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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Did it with 1:06 remaining on the clock......I went into a "four corners" for 5 of those minutes.
  2. It seems like everyones' down on LaMont Jordan. I like the guy. Hard runner and catches well out of the backfield. Oakland is a HORRIBLE situation, yet he still managed in his first year to produce nicely. Last year was just such an abyssmal season that thay couldn't get anything going. I'd take Jordan over Willis anyday. Oakland had expressed interest in Travis, why I'm not sure. I'd be quite happy with Jordan. Maybe its the Raiders we should be talking to.
  3. Or......Mitch Kupchak of the Lakers?
  4. Wow.....what a deal. San Fran is on its way to good things. But that contract.....sheesh!! Anyway, thanks Nate...godspeed.
  5. Taking into account the respective conferences the Bills and Niners play in, as constituted, the Niners are closer to a playoff spot than the Bills are, IMO. Put NC on the Niners and they're just that closer. They played well down the stretch last season. Much improved.
  6. Perhaps. I would expect this team to be better next season, regardless.
  7. The 49ers are coming on rapidly. Nolan is putting together a nice little program over there. Clements would be a terriffic signing for them. With the state of that division, for all it's mediocrity, the Niners will compete for that division title next season. Heck, by the end of last season they were playing the best football in division. They have direction and some good young talent.
  8. Point is, Rosie would have regurgitated this whether it's true or not.
  9. I see a knuckle sammich coming 'ol Willis' way.....heh, tiger?
  10. With Horn being a "domer", he might be a good replacement for Stokely in Indy. Maybe his best chance to get a ring. Plus he'd prove invaluable when Marvin does his usual disappearing act in playoff games.
  11. In large part because Oakland promised to be bad. I think he's a hard runner and didn't he catch 70 passes?
  12. "meazza.....calling meazza This is Lucipher, your "hot tub" awaits".....
  13. Are my eyes deceiving me, or did her bellybutton just wink at me in picture #4?
  14. Off field and sidelines aside, AB is a good WR. Clearly better than a #3. Just not worth the potential trouble.
  15. On the flip side, I think teams look at Willis and see a "diamond in the rough". In this macho business, teams think they can take whom they perceive to underachieve and make them shine. They feel THEY are what will bring out the best in a player. I think Baltimores' arrogance will allow them to be plenty interested in WM.
  16. Last regular season meeting........me thinks we'll see them again.
  17. You left out....."nothing further your honor"......otherwise, well said.
  18. She's neither of those, but man, I'd give my left nut to climb her neck in picture #4.
  19. Much appreciated. BTW, I chose the top half human primarily because both bottoms had a rather distinctive fish odor.
  20. I don't have the details worked out, but cheddar is definitely involved. Definitely.
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