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My Friends Call Me Tebucky

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Everything posted by My Friends Call Me Tebucky

  1. If anybody really thinks Kelly "made" Reed, they're on crack. It was as symbiotic a relationship as I've ever seen in sports.
  2. that was really hard to listen to...I kind of feel bad for the guy.
  3. Eric Moulds one handed grab on a slant in Foxboro in 1998, I believe. Stuck his hand out in traffic with Ty Law all over him, made the grab, then scooted to the house. Must've gone for 65 or 70 yards at least.
  4. Nice post, but I don't like the Alexander idea. He's a finesse back, he'd be playing behind a power line here. I'm sure his character is fantastic...but I just don't think he's a good fit.
  5. True, Gandy's flaw was in pass protection. His run blocking was miles better than Langston Walker's was last year, though.
  6. I never really thought Gandy was terrible here. I know I'm in the minority opinion on that. He wasn't a Pro Bowler, but he was adequate. Kind of like Langston Walker...except I'm guessing Walker makes a lot more.
  7. Norwood's many contributions to the Bills can be appreciated without being enshrined on the Wall. I love Talley, but does he want Don Smith and Don Edwards on the Wall, too?
  8. Three of the four AFC Pro Bowl DTs last year played the nose in a 3-4 defense (Hampton, Wilfork, Williams if I'm not mistaken). Their stats are pretty much irrelevant because of it. McCargo could put up 8 sacks next year and not have as good a season as Wilfork, even assuming Wilfork only gets 2 or 3 sacks.
  9. Vince Young is a poor pure passer, but at the very least an average NFL QB. The NFL has changed to a point...to be considered "good," a QB, in my opinion, doesn't have to possess the exact same qualities of Dan Marino.
  10. Christ, did the Bills statement include the word "alleged" enough?
  11. Nice thread...I'm gonna toss in NWA's "Straight Outta Compton" to get the full effect of police inpropriety.
  12. If you can't throw out a lame joke about a guy with the last name Cox anymore, this world is not one I want to live in. It's GW Bush's fault...when Clinton was President, the lame Marino loves Cox jokes were not only acceptable, but encouraged.
  13. Flutie was an adequate QB that had a terrific defense. In hindsight everybody either loves or hates him...the truth, to me, is that he was somewhere in between. The only real difference between the Bills with Flutie, and the season after he was benched in favor of Rob Johnson was that their special teams suffered a collapse of epic proportions. The injury to Cowart, and losing Smith and Thomas didn't help him much either.
  14. Only a moron would try to match James/Peterson on Randy Moss intentionally. The guy might be a nice addition, but it's going to be as a 3rd or 4th CB. Just because he's a little taller than the other corners doesn't mean he can cover better than them. If you want to stick James on Moss in the red zone, he'll just run slants instead of fades. Greer is one inch shorter, and runs a hell of a lot better. Moss doesn't kill teams by catching 5 yard TD passes, he burns them with 65 yard bombs. In a Cover 2 it theoretically doesn't matter that much...but if it's man to man, I'll take my chances with the smaller corners with speed to cover Moss.
  15. I wish people would be a little more realistic about Poz. He looked good in the first couple of games...yet the Bills gave up about 450 yards in both of them. I'd like to see him stay healthy and make a positive impact on his TEAM before we anoint him a Pro Bowler. Last season in his couple of games he made himself look pretty good...but the defense as a whole still got run over.
  16. I think its a pretty short-sighted article. His plan works for the "small" to "mid" market teams, but that's about it. Either way, he, and just about every writer I see discuss this misses the boat. Teams- especially the Cowboys, Redskins, Texans, Giants, and Patriots of the world are going to be able to restructure the deals of players ALREADY UNDER CONTRACT. If Andre Johnson is due 6 million in 2011, and 8 million in 2012, they'll tear up the deal, and offer him 12 million in 2011 and 2 million in 2012. The player will have no problem doing it- it's essentially a signing bonus for them. The "rich" franchises won't mind having their profit margin cut for one season, because down the road, in the years following, they'll be somewhat free of cap restraints after having loaded money into players' contracts in 2011. The impact won't be in 2011- it'll be in 2012-2014, when the big market teams can sign whomever they want to deals because they still have the cap space after loading all of their team payroll into the 2011 season. The only way to avoid it is a new CBA where player contracts and cap hits are calculated like they are in the NHL, and, in my opinion, that will never happen.
  17. Maybe I'm crazy but I'd rather have Young-Collins than Edwards-Losman, at least at this point.
  18. I doubt that- and that's not a knock on Reed. Welker is just as tough before the catch, much better against man coverage, and has better hands. Welker's probably not as good as his numbers from last year indicate, but he's as good of a slot receiver as you'll ever see.
  19. Why not give him a look? Enough of the "if he wasn't good enough for the Raiders" bull sh--. Of their many problems in the last 3 or 4 years, the secondary hasn't been one.
  20. I'd give Evans the benefit of the doubt on this. He hasn't shown me anything in terms of being unwilling to run slants or square-ins. The problem has been that the Bills have had a number of receivers in the last 3 years that could ONLY run slants or square-ins, so Evans has had to always play the role of "stretch the field" WR. The Bills misused Andre Davis, but that's for another thread. Parrish can occasionally get open deep, but with no consistency. Reed, Moulds, Price, Aiken? Nope. I think Evans can get it done in any situation, now that he has a QB that is just as capable of completing a 5 yard pass as he is a 55 yard go route.
  21. A soccer background can be exceptionally helpful for any athlete. Look at some of the South American and European players in the NBA- Manu Ginobili of the Spurs probably couldn't beat me in a 40 yard dash, but nobody can stop him because of his quickness and footwork. And...Welker's a slot receiver...everyone knows that- but he's better at what he does then our two supposed slot aces, Reed and Parrish.
  22. Schopp is anything but an idiot. Everybody claims to hate him, yet his show gets very good ratings and he's managed to make a decent career for himself in a dying city. Every major sports talk station has a guy like him...abrasive, opinionated, and obnoxious at times. That's still better than listening to Howard Simon and Dennis Williams for 4 hours.
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