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Everything posted by Spun

  1. I have also heard that rumor. I would think that a Super Bowl winner trumps a Grey Cup winner but who knows? As for the game, what a come back by the Alouettes. I followed the game on-line while the Steelers and Ravens were going at it. The irony is that although the CFL had a play-by-play connection, it was lagging. I found out the result of the last play by refreshing the Montreal Gazette home page. Maybe there was too much traffic on the CFL site! There was eighteen points scored in the 4th quarter by the Alouettes to get their first lead and the win. I expected the game to be a blowout in favor of the Alouettes. What a terrible way to lose with the too many man on the field call.
  2. Well done Chef! Here is a link to the new stadium idea in SD: http://www3.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/n...-hired-by-ccdc/ The Chula Vista, Oceanside and the downtown port locations are all past tense. The new one sounds like a possibility. Downtown SD used to be even more blighted. It was a place for boozing, peep shows and many forms of vice (think TJ) "serving" mostly sailors and Marines. It sounds fun but it was very dangerous. Then some people took chances on building a major shopping mall (Horton Plaza) and a convention center and slowly buildings started shooting up ex.: office buildings, hotels, condos (many which are currently unoccupied) restaurants and bars. The area is a clash of rich and poor but very popular for locals and visitors. They built a beautiful baseball stadium (with city funding and political dirty pool). East of the downtown area is still blighted. The development has displaced some of the blight and especially the homeless. SD is struggling for revenue much like the rest of CA. and communities all across the country. Don't think that the city of SD is going to build a football stadium by itself as it is still struggling to build a new downtown library and city hall. The state and the city may have a minor role but private development must stand up. People were also skeptical about parking for the baseball stadium but it hasn't been a big problem even during sell outs. And don't doubt the intensity or loyalty of Charger fans. Success breeds both qualities in a new generation of fans. The Chargers have been competitive for some time now. SD may have a lot of transplants but many of their kids become Charger fans. How many Bills fans first became fans during the Bills run of success in the late 80's and 90's? It is a similar story in that regard.
  3. Some in North County have a way of saying their A sounds like they do in Orange County and L.A. (especially San Fernando Valley). Their way of saying yeah sounds like ya. As in "like ya", made famous by the ladies especially! Drew Barrymore says A in this same way. Some in East County have a drawl sound to their speech (Lakeside, Santee). And as for Linda Vista, Mira Mesa and San Ysidro, well, you know about it (Vietnamese, Filipino, Spanish, etc.)! Then there is there is the overdosing on "bro", "my brother", "dude" and "no worries" especially, in the beach areas! Homey seems to be wearing off a little. Some in University City and Coronado stand out because they are very articulate (less um and you know). But San Diego accents can be very hard to pin down because of there being so many transplants and offspring of transplants. We tend to talk like the first people we hear - our parents. My sister has lived in NYC for a long time. She and her friends can not only distinguish borough speech differences but also by neighborhoods within boroughs.
  4. That area of PA has an accent that sounds like a Canadian accent minus the ay's and abouts. Jim Kelly is one example of that accent. My guess is that has is something to do with the Scottish and Irish settling in both places (CA. and PA.). That very same Great Lakes accent is common in the Cleveland area. In fact, some Cleveland people have a very pronounced way of saying huh. It is very nasal and very extended. I used to live in Ohio. There are clear differences between north, central and southern Ohio. By the time you get to Columbus you run into southern and Appalachian accents. One example is that some would say please instead of excuse me or pardon me. I read an article a few years ago that the nasal twang as it is known in Buffalo is due to (blamed on) the Germans. However, there have been a large influx of numerous accents in Buffalo and the Great Lake region primarily from Europe. Some other accent and language differences: In Buffalo, we say orange like orenge whereas in the eastern part of the state they say it like arenge. My sister was taking acting lessens a number of years ago and they were teaching that the eastern accent is "correct". It is widely known that in Buffalo and the north we say pop whereas most others say soda, then clarify which one. In the south, they call it all Coke. Also in the south some say RC (the cola) like "Are-a" C! Buffalo people still say something is "corny". It sounds so "Leave It To Beaver"! I don't know of anybody from anywhere else that uses that expression. I never noticed it until a friend in California pointed it out but I say "I would like a cupa coffee" instead of a cup of coffee. When we are so used to our own accent it isn't clear to what degree we standout. The Buffalo accent is similar to those throughout the Great Lakes but we also have the influence of being close to Canada and NYC. I have had people confuse my accent with Boston. I went down to Knoxville, Tennessee a number of years back and the locals were all over my accent! I meet a lot of people from all over with my job. Sometimes, I can pick off where people are from after about three words. Intoxication brings out the old accents!
