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My Friends Call Me Tebucky

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Everything posted by My Friends Call Me Tebucky

  1. He's damaged goods. His speed is pretty much gone, and he goes with the Harrison dive every time he's asked to make a catch over the middle. No thank you. Beware the Eric Moulds-like decline in yards per catch around and after the age of 30 syndrome. Much like Moulds was never the same after his groin injury, Holt is battling that knee problem that will cause him never to approach the numbers of earlier in his career.
  2. Not really complicated. Their O line doesn't run block well, whether there are 6, 7, 8, or 9 men in "the box."
  3. I think the O-line is a little bit too far on the fat side as a whole to get away with going no-huddle all game. Maybe mix it in as a surprise on a series each half...but not all of the time.
  4. The Bills should pull this off and kick it 10 yards backwards, then recover. Of course it's not legal, but it would send the retard TV analysts scurrying for a rule book at least, since most of them don't seem to know the rules anyway.
  5. I'd rather face a Western New York winter than a Southern Texas summer
  6. I just think it's a dump. Ugly, dirty, garbage blowing around everywhere (especially on SPID). I speak nothing of its economy, because I don't know much about it. I'm talking about as a visitor- Padre Island is nice, especially the wildlife reserve area...but the town itself is hideous if you ask me. Just a conglomeration of pawn shops, HEBs, Whataburgers, oil refineries, and flat, boring landscapes. Just my opinion...I guess it's not the worst city in the country. Little Rock or Memphis would probably have to get the nod as far as that's concerned, for me. But it's a place that I really hate spending time in.
  7. Definitely go to Wild Wings...but get there early, so you make sure you get a table or bar spot nearest to the game. I caught the Giants game there in Corpus last year...there were 2 other Bills fans there, but I got there late so I was watching the game from afar. By the way, Corpus Christi is the worst city in the country.
  8. Jacksonville will beat out the Colts in the SE division. The Browns won't even win 8 games, and Brady Quinn will throw more TD passes than Anderson. Carolina will get off to a slow start, but battle it out with the Saints for their division. Tampa Bay will suck. The Jets will beat up on sh-- teams, and get embarrassed by good ones on their way to 6-10 or 7-9. Arizona wins the NFC West if Warner stays healthy, which isn't going to happen. So I'll say Arizona wins the NFC West if Warner starts 12 games. The Bills will hand the 6-0 Chargers their first loss of the season in Buffalo.
  9. Agreed. That dance is stupid, though. I also don't think Lewis "is" great anymore. I think he was great 3 or 4 years ago...nowdays I don't even think he's that good. Maybe slightly above average, but he's clearly not the force he once was.
  10. I'll go with 22-92 on the ground, 5-36 through the air, with 1 TD...won't be a goal line score, maybe a 12 yard gallup or something.
  11. I'd love to take the 600 mile trek to El Paso...I'm in San Antonio, 7th largest city in the country or some sh-- like that...and best I can tell, there isn't even a Bills backers group here... Tomorrow will be the first time in my life I watched a game with only non-Bills fans, and it depresses me...I need SOMEBODY that can relate to me while I'm crying in my beer after something inevitably goes awry.
  12. Rice was legendary for his work ethic, not necessarily is professionalism or being a "team player." Remember the tantrum he threw on the sidelines with Oakland when Clements shut him down and broke his consecutive games with a catch streak? The Raiders were winning, and went on to win (I think that was the Travis Henry tripping over the 2 yard line game)...didn't stop Rice from being a whining B word. If Rice does something like that it's because he's a "competitor," if Owens or Moss does it, it's because they're selfish. Huge double standard. As for Rice vs Moss, it's not even a fair comparison. Totally different skill sets. The size and speed of Moss is fantastic, and he probably has better hands than Rice did, but he also has a lanky body that isn't really suited for slants and other assorted passes over the middle. Rice could get open deep, was much better after the catch, and was probably the best route runner the league has ever seen. He also played faster than his 40 time would suggest. Moss is a James Lofton type receiver, Jerry Rice was more like Terrell Owens has been over the years, in terms of talent. All 4 were special players, but at the end of the day I'd prefer the talents of a guy like Rice or Owens, who can make a 6 yard curl pattern on 3rd and 4 into a 25 yard gain.
  13. Kearney will probably pick up a sack or two (if Buffalo trails a lot), but I'm willing to live with it. I'll take my chances with an experienced tackle like Walker going against a rookie DE in the running game. That has to be a matchup the Bills like, and they weren't going to want to throw the ball 40 times in the game even if Peters was in, and Kearney was lined up against Walker.
