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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. I'm glad to see that you put the asterick there to signify the cheating, but next time put it on the Pats* instead of Boston. You were close though.
  2. Linehan is out and Kiffen should be gone today. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3617200 Holmgren and Del Rio must be sweating right now. Who's next?
  3. Yup, Evans and Greer are tied for the lead with 20% each. Larry Johnson is the next closest with 12%.
  4. This is true. By the way, I heard people saying that it is spooky the way our rise to power (if you can call it that) coincides with the NFC east rise to power. I guess you have to add the once Houston Oilers to that equation as well. An NFL flashback to the early 90's.
  5. why not the Greer interception, that is one of the other choices. By the way, did Lynch win last week?
  6. as long as the 6 we win are all of our divisional games.
  7. I agree with this. They were playing the first half for pride and had a lot of adreneline. Once that wore off the better football team got down to business and won the game. It is a great feeling to see your team come out and take over a game when they need to, it has been a while for us.
  8. I heard it too. He said that he and Golic could get together and beat the Raiders. He specifically said that the Rams and the Raiders games don't mean anything. He also stated that we would slip back to the middle of the pack where we belong once we play our divisional games. He is and always has been, a tool.
  9. He said we keep winning because we are scrappers and fighters. I like that reputation it fits this team well.
  10. I prefer it that way. Maybe then we will start playing hard from the very beginning instead of expecting our opponent to lay down in the first quarter and give us the win.
  11. Whitner. His sack that took the Rams out of field goal range was a game changer. He is a beast and the heart of this defense. He gets my game ball.
  12. Seriously, get over it. Does JP owe you money or something? Did he sleep with your girlfriend in college?
  13. Oh, trust me, his creepy avatar was getting plenty of comments and attention. By the way EZC, was that quote you used from Breakfast Club or Revenge of the Nerds?
  14. Out of curiosity, why didn't you just post the word Orlando in the title of this thread to make it easier for people to respond. Did you really need to build up the interest by hiding the city in the message body? I never understand the reasoning behind vague thread titles.
  15. It is great that she is there to keep him grounded and help him manage his non-football life. Interesting that there was so much made about Marshawn's mother moving here with him when he was drafted but she never actually did it. My sister sat next to her a a plane the day after last weeks game and she said that she was just visiting but she has not moved to Bflo. My sister said that she was very nice by the way.
  16. Boo this guy. Seriously? Did you not watch the game last week? Roscoe is a big part of why we won that game. Teams have to gameplan for him and what he can do on ST and offense. When the ball is in his hands he is always a threat to score. There are any of other playmakers on this team and we will be ok until his return but this is not a "blessing" in disguise.
  17. Wow, why all the hostility and name calling?
  18. I get your point but I guess I don't consider that "bad news". Look how bad our Defense got when we lost Pat Williams. It is just an important position and hopefully we have a lot of health and consistancy this year. I believe our D-line play in general is better this year and obviously Stroud is a catalyst for that.
  19. Sorry, that was trade marked by the Pats*. Oops, can you say jinx? My one word is, Tailgate.
  20. I agree with that. The Vikings put in Gus Ferotte and got a win. Some teams are motivated by changes like this. Of course, the rest of the Vikings team is way batter than the Rams but still, you never know...
  21. By the way Steely D, I love the weekly Avatar change. I hope you will have one for each of our opponents this season.
  22. He said it conversationally, not as though it was some kind of stretch or big statement. He was talking about how difficult it will be for the Pats* this season and how they got worse while other teams got better.
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