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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Yep. 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks 2002 Anaheim Angels 2003 Florida Marlins 2004 Boston Red Sox Yep, same teams in it every year... People always complain about money. The fact is, and its being proven, that you cannot buy a championship in baseball. Complain all you want to about a salary cap, but it obviously isnt making a difference in the the results.
  2. Well, it looks like there is a good chancewe get our playoff game this year. Unfortunatly its probably week 17 against pittsburgh.
  3. I am happy with Mularkey, but if the NFL didnt have such a horrid rule regarding hiring of head coaches, Wies would be head coach in buffalo or somewhere else in the NFL already.
  4. Well....technically...yes. But the reality here is that the yanks will use steroids as a reason to void giambi because they dont want him. Sheff is performing so they will look the other way., plus he will likely retire after the season.
  5. Might be able to get out of giambis contract due to steroids...stay tuned
  6. As a yanks fan I would love to see pedro with the Pets. He wont be on the redsox anymore, and he wont be on the yankees. Seeing wells in beantown is a hard pill to swallow....seeing pedro in NY, and I will cry
  7. No, womack isnt as fast as he was in Pittsburgh...but the one thing the yanks needed was a) someone to play 2nd and B) a leadoff hitter. They got both with womack. His .307 BA and .350 OBP will be greatly welcomed in New York. 2005 Lineup 2B Tony Womack SS Derek Jeter 3B Alex Rodriguez LF Hideki Matsui CF Carlos Beltran RF Gary Sheffield C Jorge Posada 1B Tino Martinez/Jason Giambi DH Bernie Williams
  8. The yanks arent too far away from a rotation of" Mike Musina Randy Johnson Carl Pavano Javier Vazquez Orlando Hernandez/Eric Milton If they can put that together, watch out. This is assuming they can get RJ without giving up Vazquez....hopefully.
  9. He was awsome in the world series a few years ago. Should be a solid pitcher, but how dominating is in question. He could be a very very good pitcher, or he could be average. Its a risky deal, but I would rather have him than milton or leiter.
  10. Q: Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex? A: Mace will do that to you
  11. Well...I wouldnt be suprised to see the jets knock off pittsburgh. St. Louis can take carolina. But the "upset" special of the week...KC will beat tennessee. Other than those 3 games I agree with you...but if i was in a pickem game, the only one I would take is kc over tennessee
  12. He has picked an upset in EVERY game this week, except the carolina/st louis game. Riiight http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/NFL_SC-PRED
  13. Wow, this is amazing... It looks like the colts want to win now and the next year or two....then take a breather for a while to eat this. This is insane. This is the perfect exampe of cap hell. 8 and 9 year contracts with huge signing bonuses. Works fine now...but in 4 years with declining skills, harrison occupying 14 mil (guesstimate) in cap space....ouch. But yes. I think Indy now becomes a prime location for TH.
  14. Yes, thise are some good WRs who are less than 6'. Note, only one of these players (mason) is in the top 20 in recieving yards. Also note, these players are on teams with a combined record of 20-40. However, these recievers are the calibur I expect Lee to develop into...The solid role player, who helps a team alot, but is not a household name and will not draw signigant attention on the field. I just dont see him being able to be a #1. For that role you need a big physical WR such as TO, Moss, Walker, Moulds etc. Now enough about Lee. The kid had his best game ever today, and I hope he proves me wrong...Congrats to him. GO BILLS!
  15. I am not trying to be negative (hard to believe i know). I love lee as much as you guys do, and think he can be great...but I honestly think he needs the big WR around him to suceed. Name me another #1 WR who is under 6' and maybe I will reconsider.
  16. You forgot size...definatly lacking in physical stature which is a big prolem with him becomeing a #1. I like Lee alot, but I think he needs a presence such as EM opposite him for him to be fully effective. I hope I am wrong though!
  17. He has always been a very good defensive guy. His problem is that he doesnt have a clue about offense, and evidently doesnt know enough to hire someone who does.
  18. No kidding. with the exception of the onside kick last week....this experiment has gone wrong.
  19. I am just slighty concerned with him playing pitts defense who is only allowing like 70 yards a game on the ground.
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