  5. The Chargers have struggled to sell out numerous games this season. With help from the NFL granting extensions, the Chargers have been able to sell most of their games. Even selling tickets for the game against the arch-enemy Raiders went down to the wire. It is true that many from San Diego are from all around the country and all around the world. Many people have already left. This morning, the freeways were noticeably light. Getting out of the SD airport (Lindbergh Field) between now and Thanksgiving can be hell. And yes, the economy in CA. is hurting.. The foreclosure mess has hit the locals hard. And when considering that this Sunday the opponent is the struggling Chiefs, the excitement isn't as high. Typically, a game in San Diego attracts a large number of fans for the opposing team. So Chiefs fans most likely will be back home and for those that remain why spend the money to see their team get beaten up. The Chargers do have a lot to play for as they now lead the AFC West after winning five in a row and control their future. I don't believe the Chargers are going away. If that was the case, I believe that the Spanos family would have already moved. There is now talk about building a downtown stadium in an area that is currently blighted. Read more: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/no...-turkey-for-sd/
  6. NHL hockey includes a small circle of passionate cities and fans. Honestly, I could care less about the cities or people that don't care about the sport. Some people have never played the sport and some don't relate to hockey in it's most well known version - that is, ice hockey. It is a great sport to play (anywhere) and watch. There are other great sports that people don't turn on to (lacrosse comes to mind). Try gauging the popularity of surfing in say... Kansas? Not as passionate for surfing in Kansas as California. A lot of kids today are inundated by so many other options. Choices that stood out for some of us as kids do not have the same impact for kids today. And kids have a lot of sway as to whether a sport is popular or not. The X-Games is one example of what is different and the passion for games such as Wii is also different. Baseball was more popular in the past. Boxing was more popular also but seems to have been bypassed by MMA. The NHL has lot of exciting stars today. If people don't care to watch, they are missing some great times. John Tavares should be an interesting addition for the NHL and 6 foot 7 Tyler Myers should be interesting for the Sabres. I do enjoy the sport and I am glad the season has started. I too wish the Sabres could win one. But if not, I still enjoy the season.
  7. On the radio coverage of MNF last night, Esiason said the Bills have quit on Jauron. I have only seen the collapse against the Pats in week 1, so I can't tell if they quit (just from from what I have read and heard). The blowouts have been ugly but quitting on the coach four games in? IF the lines get it together and IF the qb settles down they could turn it around (or at least win a few?). I know some want a total collapse to get a coaching and GM change but I am not so sure the Bills have quit.
  8. The fumble speaks for itself. But the vandalism is a major not and a never. Keep the passion classy. Obviously, Bills fans don't feel good about the fumble and the loss but very few appreciate the vandalism.
  9. Is LM the biggest goat since Norwood? Yes. There must be either a price for this or some incredible redemption by LM. I expect the former. No excuses and no explanations.
  10. It is a little soon for Kassian and who knows how long Grier will be with the team. I believe that I read somewhere that either Myers plays with the Sabres this year or he goes back to his junior team. I do like the plan (if it is the plan) of the Sabres getting more nasty.
  11. I like the move. The guy hustles all over the ice. He makes it difficult for other teams to dominate as was typical with the Sabres over the last couple of years. He isn't afraid to belt out some hits, forecheck and get the puck moving up ice. No, his points have never been significant. But Grier creates disarray for the opposition. With Myers, Kassian, Grier and Kaleta, the Sabres are changing into a team with less finesse and more rugged play. As is the league. I am surprised with the move as the team seems to close on players after departures such as with Peca. No to the Heatley rumors. It would be out of character for the team to pursue such a salary and damaging to the overall roster. The move would add one very good scorer but at what cost. No thanks.
  12. Some twenty year old people really screw up. This one did. Then, some of these people grow up. Kane needs to grow up and make better choices, obviously. Fame and fortune have come too fast for this guy. Kane will have to face this for a long time. And he should. I bet his family is really giving it to him right about now. The worst part is that usually when a twenty year old screws up, parents can dole out some sort of punishment. But this twenty year old is a millionaire NHL hockey player. I am not sure how the family should deal with the kid. But you can be sure the family dinner table is quite tense about now. And the students at Canisius should also grow up. Once again, TO is looking more and more like a boy scout.
  13. Yes, it is going to happen. Voting to legalize weed for "medicinal" purposes was step one. The opening of pot stores was step two. The cops and the feds having to attend to bigger issues is step three. For some of the non-users they only have this image of Cheech and Chong and fears that all use means abuse, addiction and gateway options. A shop will be opening soon in my neighborhood (Pacific Beach - San Diego) next to a Bank of America. That will be the third store in the neighborhood. There is no pushing and shoving and no panic. The bigger concern in my neighborhood is the alcohol abuse and drunk driving. Some say the herb helps them and who am I to say it doesn't.
  14. Go to the beach and relax. The kids can tell you that by now! Encinitas has a nice shoreline but look out for falling cliffside. Don't drive if you don't feel like it. You are much closer to San Diego than L. A. Pacific Beach and Mission Beach in S.D. are very nice right now with the temps in the seventies and mostly clear skies. Sunsets are also nice. You can drive any day anywhere but most can't go to the Pacific every day. The beach makes one forget about the state's financial problems and the high cost of living. Don't believe the naysayers. See the best of California. Go to the beach. If you are into baseball, the Padres are home starting this Thursday (Rockies) and ending next Wednesday (Marlins). http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=sd Everything and anything can go wrong in Tijuana. Avoid Tijuana. Welcome and enjoy!
