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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. The best teams win championships - not always the best QB.
  2. Are you suggesting this isn’t fair?
  3. I agree it can be hurtful. Doesn’t mean they deserve one.
  4. I’m not sure I understand your response to my notion of an athlete “deserving” a championship.
  5. I gotcha 👍 I’m just don’t believe those you mentioned “deserved” a championship.
  6. I’ll respectfully disagree with this premise.
  7. Back then we wish we had a KP or JG.
  8. Agree. I say we trade for him and give him the Elam treatment. That'll learn him....
  9. Can't be. They have the great Vic Fangio calling the shots. Crissakes......
  10. Mindset and willingness. I’d liken it to playing D in basketball. Mind you, this could be totally untrue.
  11. Just busting chops. I figured you didn't have to get up in the AM. I'll show myself out. 😑
  12. Big picture guy…….I like your moxie.
  13. My point is the regime failed selecting this guy. Better to move off before you lose the locker room. You already made one big mistake, don't make another.
  14. You do know that ZW was drafted to be a franchise QB, right? I mean, the kid has to show something at some point. Who is they?
  15. But not all gas until he reads what he sees. Not a lot of wasted movement. Very in control. Wait in line....and no cuts.
  16. Count me as one who didn't understand the pick. I'm also guilty of judging a book by its cover (cover = size). Such a a pleasant surprise. Let's hope his play continues.
  17. Thanks for sharing this - thoroughly enjoyed it. Bernard is an impressive young player. My goodness. Did anyone see this coming?
  18. This is football. Tables are for jumping on, not looking at.
  19. Surely lessened. But to be honest, I’d trust them over a couple of the traditional favorites at this point. Of course, smart money says take my predictions, do the opposite and laugh all the way to the bank.
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