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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Saving him for the fourth quarter...lol...
  2. Wow - what a catch by Fitz; great throw too, right on the money...
  3. That was a great interview - a young QB talking about what it's like to be a young QB in the NFL. If anything Trent's maturity struck me; he gets that there will be ups and downs, but he needs to keep his head straight and work hard to have his success. I liked his answer on the Warner / Ben question. A bit of both, respect for Warner's accuracy and a love for Ben's ability to just make the freaking play. Please Trent, learn both. And I think it's clear that he likes Buffalo - he talks about the most important thing in Buffalo, the people. Loved the Starbucks story and comparison... Here's to good things in '09!
  4. And against the Pats... LOL @ Farve. He'll be announcing his retirement soon. Again.
  5. I'm out in CO at Breck and I have to tell you the weather out here is brutal. Not sure how it will actually effect the game, but man oh man is it cold (and I grew up in the snow belt and live up in VT). It's been in the single digits with a strong wind for the past couple days FWIW...
  6. This is better than the "Ralph is cheap and purposefully filling the team with losers so he can sell the team" theory. Now the entire NFL is in on the conspiracy!! lol...
  7. Pssssst - I'm supposed to take the word of GM's and coaches over the word of people on this message board who say Schoebel sucks? I think not my good man, I THINK NOT!
  8. lol - yes Jason Peters of the Buffalo Bills. Does he get that big raise now? Ha ha ha ha...
  9. JP just said that he felt it was "a safe play call". lol.
  10. JP said that the play call was "a safe play". Is he listening to what he's saying?
  11. McKelvin said it "hurteded" him to have his TD called back...
  12. Don't worry, Dockery said we're going to play hard to try and have a winning season o_0
  13. Lee says "I don't know who called it..., it was not executed very well."
  14. Then he said he doesn't take the play calling away from Turk often. Think he's just protecting his coordinator?
  15. Which to me raises the question - is it just that Trent can't read coverage, or that Turk is putting the receivers in such bad positions that Trent really doesn't have a chance on the play?
  16. I don't know how we'll figure out if it's Trent or Turk... If they're sending in plays based on flawed assumptions, how can they expect Trent to execute? Clearly JP can run it either, but again is it the system or him? With JP, most likely him! Seriously I would love to see Hadman in this O too, just to see if it looks as crappy with him at the helm.
  17. Vic said that Trent has confided to team members that he and Turk just aren't seeing the same things on the field and that he doesn't feel like he's getting all the help and guidance that he needs to be successful. Vic also said that Turk and Van Pelt are a little upset at Trent because some of the things they're putting into the game isn't being executed. I'm sure we'll hear more on this as the year draws to a close...
  18. Wouldn't picking Baltimore up in the middle of the night and moving them be a little dumber (and way more scumbaggy)? At least from the viewpoint of the fans? Also, had the Bills not sh*t the bed after our sweet start and actually had something to play for, perhaps the atmosphere at the game would have been different. Plus the super-high ticket prices in the midst of the awful economy didn't help put the Bills faithful in the seats either. That said it was depressing as hell watching that game - the amount of Fin fans, the lack of noise, the sterile atmosphere, the fact that it wasn't freaking cold and windy (though, I can only imagine how JP would have looked in actual *weather conditions*) and, oh yeah, the fact that we absolutely sucked made it a surreal experience. But we're locked in for the next few years, so where do we go from here?
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