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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. SF is supposed to be interested in Cousins. I can't imagine a moderate price given competition for Cousins, but your view is certainly defensible. The benefit of hitting on a drafted qb is franchise stability for over a decade, so I prefer the greater risk of drafting potential.
  2. If they get a franchise qb, they will probably succeed. If they don't, they won't.
  3. Cousins will be 30 next year, won't he? And I'm not really convinced he's elite, franchise qb. I take the opposite view. Evaluate and draft a young guy.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately, I think this is correct. Both are bad.
  5. Folks get attached to that sort of player. Easy to root for. Now for the hard one: Ducasse. Explain.
  6. It's the only thing that makes giving Vlad all those reps rational.
  7. The answer long-term to the qb situation is the 2018 draft. I doubt concussion protocol is going to keep Taylor and Yates from playing week one, but if it does, I'm not sure someone who becomes available will actually be better than and more prepared than Peterman.
  8. I was hoping we would retain Kromer. Castillo so far does not inspire even a glimmer of hope. Agree with your takes for the most part.
  9. Ugh. I sometimes find your analysis too negative, but how can one argue any of this? Castillo and Sammy trade make me wonder if the new guys have a clue.
  10. Plausible guess at where the Bills end up. The worst possible outcome, really. Pain and absolutely awful are just assessments.
  11. Yeah, I like the standing buffalo, too. Otherwise, they should stick with the current unis, which are quite nice.
  12. Fans will tolerate a bad year better than a mediocre year, imo, because it will improve the chances of getting a franchise qb.
  13. I went door to door for Pat Mahomes last year. Since then, I've decided to wait till jumping in on my next cult, but leave a pamphlet and I may get back to you.
  14. Or, Watkins had an injury that often takes two years to fully heal. He is elite when healthy; he is healthy. We bought high and traded low. Watkins, Matthews, and Jones sounds like a much better receiving corps, don't it? Peterman is not a high potential kid. He's likely a quality backup if he reaches his potential. Beane and McD do not have a track record, so whether one is optimistic or not, it is speculation either way. I think trading Sammy was foolish, but it isn't a bad year to be bad, given the quality of the 2018 draft. My guess is we are tanking without coming out and saying so and the new fellas feel they have the go-ahead from Terry and Kim to do so.
  15. I grant that holistically, one should probably view it that way. I still think a probable 2018 potential franchise qb would be in a better position with Sammy as a #1 WR, but that is a hypothetical that will never play out, so you can't compare it to whatever actually happens.
  16. Well stated. If Sammy stays healthy, this will go down as one of the worst trades in Bills' history.
  17. Yes, that is painting the bleakest possible scenario and interpretation. I don't feel compelled to accept it, but if true, obviously your conclusion is logical. Btw, Sammy should have been targeted much more. I don't blame him for complaining about that.
  18. The concept of building a team and not simply an aggregate of talented players that are less than the sum of the parts is fine. I think one can buy into that and still wonder about the value of trading Sammy Watkins. The fella who simply dismissed Watkins as the "oft injured" is begging the question. He played through injuries before. Other wrs have needed a second surgery on his foot issue. If he's healthy, he's a rare talent. The return does not seem equitable. How is it that McD and Beane determined that one could not fit Sammy into their concept of a team? There reasoning will probably remain opaque to fans, but it's not irrational for fans to question the merits of the trade.
  19. I have a hard time getting past that logic. Unless there is undisclosed negative knowledge about Sammy, the trade makes no sense.
  20. I have never said Taylor was awful. I don't think he's a franchise qb and I think you need one for long term success. I'd be happy for Taylor to wildly exceed my expectations. I don't think getting rid of Sammy helps him do that.
  21. Don't know how one can presume Watkins is not healthy now. That particular foot injury often takes two years to fully heal. Sammy played through pain. He's not soft. As for Taylor, he remains the best available option. Building up draft resources could plausibly be an indication Snake Opie and Mr. Bean don't think highly of him long term.
  22. Any chance the team unhappiness is a reaction to the trades? I would hate to lose an elite player on my team for a marginal starting db and a draft pick.
  23. Well, that would be a classy way to treat a fella who should finish his career wearing red, white, and blue.
  24. Well, I hope not, but I would never have traded Sammy. If he stays healthy, OBD will look very foolish, indeed.
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