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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I honestly think that if Tryod is let go without a clear better option brought in before that, I'll probably finally lose all hope and excitement (that crazy stupid thing that comes out of nowhere every August) for this team. Kind of odd that after 17 years of ineptitude, the straw to break the camel's back may be the loss of a mediocre QB, but there ya go.
  2. There's also a possibility they're both there. Now that we have that out of the way....
  3. I've seen enough of LSU to know I'd be jumping up and down excited if we got Adams. Don't know anything about Hooker, but if he compares to Adams like this thread is saying it's pretty awesome to think we can get one of them considering the extreme need we have at the position! Here's hoping for no freak off-season injuries or legal issues for any top 10 talent this year!
  4. That's not what the original link said happened. The tweets that were sent out at the time said he was kicked out for first making too much noise, and then arguing with the staff over being told to be quiet. And frankly, I don't care why he was kicked out. My response wasn't even directed at him. It was at the other reporters who were apparently arguing about it so much they got threatened to get kicked out too, and maybe alluded to the Senior VP that there would be "backlash".
  5. 1. Yes, he needs to be let go. He'll probably join a camp next year, get cut and never be heard from again. 2. Cardale Jones is the exact kind of guy you want as a 3rd QB on the roster. He's a long term project, nothing more. 3. IMO, he's the best we're likely to get 4. Give me a break. Take him or leave him, I don't really care, but NOTHING can be judged on this game. And if the Bills had come out and looked like a Super Bowl team, i would be saying the exact same thing. NO long term decisions should be made by just this game. 5. Rex is gone, that will be a big difference next year. Safety needs some serious help (like 1st round pick/high priced FA help), but outside of that I still think the defense will do well under a new coach.
  6. Fallout = bad press ?? Seriously, why do these sports reporters feel like they own the world?
  7. After the early games Bills are picking 11th. A Cards win puts them at 10. Don't you just love this time of year where we can start getting geared up to win the off-season?!?
  8. As someone who has basically been waiting for Rex too be fired since the minute the news broke of his hire, I know I'm biased, but I think people are really underestimating how bad Rex was as a head coach. I'm not completely, totally in love with Anthony Lynn, but I would be happy with this hire. Bradley is a guy who has experience and success in the league, and I honestly think that's all we need. Taking Rex and Rob out of the picture is going to be the biggest boost to this team next year. I do really hope that if Lynn is hired he can find an OC that isn't just a pawn. Someone with some talent to complement his style would be great. As is being discussed in this thread, he won't be able to focus so much of his time on the offense, and he'll need more than a yes man to continue to improve the offense.
  9. All this about Whaley's ego and what he'll do next is insane. Whaley has one chance to keep his job: build a winner NOW. There's no more time to spare or ways to push off the inevitable. He's being given the authority to control his own future. If he doesn't find the right coach and personnel (starting QB) to make the playoffs in the next 2, maybe 3 years, he's fired and will more than likely not get another shot at a top level NFL office for a very long time. He's not going to ride the rest of his career on EJ just because he drafted him years ago. He's not going to let the rest of his career ride on a coach just because he knows him and keep him under his thumb. He's going to make whatever decision he thinks is best for getting wins. Now, if you think he's simply not talented enough as a GM to get that done, that's at least a fair argument. But saying he's going to throw his reputation out the window just because he's stubborn?
  10. Exactly. And all of the Jet players; you really think Whaley was the one jumping to sign Enemkpali? And the Whaley haters like to bring up that Tyrod was a Rex guy, how does that play now? It's all such a bunch of nonsense.
  11. You're obviously missing the point about TT. It's not that he's sitting, it's that the Buffalo horde thought they caught him in a lie (which they didn't, because they asked two different questions) and needed to call him out for it. And of course the fans that don't like Whaley are jumping on board because it's OBVIOUSLY Whaley's fault that the horde asked two different questions, got two different answers, and then acted as if they just found out Donald Trump was really a woman. Really, nobody gives a rats ass about TT starting on Sunday.
  12. Safeties are responsible for the player count. Not saying it's not true, but I've never heard of a coach being assigned counting duties. On the other hand, it's the coaches (everyone from head coach down) responsibility to ensure their players are accountable for their jobs. Rex is a bad head coach, and it shows all the way through his teams.
  13. The Czar thing is ridiculous. The job of a GM is to deal with football operations. All of it. If you don't like the GM, find a new one, but don't add another friggin cog to the machine for absolutely no purpose. The Pegula's better find the guy they trust to run their football team and let him do his damn job. If that's Whaley, fine. Let him go and hold him responsible for all of the choices he makes. If not, move on and hire someone you trust to get this thing done.
  14. Still need a staff in place to play the last game (no matter the outcome). Regardless of the head coach, the defensive staff is gone, so who really cares.
  15. I agree with both points; I was mainly just referencing Graham's point about Sexton not being happy with the Bills front office. My point about painting a bad picture really just boils down to hiring our 3rd coach in 5 years. Not that it really has anything to do with who their agent is, but it just kind of all jumbles together at this point. Easier to say it would just be nice to NOT have to read that comment.
  16. Have to agree with one of the comments in that thread; his guys seem to be making out like bandits in all of this. Everyone getting paid to not work for the Bills. That said, it does paint another sad picture of this organization.
  17. It's funny reading these comments because I have always just thought of these so differently. I honestly don't think most of these give two craps about what these reporters say to them. It's annoying and aggravating to deal with the idiocy, but I really have a very hard time believing that Whaley and the Pegula's are shivering in their boots and hiding behind the curtain cause they're so scared to deal with the media! I think it was a mistake that someone didn't address the media yesterday, but that's about it. Really not that big of a deal, except in the media horde universe where every story is Watergate and every question needs to be "hard hitting". Give me a break.
  18. I agree. I have a feeling the idea in the organization was to hang their hat on the statement issued by Pegula yesterday. They had to know Lynn was going to get heat being the first guy to stand in front of the media. IMO, the GM SHOULD be the guy who is responsible for all of this, which is why I think everything about the Rex hire was a complete jumble !@#$ by the Pegula's. They really screwed things up and now wasted two more years to start getting things right.
  19. I don't think it's quite so cut and dry. Players understand the business. Tyrod isn't going to be a child about his next multi-million dollar contract, especially when his agent negotiated the deal that has him in the position he's in. BTW, does TT even have a choice if the Bills decide to keep him?
  20. I think at very least he's comfortable with the idea. I don't think any coach would be unwilling to look for something better. But his statements about what you need to do in the offseason meant that those things (those things that everyone who watched TT last year KNEW were his weak points that needed help) weren't worked on. That's pretty crazy...and sad.
  21. All this trying to read between the lines and find a way to "catch" everyone is pointless. I think the thing that I found most interesting in the interview, is that he CLEARLY has what he considers a better plan to coach up Tyrod. If there was anything surprising to me is that the horde didn't try to follow up and get him to more clearly throw Roman under the bus. Guess it doesn't matter since he's not here anymore, but stills surprised they didn't want that little bit of blood.
  22. That's inaccurate. Those are two different questions. He later when on to say he was not in the room when the decision to sit TT was made. Once that decision was made, "EJ was next man up" and "it was our decision" to start EJ. That was it.
  23. I like what I hear from Anthony. Of course it means nothing when it comes to game time, but he certainly comes across as a guy who has his **** together. Considering as fan I don't know anything about how these guys will do as head coaches, but I won't be upset if he is given the job. Definitely the opposite of how I felt when Rex was hired.
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