best game of the year with both pass and run blocking ("the play" excluded) . McKelvin and Parrish are incredible! Losman should not have been put in that situation. The Jets are weakest at stopping the run and the Bills were effectively running the ball. So attack the Jets weakness to run out the clock? I couldn't believe how poorly the Jets were at tackling. I like the idea of using a fullback on a pass but the timing of the play is baffling. However, the Jets didn't expect it either. If only it had worked... The Bills should have won this game. The Bills are out of the running for the playoffs but they haven't quit. We have another week ahead of bemoaning a loss and Jerry Sullivan calling for Jauron's departure. Giving up on our QBs isn't the best option right now. A pass rushing threat is a good bet.
  15. The Sooners have been impressive. The only Texas loss was in a flukey sort of ending. The only Sooner loss was to Texas on a neutral field. I think Texas should be in the Big 12 final. Missouri could pull it off but it will be tough. The point explosions in the Big 12 have been incredible this year. Oklahoma has scored fifty or more points eight times, Missouri six times and Texas (only) four times. I can see how the Sooners scoring sixty or more points in the last four games has impressed voters (and computers?) but Texas took them. I also believe that the multidimensional game of Colt McCoy would pose a bigger problem for both Alabama and Florida than Bradford.
  16. I don't believe people are ripping this guy. One significant difference in the Chargers running game is the loss of 255 lb Lorenzo Neal knocking out holes for LT to run through. The guy (LT) has been playing hurt.
  17. Much closer to the night life! If they knock down the O will they ever play another CFL championship in Montreal?
  18. "They'll also be heading to the first bowl game in the program's 102-year history". Unbelievable. A few years ago betting against the Bulls was one of the easiest bets from week to week.
  19. This was a game between two young, struggling teams. If you look at the stats, the Chiefs were able to move the ball pretty good. The Chiefs did have more yardage and they had a huge per rush average. There is a contextual difference between the Pats game last year and yesterdays game. The Pats were in control of the Bills throughout that game last year as has been the story for a lot of games (other than the 31-0 game) over a lot of seasons now. The Pats have clearly been the better team. The Pats have won three Super Bowls and the outcome of last years game was never in doubt. Yesterday, the Chiefs were moving the ball fairly successfully by pass and run most of the game. The Bills were 7-9 last year and before yesterday, had lost five of their last six games. I agree with the posts saying that the starters were in there too long. However, the Bills slide has taken them from playoff probable to playoff probably not. And the way the offense had been playing as of late this was an offense that needed to throw some oil on the chain. Remember that last drive of three straight runs against Cleveland? Remember also, that the Monday night loss may be the game we look back to when the Bills are on the outside looking in come playoff time. We are sorry KC but the Bills are not in any position to take anybody lightly including you. Take that as a show of respect. The Bills have been in need of some resuscitation. The Bills have been in need of some training camp. Sorry that the Bills used Arrowhead for St John Fisher West but our season is on life support.
  20. Two Saturdays ago LSU scored thirty points in the fourth quarter against Troy. They were down 31 - 3 in the third quarter only to win 40 - 31. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/recap?gid=200811150076
  21. I hear from fans from all around the league, the AFC East is one of the toughest divisions. The Jets, Dolphins and yes, the Bills are all on the way up. And New England is, unfortunately, still New England, with two pretty good quarterbacks. The Bills lost to three division rivals and that stings. They also lost in what I consider an aberration, the collapse to the Browns. And they firmly got whupped by a more physical team, Arizona. The Bills won big yesterday but I expect a return of that young, struggling, bumbling team any time now. I don't want to be patient either. I hate losing anything and I am sick of losing. I want to see a consistently effective offensive line. I want a threatening, menacing pass rush. No TE turnovers. No stupid penalties. Victories and playoffs. And victories in the playoffs. But all that may not happen this year. But there are bright spots. And a lot of the bright spots have to do with the youngest players on the team. Want to know what Charger fans are going through here in San Diego right now? They are meeting the realization that the Bolts are probably not going to be in the playoffs. The Bolts fans are also thinking that contrary to the Bills, the Chargers may be on the way down. At least until next Sunday, Bills fans still have hope!
  22. Believe it or nor Canada does have it's own culture. I visit Montreal almost every year and can say for a fact that it is one of the most cultural cities that I have ever visited. Theater, music, film, etc., with festivals of all sorts (Blues, Jazz, Comedy - Just For Laughs, film fests - international and local). And yes, they even have their own bands, films, TV productions, writers, etc! Imagine that! How dare they! They even have rap en francais! Oh, the horror! And ummm, of course, the ballet. I have met some arrogant Torontonians (is that the word?) with very specific snotty attitudes towards Buffalo. The comments are very specific about some visible blight in Buffalo that apparently isn't as prevalent in Toronto. I would compare that attitude to some New York City people who come to Buffalo for college and are absolutely baffled by the sensory incongruity that comes when one realizes that all the cities of the world aren't like NYC. Yes, Canadians used to flock to Buffalo for shopping and entertainment years ago before the world economy shifted at Buffalo's expense and Toronto's fortune. Recently, with the rise in the loony Canadians have been shopping in droves in Buffalo (which is welcomed and appreciated). I hope that Canadian traffic continues because as many of us know, the Buffalo economy needs friends with money to spend! I have met a lot of cool Canadians in work and travel. Do I always agree with them? Hell no (especially politically!) but I can deal with it and the Canadians also seem to manage. Why people on the one hand call Canada the 51st state and then complain when they find that Canadians think and act differently than Americans is interesting! Maybe Canadians are different! Some have stated there are three ways each of us are perceived, the way we see ourselves, the way others see us and the way we think others see us (individually, our hometowns, nation, employer, line of work, football team, etc.). Think about it! You know how Canada sometimes (all the time?) sees the U.S. as the big monster to the south, well, some of us Buffalonians perceive Toronto (with their four million plus population) as the monster to the north. In fact, there are people around Canada who also view Toronto the same way. However, from Buffalo's perspective, there are a number of monsters out there and they are of the greedy sort who have visions of ripping away a large part of our culture, the Buffalo Bills. And for anybody and everybody who subscribes to this conspiracy regardless of where they are from, where they live, they are the enemy, they are my enemy...
  23. The Montreal Gazette: http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news...8f-2cf6b645adf7 La Presse (Montreal - en francais): http://www.cyberpresse.ca/sports/football/...e-dun-roman.php One win in six isn't that bad for Als but the missed chance to win at home is painful. Do the Alouettes play all their games at Olympic Stadium? I was watching the Bills game in a sports bar and was thinking about requesting the Grey Cup game but I didn't think it would have made the cut. CFL football has a different feel to it. The Labor Day rivalry setup is unique. I hope the CFL survives with a CFL Toronto team. And an NFL Buffalo Bills playing in Buffalo (OP). The Alouettes have both UB Bull Gemara Williams and Chris Leak (Florida) on their inactive roster. Les Cheerleaders de Montreal: http://en.montrealalouettes.com/page/cheer_team Cheerleaders For Calgary: http://stampeders.com/outriders/team_roster/ CFL vs. NFL: http://stampeders.com/fan_guide/football_101/cfl_nfl/ The Rouge: Single point (rouge) None A. When punt or missed field goal by attacking team goes into end zone, and the defensive player recovers and is tackled in the end zone or puts their knee down B. When punt or missed field goal goes out of bounds or through the end zone 25 yard penalties for fighting!
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