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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. We can have this discussion. Something has to change. Perhaps the "process".
  2. Gotta love when a thread such as this goes absolutely off the rails in record time. Poor awareness.
  3. Provided they wear whites socks. Up to the knee.
  4. I don't know anyone's track record on this forum.
  5. No. Is this the part where you tell me who you are?
  6. To be fair, you know nothing of the sort. You were told things you choose to believe.
  7. It seems like you're twisting yourself into a pretzel to discredit the Jets. I can't stand the ****suckers but they're going to have their say and disrupt some teams plans. They certainly give us fits. They concern me. BTW, Saleh rubs me the wrong way too. My disdain for each team in our division is alive and well.
  8. You’d be lying to yourself if you think otherwise.
  9. Jets D made him look ordinary and w/o a couple studs missing in that secondary. Looking at the Jets schedule, they're playoff bound.
  10. Looks like they'll continue their missionary work elsewhere. Gotta wonder if he gave that pearl necklace.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^ Typically my first order of business in the AM.
  12. Von is often wrong when he's 100% sure of things. Even if active, what can we really expect from him? He'd surely get limited snaps too.
  13. If the ranch didn't make you heave maybe going from 3-1 Sabres to 6-3 Penguins will.
  14. I did and focused on him. I can confirm - he blows.
  15. I agree with this. However, the premise that somehow certain elite players that haven’t won a ring “deserve” one is just plain wrong.
  16. nah - he’s looking for the next Slater. BB loves him some STers.
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