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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Think he will want to come back as #2 to LE ? Hope he realizes that his days as a solid #1 are gone, perhaps he wouldn't mind playing the rest of his career with the team that drafted him. Will we want him back ? I for one wouldn't mind welcoming him back if he is past his bickering.
  2. Truth be told, even though the Kiwanuka play was critical, Manning didn't help the cause any by his really inaccurate throwing. The boy just doesn't look like he has even a hint of flame in his belly (let alone a fire). In the post-game press conference, Coughlin called out Manning for that throw and I think it was entirely wrong for Coughlin to do that. Way to earn the respect of your team, Tom !
  3. Hey, I will play: - JP was lucky that Royal caused a fumble on the noodle-armed interception - If he hadn't shovel passed it, he would have been sacked and his numbers wouldn't look so good - Parrish was actually out of bounds. If we didn't get the lucky call, we wouldn't have this discussion - The coaches don't trust his throwing so went ultra-conservative on offense to end the first half. Did I miss any ? cuing .... DeLuca ....
  4. I read into the original post that this was a comparison of QBs from the same draft class so Young won't count. I would pick JP over BenR also but not sure yet over Rivers. The question would be good if both JP and Rivers had comparable talent around them.
  5. No kidding. Eli looked bad in the 4 Q of the Giants' loss today. His arm looked weak and his throws were off target even with little to no pressure. I am glad that we have a QB who, atleast in the past two weeks, has shown to be tougher in the 4Q than the rest of the game. As for the upcoming Chargers game, Rivers has a strong supporting cast with our run D matching up very badly against LT. I am hopeful, however, that the coaching staff devises a game plan to keep it close and put the team in a position to pull off yet another 4Q victory.
  6. But that implies we have to live with him for the next 10 also.
  7. Well, it does give you a better draft pick and is thus better for the franchise.
  8. I do think, however, that Rivers has a much stronger supporting cast than E Manning does. This is not in support of Eli, I thought he looked really bad last night with his (in)accuracy.
  9. Should have signed him two weeks back when his value would have been the least it could be.
  10. Thanx. I hope we continue to keep penalties to a minimum. The receivers and TEs better not drop balls especially on key plays.
  11. True. But not having seen those games, do you have a quick summary of what the Texans did ? Run more, pass more, stack the line, trick plays ... ? Thanx.
  12. E Manning was awful last night. He was inaccurate even when there was no pressure on him. It looked like he lost his contact lenses.
  13. You went a bit overboard with your criticism of GLee. The only thing wrong is his post is his reference to a racial slur. Apart from that, Robinson's response is the kind of actions that separate the classy guys from the others. You said that 'all we saw was a comment'. Well, part of being a player/celebrity/whatever is that you are doomed to be judged by most people based on the words you utter in public. His non-acceptance of his team's incompetence in holding on to the lead is what is pathetic. He chose his words very badly and I think fans of the Bills are totally justified in calling him out for that. Gotta love the internet ? Sure, no one has asked to be in a fist fight with Robinson and gone beyond accusing Robinson of being a sore loser. Nothing wrong with saying that esp on a fan board of the other team.
  14. Yes, the last time I was so exhilarated was Flutie's touchdown against the Jaguars on a broken play. Don't ask me the year or score.
  15. I vote for Deluca too. That comment took the cake ! Winning hurts the franchise cos we lose a high first round pick ????
  16. At some point we need to be advertised on these national networks. Apart from all the statistical records that Evans set, those two 83 yarders were picture-perfect in their accuracy (throwing, catching and running) esp as one came just before JP got clobbered. The final TD is worth a highlight reel for the way it was delivered and more importantly, caught at the 9 second mark. No matter which team is playing which, these beauties deserve broadcasting to the wider audience who may appreciate good plays without being blindly loyal to their particular team. Heck, I would love seeing such plays even if it was Brady throwing (except if it was against us).
  17. Accepted, bro. No problems. I too was way to quick to ask the question without letting my lazy fingers do a wikipedia search.
  18. A quick Wikipedia search may have saved me the hassle... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_Night_in_America
  19. Dude, I did but still don't know when this program airs on which channel and hosted by who. Thanx for the hint though.
  20. Ummm... sorry to be an ignorant a$$ but wtf is FNIA ?
  21. As you are negotiating a deal with LSI Cadets, I need to offer something to DeLuca1967. Any ideas ? My first born, a root canal without anesthesia, a week without drinking, a week not staring at some fine a$$ ... ?
  22. Funny you should say that because that was exactly my first thought when I read the article.
  23. That is a pretty sad way to think about the situation. These guys (TO, Moss) get paid many millions of dollars to do a job. I realize that there is a relatively rare skill and they are at the top of their skill set, but that is why they command the pay commensurate with those skills. They are paid to perform. Dropping balls when them catching could help the club, is unacceptable. For all I care, these over pampered a$$es can smoke weed or became basket cases. In any other corporate environment, an employee will be shown the door if he is hurting the cause of the corporation. I see no reason why even skilled players like Moss have to be treated any differently
  24. May be off topic here, but speaking of Garrard and Gradkowski who some on this board were willing to take over JP: CP/AT-YDS-TD-INT D. Garrard 15/34- 214-0-4 B. Gradkowski 17/32-173-1-2
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