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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That was unique to the show. He's famous in the comics too, but not a musician. And that's all the point was here. He's a famous singer and that was one of his albums. I hope that's as far as they take it though. We don't need a full episode sharing his back story.
  2. They played most of the season. There's no reason to change the draft lottery procedures. They shouldn't completely alter their operation just because they want a temporary ratings spike. Sure, a couple teams here in there were going to move up or down a couple spots, but there's no way to account for that and they shouldn't just throw out 70 games worth of results.
  3. I miss the sounds of the old arenas, things so packed in with the low ceilings. Some can get loud today, but they'll never sound like that.
  4. I feel like there was a significant time jump there though (a couple weeks maybe?) and all of the Whisperers were taken care of at that point. How much time that was, who knows, but from the show point of view, only two people know she's dead. I think that radio call happened after anything we'll see in the last three episodes.
  5. I meant the start of this half season may have been a good spot. Apparently they originally planned to air this episode at a different point but then they swapped around the order a bit. I forget exactly where it was meant to air, possibly right before the attack on Hilltop. I think that just goes to show you how even the writers didn't know where best to place it. And thanks to this comment, I googled a bit to see if they've started on the Rick movies. It doesn't sound like that has moved much at all yet, so it should be well down the road still. Part of me wants to say the main series ends before we ever see those, but I get the feeling that they'll want to reunite him with his kids at the very end of the show.
  6. Yeah, it did feel like a bit of a waste. They didn't choose a good time to air it either. I think most wanted to see immediate follow-up to Negan's actions. I'm not really sure what would have been a better time, maybe the first episode of the half season.
  7. I just wish it was a little easier to hear that radio conversation at the end. I missed a lot of it due to the static. I'm also a bit curious on the time line and how long after the beheading that was. It sounded like they were back in Alexandria, so we do get one little spoiler there on certain characters surviving. As for when we next see here, my guess is that will be at the very end of the first Rick movie, with their reunion.
  8. I've been watching the Office on comedy central this week while I've been home. So yeah, it's extra strange for me.
  9. I like how "Flavor" is in a slightly smaller font. It's like they're trying to hide it but not really trying to hide it.
  10. The wife and I started Jack Ryan over the weekend. She's only half paying attention, but I'm really enjoying it with maybe 3 episodes left to go in season 2. She's never seen them, so I'm going to have to show her Red October and the two Ford movies once we're done. I've been saying "how dare you sir" randomly while watching, so now she'll finally understand why.
  11. And all 18 cups are filled with hand sanitizer. It's a nice touch.
  12. Someone far less calculating and far more brutal is now in charge. That should lead to some fun.
  13. Did she steal Bret the Hitman Hart's sunglasses?
  14. Ha, I was thinking it too.
  15. And then there are some of those bonus clauses for the ELCs. I don't know the specifics on those, but I'd imagine they'd have to prorate anything with a games played component.
  16. It's time to take out the old forging pen and push back those return dates for certain players.
  17. Yeah, but Sobotka could be too. Seriously though, just imagine the LTIR implications that could actually pop up for certain teams.
  18. I need to go back to the first season now, but I feel like Larry hasn't really aged much. He's always looked like the old guy. I'm sure I'll realize how wrong I am the second I cue up the first episode. Lewis has aged a ton though (wasn't there a recent health issue?). Out of curiosity, I just looked up both of their ages and they're identical. Lewis was born 3 days before LD. Lewis is really showing those 72 years far more than David.
  19. She's been dead for like 25 years now. So they've been covering this thing up for that long?
  20. It seems like a natural spot where they split the center duty a bit over what's left of the season. It doesn't need to be 50/50, but test out Kahun for a small portion of that time. If they do in fact have chemistry, that chemistry will be there regardless of who is at center.
  21. That bit was very Murray Goldberg. I just caught the episode last night and it lived up to the hype from this thread. John Hamm had the LD routine down perfectly. It kind of makes me wish they actually would make that movie/tv show.
  22. I can't picture them ever agreeing to it. They get watered down so quickly if they allow players to go. And just imagine the case where one team is loaded up but then they get raided repetitively due to this rule. They're going to be incredibly pissed. And you can't just setup a rule where a team can only lose X number of players because there's no way to decide which of the NHL teams gets their guy and which doesn't. And there are already fees for the NHL teams if they keep and 18-19 year old player.
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