  15. I would avoid taking her to bars. Flirty is usually bad especially if the flees don't fly away. Find other places for the two of you to enjoy each others company. Take her to classy places (wine and dine?) where the gawking is at a minimum. If she insists on the bar scene, you may have a problem. Be careful about the jealousy thing as it usually is the recipe for losing what you have. Don't act like a guy who normally dates 6s and 7s. Act like you always date 10s. You are doing something right. Maybe it is that so far you are being yourself and you aren't overbearing with controlling her. But don't let yourself be taken for granted. Maintain your pride and respect. More than anything you can get from this board, what is she telling you? Good luck!
  16. Free agency is just beginning. Many teams are concerned about getting a player that will not only help their teams win but also sell tickets. But most teams realize that the ticket sales have been moving slowly lately with a good number of the American franchises wondering if they will even exist in a few years. That survival concern doesn't include the Sabres (backoff Hamilton) but overspending is not in the interest of most teams. There will be a lull in signings then a surge as the season gets closer. The Hossa signing was interesting. Myers should make the team so that should impact the size and might on defense. The Kassian pick was a surprise as I thought and hoped the pick would be a defenseman. But Kassian brings some nasty which has been sorely needed. Brayden McNabb was supposed to be chosen earlier so maybe the Sabres have a quality defenseman from this draft. The Rangers and Flyers made a splash when they signed Drury and Briere. Now, they both have some serious cap issues. Former Sabres McKee and Grier are both available. As for Montador I can't say what he will do for the Sabres. Wait and see. Habs overpaid for Spacek. He was inconsistent. The Habs had a long list of UFAs.
  17. One company at a time. One industry at a time. A few jobs here and maybe a hundred more down the line and slowly some momentum can grow. This sort of news is a nice little morale boost Don't forget that over a century ago Buffalo was one of the most prosperous and populous cities in the country. The weather was not that much differnt back then. There are numerous examples of northern cities that thrive economically. When one is doing well on the job front it is much easier to endure the weather. There is much room to grow downtown. UB is trying to expand downtown. Making a downtown where people can safely live and work would be great for Buffalo. The state and local government needs to seriously examine the tax constraints preventing companies from locating in WNY.
  18. And don't forget our last one. And the one before. And some of the failed nominees have also been some gems.
  19. You are close, it was the next night. I saw both of the Arguello - Pryor fights on TV and they were wars. Alexis hit Pryor with shots that would have taken down most fighters. Pryor had a rock of a head. Pryor was famous for starting each round at full speed and was relentless at keeping that pace. Arguello was a class act. The last Arguello fight I saw was against a boxer mamed Billy Costello. It was a comeback fight for Arguello. Although some had doubts Alexis would win because of inactivity and Costello supposedly being a very good fighter, Arguello won. I remember both fighters being interviewed afterwards side by side. Costello was very dejected. Arguello in typical classy fashion tried to lift Costello's spirits. It is a sad loss from the last great era of boxing (the 1980s). I have doubts that this was suicide although suicide was part of the Arguello family history. Check out this story about Boom Boom and the Kim fight: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more_spo...d_after_tr.html About 1981-82, I was in a corner store at Hertel Ave. and North Park in North Buffalo. On the wall was an autographed photo of Boom Boom. The owner of the store was Boom Boom's uncle.
  20. Back in the day (mid to late 70's) a term that was in popular use to describe gorgeous women was foxy. And Farrah was the fox. She used to do the Wild Forest shaving cream commercials. So me along with one of my friends in our wisdom shoplifted a can of Wild Forest. We couldn't shave yet. Whatever. I also had the poster and tee shirt, watched all the episodes. The pictures of her as a Texas co-ed are incredible. Today, so many women try so hard to inflate some body parts while cutting off others to improve themselves. Farrah, was just gorgeous Farrah. With Farrah leaving at 62, Michael Jackson at 50 and former Buffalo Brave Randy Smith recently passing away at 60, it gets me thinking a lot of my own mortality. It also gets me thinking about living a fuller life, while I can. I still love you Farrah! Rest well.
  21. Who are you calling a white throwback?
  22. I remember the guy and his show. Different but I couldn't see that kind of show selling in the corporate market today. I guess SBS went the way of Stan Roberts and the old Fourth Period show that used to run after Sabres games...
  23. About a thousand or so WNY jobs at Yahoo would be a welcome move.
  24. I am very surprised. I didn't think Pens had enough. Wings looked tired by the end. Congrats Pens!
  25. Support an NHL franchise in Hamilton or else a.boycott against Sabres is on... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/699967.html Like Buffalo and it's people haven't struggled enough over the years.
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