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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I don't think that it's started yet - Sirius is going to go there live when it's on...
  2. Guess that makes sense w a one year deal...
  3. Sirius coverage is killing it - Jim Miller is talking about Jauron and how he feels that he can handle TO. Verrrry interesting...
  4. Sirius said the deal is $6.5 for one year, with 4 million guaranteed...
  5. $6.5MM for one year, $4MM guaranteed...
  6. If you're a subscriber, not sure about any other ways...
  7. Yup - Sirius live in Buffalo after the break...
  8. He's making the point that this has potential to make the entire team O and D better. TO and Lee WILL command attention which is going to give Marshawn and Freddy more opportunities which is going to keep the D off the field... Great interview - he seems pretty excited.
  9. Donte is on Sirius - feels that the Bills staff and Trent can handle TO and that this makes us a legit threat!
  10. Just got the text about the 6:15 press conference...
  11. He's a Bill - Amazing, this is truly crazy...
  12. How much would it cost to bring Vince Lombardi back from the dead and to transport Jim Kelly back to his 1992 body / brain? Heck, might as well bring in the rest of the boys too - Bruce, Thurman, Andre, step up...
  13. This statement is CLEARLY a lie! NO professional football player could possible like playing in football - I read it right here on TBD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. We would KICK ASS in a debate! And not just one that involves football, beer and / or wings...
  15. "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man..."
  16. Your "logic" has no place here...
  17. "Crazy Legs"... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Fitzpatrick
  18. I mean, you have to like what they say on on bb.com: "Fitzpatrick (6’2” 225) started 12 games completing better than 59 percent of his passes. He threw for over 1,900 yards with eight touchdowns and nine interceptions and a passer rating of 70. The Harvard product played his first two NFL seasons with St. Louis. “There comes a point where you can’t really improve or grow unless you’re on the field and last year was a big step for me in terms of getting those 12 starts,” said Fitzpatrick. Buffalo made no secret that they wanted to add a veteran quarterback as a backup to Trent Edwards, that understands his role. The coaching staff is hopeful that a veteran can help to mentor Edwards on the finer points of the game as he continues to develop. “I think it’s helped me a lot in my career to play behind Marc Bulger and Carson Palmer,” said Fitzpatrick. “I’ve been able to see how they approach the game, and in doing that I’ve been able to help them out. I think that’s what I’m going to bring here. Trent is still a young guy and I’m going to help him out with his preparation. I’m going to be his eyes when he’s on the field and I’m looking forward to that relationship.” Fitzpatrick is considered a superior student of the game with good character marks all the way around. "
  19. No it isn't. http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/56534/ Don't let the facts get in the way though, continue to talk out of your ass...
  20. Dude, smoking blunts in a nice car with a gun in the trunk doesn't make Marshawn a thug. Maybe young, stupid and from a tough city, but not a thug. A thug is out causing trouble with that gun; I don't think that's what Marshawn was up to. Getting rid of him would be crazy - let him mature and get him someone that can help him reach his potential. Bringing in Fred Taylor as a mentor is the best thing that the Bills can do, IMO. How can you not like like guy? http://m.espn.go.com/general/page2/story?storyId=3606170 'Course if we bring in Fred, what happens with Freddy? The three headed attack??
  21. Gamecenter has all the stats: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter?game_id=5446...=tab_gamecenter Cutler sucks!
  22. lame that he leads the drive and they take him out... But the fumblerooski ruled!
  23. Nice rip by Marshawn. Oh and the lost helmet..!
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