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Everything posted by JimBob2232

  1. Remember, I dont know how much you make, but there is a cash dollar amount as to how much you can put in. Be careful. If you max out your contribution in october, your contributions will stop, as will your employer matching contributions. The max was 11,500 of YOUR contributions, but I know it has gone up. Im guessing its somewhere in the 14000 range now.
  2. As I have been saying for a while, IT WAS NEVER INTENDED FOR JP TO BE ON THE FIELD THIS YEAR. He was drafted as a 2-3 year project. He was very raw. Hence the Drew Extension. I would love it if he came along faster than that, but the reality is this is not what was intended. Now sit drew and let matthews start!
  3. Umm...what? Nobody is proposing a constitutional ammendment banning abortion. You do realize that not all laws are in the constituton, right? This is one of the things you are right about, but its important to remeber that this NEVER would have come about if a couple activist courts did not step in and try to take matters into thier own hands. Most republicans, including myself are against this. Not because I wouldnt like to see arnold be president, but because I cannot say I want the next non-citizen to be president. Its wrong. And the majority of americans, nevermind republicans are against it. These are senate rules, it has NOTHING to do with the constitution. The senate can change them all they want to. The problem here is that the democratic party is using fillibusters as a means of not allowing a vote on judicial nominees. If you are appointed by a president to do a job, the senate needs to put you up for a vote. This, while prefectly legal in the senate, is an inproper use of filibustering. I admit to knowing nothing about this, so i will not pass judgement on this. Dear god, is this 1995? When did this come up again? I believe this word is ALREADY IN the pledge of allegiance, and for 200 years has been constitutional. An ammendment to the constitution to grant the use of the word, is absurn and unneccesary. Again, WHAT?! How do you even make this stuff up?
  4. I dont know. Take a look at what is happening in washington. I would hate to tarnish marv's legacy in the same way.
  5. I dont. Listen, this team IS NOT THAT BAD. Granted we look horrible, but we ARE NOT FAR OFF. At least not as far off as san diego was last season, or carolina the year before. Our defense will return, less possibly Big Pat, but Edwards will not be much of a dropoff. Wilis will be one year further along. Drew can pull a brees (doubtful, but ya never know), or losman will be starting. The O-Line needs some work, but we have a draft and free agency to adress that, and actually I have seen some pretty good improvement with the line this season. What we REALLY need to do, is fix the O-Line, and find a quarterback worthy of being on the field. Once we do that, Willis will take off, evans will be more involved in the game plan, and I think reed can become a serviceable #3 guy. Guys, RELAX! Its not that bad. Really.
  6. ebay knows about it and is allowing it because they prohibit "joke items". Since they actually beileve the seller can furnish the item, they are allowing it to proceed. Though I doubt it will actually sell for 99,999,999....
  7. Are you kidding me? Talent is NOT the issue. We have a TON of "Talent" on this team. The problem is that talent alone is not enough. I dont know how to solve the problem, but getting more talent guys will just produce more of the same. We need winners. BTW, who on the squad besides milloy and drew has a ring? Fletcher?
  8. I THINK you have to get more than 76 yards through the air a game in order to be considered a "passing team"
  9. As a bleeding yankees fan since the danny tardabull era, I WOULD NOT accept pedro martinez as a yankee. You want to destroy a fan base? Sign pedro. Is he a good pitcher? Yes. Very good in fact. But he will get no accolades from me as a yankee. He will never be a "New York Yankee". This isnt roger clemens part II. Clemens had class and respect. Clemens was a likeable guy, who people could rally behind. Pedro is a self rightous punk, who needs to be put in his place. I would rather have drew bledsoe pitching for the yanks than pedro...and these days, thats saying alot.
  10. We are off topic now, so i might as well continue... We have 2 parties. Democrats believe that the government should provide for you that which you are unable to provide for yourself. And Republicans, who believe that the government should help you be able to better yourself and your future. Its the whole "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime" approach. Now, there are MANY things about the republican platform of late that I disagree with. But I will save those for another day, but I do know that if you are going to give a tax cut, it goes to the people who pay taxes. In business, competition cures all, and profit is not inherently bad.
  11. Who did you vote for in the democratic primaries? If it was kerry or dean, you need to take some blame. Bush was a VERY beatable candidate, all it took was a worthy opponent.
  12. Funny how bush has gone from being stupid, so he surounds himself with highly talented people to "Bush is supreme ruler and everyone around his is his lapdog"
  13. Wade made a mistake in dealing with the whole Flutie/RJ situation. I think if he had chosen one of them (for better or worse), things might have worked out a bit better.
  14. I think she is more suited to be sec state than NSA. This is a good fit for her. Cabinet members are supposed to be experts in thier field, and this she is. There are few people who are qualified for each and every cabinet position, she is fortunate enough to be qualified for several. That said, I am a conservative, but I can see why some people do not like rumsfeld, ashcroft and many other members of this administration. I can even see it if someone had a problem with powell, but Rice is beyond me. I just dont see where you are coming from here.
  15. Huh? Please tell me why she is such a bad choice. I cant see why anyone woudl have a problem with her.
  16. Or whatever it is. That sound is annoying as hell.
  17. Interesting: Rob Johnson (Bills Career): 60.4% completion rating Drew Bledsoe (Bills Career): 59.3% completion rating Sacks per start: Rob Johnson: 4.2 Drew Bledsoe: 3.1 TD/Int Ratio Rob Johnson 1.4:1 Drew Bledsoe: 1.2:1 I dont know how to combine QB Ratings, but in the 3 years drew is here 2002: 86.0 (16 games) 2003: 73.0 (16 games) 2004: 70.3 (9 games) RJ: 1998: 102.9 (8 games) 1999: 119.5 (2 games) 2000: 82.2 (11 games) 2001: 76.3 (8 games) Wow...ya know...as much as I am shocked by this...I think I would have to say I woudl rather have RJ.... Amazing stuff
  18. While I am inclined to agree with you, rosie odonnell would look pretty attractive if you set her next to fat anna nicole smith.
  19. I think at this point drew appologists are pretty much gone. I admit to being one at one point, but its WAY PAST TIME now
  20. I would pass on brunell as well, but if all we had to give up was drew, I think we could benefit by the trade. We still have a piss poor backup (3rd string?) qb, but one without the history in buffalo. And besides, the last ex-jaguar quarterback was the savior of our franchi.....oh what? He wasnt? My bad.
  21. We might be able to trade him for brunell. Actually, now that I think about it, that might not be a half bad deal. Clearly both are horrible, and both need new scenery. Brunell could be a decent backup for us, without the history and vice versa. Hmm.....It would sure be one hum-dinger of a deal, thats for sure!
  22. I am going to give it ONE MORE loss befoer I say its over....alot of football left. Though I have to admit, its very very dim at the moment.
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