  14. I know most Bills fans are very high on Poz, and to a large extent I am too...but the fact is his two "great" games last year came with the Bills getting the ball stuffed down their throats on the ground. I know the d-line was the biggest factor, but our linebackers weren't great either. Just wanted to get some opinions...what's a better LB corps, given that their 2 best linebackers (allegedly) have suffered season ending (sort of) injuries the last two seasons? Mitchell-Poz-Ellison or Mitchell-DiGiorgio-Crowell I'm trying to convince myself that this Crowell injury isn't that big of a deal, but the fact is the dropoff from Crowell to Ellison on the outside seems to be bigger than the dropoff from Poz to DiGiorgio in the middle. Any thoughts?
  15. I took Lynch with the 12th pick in a 12 team league, and managed to snag the Bills D late in the draft. Evans is too inconsistent for my taste as far as fantasy football goes, so I steered clear and somebody else took him too high IMO. Never even really considered taking Edwards, definitely had no interest in Hardy at this point.
  16. 1. Stroud 2. Schobel 3. Peters (when 100%) 4. Evans 5. Whitner Lynch and Poz (because of the Crowell injury) are honorable mentions
  17. Might depend on whether it's supposed to be 75 or 90 degrees in Jacksonville that week.
  18. I hope you're right. If Buffalo puts up 24 total points in the first two games and starts 0-2, he probably won't look like as much of a fool.
  19. The Bills are losing in Jacksonville next week. They have a very, very, winnable game this week- one that they should win, in fact. How stupid do you have to be to applaud the front office for this before anything is seen on the field? If the Bills lose this game by 3 points, is there anybody out there that won't wonder what would have happened with a healthy and fit Peters on the field? If Seattle wins, Buffalo starts 0-2. They'll pull off their usual run in October-November, get to their 7 wins, and that'll be it. The fact is, while almost all of us think this team is capable of being a playoff contender, a good start (say, 3-2 or 4-1) is crucial for them. When you start the season expecting to win 10 games, and only 12 or 13 of the games on the schedule are winnable in the first place, and possibly lose one because your best player sits out even though he's healthy, it's not a medal of honor for the front office. If they can beat Seattle, then win one or both of the games in St. Louis/Arizona, they'll look smart for the way they handled Peters. If they start 0-2, they won't make the playoffs. It's too early to applaud them for having their best player watching the game in street clothes on Sunday.
  20. That's the play that knocked him out for good...but the play where he originally got the concussion was a beautiful helmet-to-helmet cheapshot by Darryl Talley if memory serves.
  21. I think the key to the game is the defensive scheme. Historically, Seattle's defense is much more effective at home. Their running game isn't intimidating, and neither is their WR corps. Their QB, however, is a damn good one...and if there's one thing Holmgren can do it's put together a good "west coast offense" game plan. If McGee and Greer are up on the L.O.S. getting in the face of these wideouts, they might get torched for a big gainer or two, but it's a risk I'd be willing to take. Hasselbeck is good enough, and Holmgren smart enough, to pick Buffalo apart with 5 and 6 yard passes all day long. Stay up on the receivers, and try to jump a route or two early...
  22. Are you really saying a guy with ONE 900 yard+ receiving season in his career is more consistent than a guy with 6?
  23. Given his background as a running back, and inability to get open more than 8 yards downfield, I'd like to see the Bills use him as a WR on first and second down, and a "3rd down back" on 3rd and 7, or 10, or whatever. I like Reed...but Parrish is almost as effective in the slot, and Reed could play a positive role in field position even if he's not racking up first downs. On a 3rd and 15, dump it off to him, let the guy get 10 yards and punt it away. Don't have Lynch or Jackson miss a block in the backfield and turn the 3rd-15 into a 4th-24.
  24. Not to defend Faulk, because I don't think he's much of an analyst either... But what in the hell do you expect from the guy? He doesn't have a vendetta against the Bills...he's just like a lot of media people, he doesn't think anything of them because he never sees them play on TV. Buffalo is one of the most irrelevant franchises in the league currently, and it's up to Jauron and Co. to change that. The whining about prognostications from the media on here is tiresome...the Bills will get respect when they earn it. Missing the playoffs for damn near a decade straight isn't the way to be considered as a potential playoff team, right? The inferiority complex on here is something you'd expect on a message board of a Philadelphia sports team. Who the !@#$ cares what Marshall Faulk thinks? I think this team is a playoff contender, as do many of you....who actually know the players and watch the team. Don't go Eagle fan on Faulk.
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