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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. What's everyone watching, NFLN? ESPN? I'm watching NFLN, but listening to Sirius - they're killing it with their analysis...
  2. Dear Oakland http://op-for.com/simpsons_nelson_haha2.jpg
  3. Dooooomed! Seriously though, if they're going chain, how could they NOT go Mighty Taco???
  4. lol, perfect. Regardless of who we end up with, it's going to be a fun day - I can't wait for it to get started! Not only is it draft day, but it's going to be an 80 degree day in VT; a little biking then back for beers, food and the future of the Bills! Go Buffalo!
  5. Skins game? That was classic... We should all hope that JP goes to some team and (somehow) becomes the #2 QB and gets in a game against the Bills. If only so we can boo at him as a member of *another* team instead of as the starting QB of our own.
  6. Great article - I enjoy Ross on Sirius... This is right on the money: "If you start with the assumption, and we must for this exercise, that the Bills took the best offer that was available to them, then a number of teams around the NFL evidently had their head in the sand and missed out on an unbelievable opportunity. The Eagles are hardly the only team in the market for a left tackle. The Lions, Rams, Seahawks, Bengals, Raiders and Jaguars could all use a guy with Peters' ability to man the premier spot along the offensive line for the next six years. If the Eagles got such a great deal, why didn't the Lions offer the 20th overall pick and a couple of mid-round selections for a guy that would have allowed them to select Matthew Stafford or Aaron Curry at the top without any concern about their left tackle spot?"
  7. Brown will get a new deal next year, then Peter's will expect his in 2011...
  8. As always, our boy Tim Graham has a good take on it: http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-7-93/...s-attitude.html Loved this: Peters was asked if his contract situation affected his play last year. "A little bit," Peters said. "I was thinking about it sometimes. If you get beat on a play and you think about your contract ... It doesn't affect me that much. I thought about it some early in the year, but later on in the year it wasn't a big deal." Sounds to me that if a defender blew past Peters on a particular play, Peters could shrug it off with the notion "Oh, well. I'm not getting paid enough anyway." You wonder how that attitude affected him every day in practice -- once he showed up, that is.
  9. - He's breaking down the draft QB's, loves Sanchez - Said he's the the type of Q that wants to go down the field and you take hits if you play like that - Regrets leaving Jax - Buffalo didn't have a good O line - he needed to check down, instead of looking downfield - Injury played a part - The battle with Flutie started when RJ took over for Dougie, Flutie got mad - The org did a bad job with their plan, two guys with big contracts, you can't have two quaterbacks Interesting I suppose, nothing groundbreaking. Guess RJ is alive and out there looking at QB's with his old man and brother...
  10. OMG IT IS!! This is going to be epic...
  11. Wrong, wrong, wrong. In the fast moving, hard hitting world of the NFL you judge things the second they happen. Trades, draft picks, coin tosses - the SECOND they happen you judge them as good or bad. Period. You know what I doubt that you really even *are* Mel Kipers hair...
  12. The thing to watch with Peters is how he responds once he gets his contract - does he work to become the "undisputed" best LT or does he get complacent? Clearly the Bills didn't trust the guy enough to give him $12MM a year... I was initially disappointed, but I think I'm good with this move. I'm not sure a deal with Peters could ever get done, even at 12mil, so get some compensation and get out of the relationship. Hopefully we can replace him in the draft and move on.
  13. Lori - thanks for the link, that's exactly what I was looking for! yall - I think we'll end up renting in VT and driving down.
  14. I'm considering bringing a crew to the home opener in an RV, but in searching BB.com they don't seem to have any policies about campers or RV's. Does anyone have any experiece? How early can you park at the stadium (is it sill Friday)? Are there any RV hookups? Is it even possible to get an RV spot? Can I bring my dog, dawg? Any thoughts or experiences would be great... Something about waking up in the lot a few days before (and probably that Monday after) seems pretty freaking sweet!
  15. Hey Hey - you're ruining my book thread! To get NFLN on Comcast up here in VT you have to buy a sports tier that is like $7 a month, but what's another $7 when the bill is up over $170? Of course, now Comcast is refusing to pay the NFL for for NFLN so unless a miracle happens, it's going away on 5/1. And naturally the condo building that I live in doesn't offer Direct TV... BS I tells ya!
  16. The replacement was one of the best gifts ever... Besides, both of my posts were at least *related* to the Bills. The first book has a lot of Shanny who has been talked about on the board and the second has a classic Bills story that EVERY fan will relate too! One of these for all:
  17. I'll definitely check out Boys Will Be Boys - just put it on my list. I just finished up "Buffalo Lockjaw" about a son that goes back to Buffalo to see his mother who is in a home with Alzheimer's. Great story and an awesome job of setting the scene in Buffalo; the author weaves in interviews of people on the street recorded in the 90's. http://www.buffalolockjaw.com/
  18. The most interesting part about that conversation was how shocked that Adam Schien sounded. He made it seem as if he had talked to people in the Bills organization and they were unhappy with the decision - he must have just been reading fan reactions on the web...
  19. Totally - that's the first thing that jumped out to me. People are really going to be primed up by the time the opener kicks off! Those games also mean that the Bills and Pats don't play at the same time that often which means lots of Bills games up here in NE. A few thoughts: I think anything can happen in the opener, I hope we take it. The Oct., 4:15 Jets game should be fun - great kick off to fall. Love the week 9 bye. The Jets game is on my birthday, but in Toronto - "sweet!" or "lame.", I'm not sure. If we're good at the end of the year the Pats, Falcons and Colts games should be good tests to get us ready for the playoffs!
  20. lolz - not only do you post a thread that's already been posted, but you don't even put the schedule in your post. Oh New Ice, you're just priceless....
  21. For the record - NFLN mentioned it. And Comcast is going to lose the one channel I watch, go figure...
  22. From what I remember there *was* talk of him getting an extension if things worked out not long after we traded for him. Regardless, in my opinion it was a solid move - he did a nice job in the middle, he's a team leader and if we hit in the draft and get better on the outside he could become a monster in the middle! Ironic that Drew "The Devil" Rosenhaus gets a fair deal done, but Peters agent is telling him that he needs to be THE highest paid OL in the league. Here's to hoping Stroud has a few more Pro Bowl seasons left in him!
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