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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. What I heard him say was that the decision to sit Tyrod was not his, but the decision to start EJ over Cardale was everyone's decision.
  2. I haven't given credit to Whaley for Hughes. I don't recall too many people doing so. It's not surprising for the team to drum up good will toward people within the organization....seems pretty weird to call it out. Really, is there a counter example anywhere in the league of this type of thing? Do media interviews with organization leadership tend to heap praise on past personnel while throwing the trash on the current regime? If so, I'd like to see it. Really, this article is a heap of trash. Cherry picking facts and basically making up your own version of history in order to pretend there's some conspiracy within the Bills organization. Give me a break. Tim Graham has decided that he will hang his coat on running Whaley out of town. That should be fine, there's at least an argument to make for clearing house, but this type of non-sense is just fluff because there's really nothing substantial out there to write about.
  3. Exactly. It was great that the Pegula's bought the team and kept them in Buffalo, but their first huge move was a horrible mistake. Either fire Whaley and start with a new GM search or keep him and let him hire the coach. Whaley should be being graded on his coaching hire, which is as big in itself as the entire roster is. Instead, the team is stuck with a crappy head coach and nobody to answer for it; so no definitive answer on the way forward. Personally, I like Whaley and the roster he is building, but if he were responsible for the Rex hire I would be on board with booting him. The coaching hire is too big to screw up. Get it right this time Terry/Kim. Let him hire his own guy and stay out of it!!
  4. Great Falls, MT, not surprisingly the only one I've seen in the NW.
  5. As over the top ridiculous as that call was, this isn't right. You can hit the kicker if you touch the ball first. Block a kick in the air and continue on to hit the kicker, it's fair game. Sherman reached down and touched the ball, then Carpenter kicked into him. The penalty is everything in this case. Where the refs argument falls apart is it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. It doesn't matter if Sherman could hear the whistle or not. He jumped offsides and illegally hit the kicker, period. It should be a penalty a thousand times out of thousand without hesitation. The refs are buffoons who clearly changed the course of the game with their incompetence. There's really no argument here for anyone, the Bills were screwed and that's that. Huff and puff as we may, it's happened before and will happen again.
  6. I got rid of most of mine something like 8 years ago. I kept about 50 of my favorites that I already had separated in a separate case ("just in case" I guess). I moved two months ago and they finally met their end during the packing.
  7. Agree with most of it, my only change is to the TE ranking. On paper a P3 isn't going to get us anything better than what we have now. If you really want to upgrade the position, it has to be at P2, otherwise I feel like it's a wasted spot. My expectation is that Gilmore is gone, and going with that I would move CB at P3.
  8. Right on schedule for his next injury.
  9. Biggest problem is the Bills don't seem to be able to stop teams from getting huge chunks of yards outside of the redzone, and Brady is too good to get shut down inside. I'm on the "we're getting rolled" wagon. I don't think it's going to be pretty.
  10. I think you can make a case to say that he would have expected to get himself killed, and was willing to do that to stop Negan from harassing what's her name (seriously, so many of these characters name's are so forgettable). He wouldn't have known Glenn would get the punishment, as it seems the only reason that happened was because Negan has a hard-on for Daryl just like everyone else.
  11. After watching it, I was thinking they could have alleviated all the hatred about last season's finale by showing the Abraham kill and ending it. Would have seriously caught people off guard if season one started after that kill.
  12. Okay coach, who should we try to act like in practice today? No, no. Just be yourselves.
  13. My wife, who doesn't pay any attention to stuff like this, saw me watching the trailer and asked, "what's that?" I said, "It's called Rogue One. It's a Star Wars story." Just kind of rolled off the tongue.
  14. Maybe there's reports I haven't seen, but I haven't read anything that says it was prescribed, just "relating to the treatment". That could just as easily mean self medicating as it does prescribed.
  15. I would assume it's all pretty automatic. He's appealing, so I would guess that if he can prove it was for his treatment, he'll be able to get out of it. Not sure how the NFL will react if he was smoking MJ to feel better without a doctor's prescription. Seems like it would be a grey area/case by case unless it's specifically against the rules. I don't know if it is or not.
  16. REM, Everybody Hurts The only thing I can remember her in was Witchboard. She's got some serious acting cred on her resume.
  17. It has incentives, but I can't believe he signed for that. Brock Osweiler gets 18 mil a year for nothing and TT signed for 15? Good job all around on this one.
  18. To be honest, I replied without even looking at who I was replying to. Carry on!
  19. That's the facts as they were presented at the time. What's the nonsense? That you don't like it?
  20. IMO, the absolute number 1 priority and requirement of a GM is finding a quality Head Coach. As far as draft and personnel go, most of the league is in roughly the same boat; win some, lose some. Teams like the Pats have shown over and over that you don't have to hit on every draft pick, or never make a mistake in free agency, but have a great coaching staff in place and you'll consistently be in the race (Pats go 11-5 w/Cassel). Whaley had that taken away from him. We have a pretty damn good roster; enough so that decisions now have to be made about who we can sign to fit under the cap and players we're letting go are starting for other teams. The roster is fine and getting better each year since Whaley took over (you know, ACTUALLY took over after Nix retired...not the delusional took over years earlier like people like to say). But his grade will always be incomplete as a GM because he didn't pick the head coach. That goes both ways; if Rex turns it around and becomes an outstanding head coach, Whaley doesn't get the credit.
  21. I will never in my life understand the hatred for Tim Tebow over 100's of other celebrities and sports starts that are way worse than he ever was. It's really insane. Some of the comments in this thread are really sick.
  22. He has to accept the fan backlash over 16 years of losing, but there's absolutely nothing he can do about it. He can hear the anger, but he can't even take responsibility for it. All he can do is move forward and try to build a winner.
  23. The Cassel enthusiasts were loudest between about half time of the Jags game and half time of the Giants vs Dallas game later that afternoon. After that, there wasn't a whole lot of chatter.
  24. So friggin ridiculous! I feel like this fad is out of some old time travel movie that tries to go overboard with future fashion predictions for comedic effect. I have two sisters that have done this, I think one that is still doing it as far as I know. They look like clowns. I didn't try to hide it, I just asked WTF are you painting your eyebrows on instead of just, ya know, growing them? Just got a shut the !@#$ up!
  25. Guy 1: HEY! You got beaver ass juice in my cranberries! Guy 2: HEY! You got cranberries in my beaver ass juice! {light bulb moment}
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